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Mura CMS: How to create custom navigation with permissions applied, based on a contentID and its children.
Place this function in your Site or Theme contentRenderer.cfc
Invoke by calling `$.dspDescendants()`
<cffunction name="dspDescendants">
<cfargument name="contentid" type="string" default="#$.content('contentid')#" />
<cfset var local = {} />
<cfset local.cBean = $.getBean('content').loadBy(contentid=arguments.contentid) />
<cfsavecontent variable="local.str">
<cfif local.cBean.exists()>
<cfset = local.cBean.getKidsIterator(applypermfilter=true) />
<cfloop condition="">
<cfset local.item = />
<a href="#local.item.get('url')#">
#esapiEncode('html', local.item.get('title'))#
<!--- other generations of descendants --->
<cfif local.item.getKidsQuery(applypermfilter=true).recordcount>
<div class="alert alert-danger">
Unauthorized to view these protected files.
<div class="alert alert-warning">
ContentID does not exist.
<cfreturn local.str />
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