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Julian Harris boxabirds

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Objective: Create an interactive, two player, web-based game that is a hybrid of poker and chess rules. Use SVG graphics for any pieces or cards used and use popular animation and interaction libraries for visual appeal.

======================================== Task Breakdown ========================================

Task 1: Prompt: The objective has not been fully achieved yet. To break it down into the next sub-task:

Sub-task: Outline the core gameplay mechanics and rules for a two-player game that combines elements of poker and chess. Specify how turns progress, what actions players can take, the win conditions, and any unique twists that blend the two games together in an engaging way.

Prompt for subagent: Please create a detailed outline of the gameplay mechanics and rules for an original two-player game that merges elements from both poker and chess. Explain how the game is set up, what actions players can take on their turns, and how a player wins the game. Describe any unique features or twists t

Objective: Create a secure, anonymous, peer-to-peer, end-to-end encrypted web chat using svelte+typescript for the frontend and aws infrastructure for the backend using AWS CDK. An anonymous user can create a new chat url, and share it another anonymous user and they can chat directly and securely without needing a server or sign-up. The front-end UX looks like ChatGPT with a text input at bottom of screen and chat history scrolling up from bottom, with each user clearly distinguished. All code for each component provided including unit, functional and integration tests.

======================================== Task Breakdown ========================================

Task 1: Prompt: Here is the breakdown for the next sub-task:

Sub-task: Design the high-level architecture for the secure, anonymous peer-to-peer chat application.

Prompt for subagent:

boxabirds / gist:019fd81234e4c85791e92259797cfa14
Created February 16, 2024 12:30
Testing ifioravanti/lwm
Runnig on ollama 0.1.25 / web-ui v1.0.0-alpha.100 / ubuntu 22.04
Feb 16 12:27:52 gruntus ollama[57441]: {"timestamp":1708086472,"level":"ERROR","function":"load_model","line":378,"message":"unable to load model","model":"/usr/share/ollama/.ollama/models/blobs/sha256:883e646838a09df3315b167aac81293affbf48dbccf927eb144191dc9c959942"}
Feb 16 12:27:52 gruntus ollama[57441]: time=2024-02-16T12:27:52.809Z level=WARN source=llm.go:162 msg="Failed to load dynamic library /tmp/ollama2601240208/cpu_avx2/ error loading model /usr/share/ollama/.ollama/models/blobs/sha256:883e646838a09df3315b167aac81293affbf48dbccf927eb144191dc9c959"
Feb 16 12:27:52 gruntus ollama[57441]: [GIN] 2024/02/16 - 12:27:52 | 500 | 203.311184ms | | POST "/api/chat"
Feb 16 12:27:53 gruntus ollama[57441]: time=2024-02-16T12:27:53.013Z level=INFO source=cpu_common.go:11 msg="CPU has AVX2"
Feb 16 12:27:53 gruntus ollama[57441]: time=2024-02-16T12:27:53.013Z level=INFO source=gpu.go:146 msg="CUDA Compute Capabi
boxabirds / fact-finder.prompt.txt
Created January 30, 2024 13:41
A prompt for asking questions and producing structured results including a summary.
# Assistant
- The Assistant is a chatbot designed to engage in conversation with a user.
- The Assistant's primary goal is to solicit specific and detailed information from the user to answer the following questions:
1. Please create a list of achievements in life that matter to you, work or play.
2. Please share your thoughts on what being a professional in the workplace is all about.
3. What do you think are milestones that led to your current career path.
4. What are your thoughts on work/life balance.
5. Please list a few people you consider to be great inspirations, and why.
# Strategy
boxabirds /
Created March 24, 2021 21:20
Simple test of trafilatura
from trafilatura.core import bare_extraction, extract
from pathlib import Path
import json
from sentence_splitter import SentenceSplitter
html_path = Path("data") / "testfile-3.html"
html = html_path.read_text()
result_json_text = extract(
boxabirds / scrapinghub-http-200-on-error
Created November 5, 2020 20:17 when given a non-HTML URL (specifically a PDF) barfs and it's unclear how to detect this short of hacking the text (which could change)
DEBUG "POST /v1/extract HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG Download time took 3.2365484610000004s
"query": {
"id": "1604607287688-bc624d2ae5f0dbd1",
"domain": "",
"userQuery": {
"url": "",
"pageType": "article"
boxabirds / gist:35b64ed736cdaf726e3ec16498a47436
Created June 10, 2020 16:30
Never include moto in your production dependencies "PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies - WARNING: pip is being invoked by an old script wrapper" is great for mocking out AWS,
but I accidentally had it included in requirements.txt instead of a dev dependency.
Completely insane cryptic messages when calling sam build.
boxabirds / dart
Last active March 16, 2024 04:48
Flutter build a GET request with parameters
// How do you make a Flutter HTTP GET request with parameters?
// Most examples have no parameters or have parameters embedded in the URL.
// This took me hours to find so here we go
// no prototcol or slashes
// path and parameters are both properly URL encoded.
// Uri is part of dart:core
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
async function create_file_in_new_folder_with_promises() {
try {
await fsp.mkdir(path.join(__dirname, '/promise-test'));
await fsp.writeFile(
path.join(__dirname, '/promise-test', 'writeFile-promise-demo.txt'),
"Hello world from the land of promises"
boxabirds /
Created December 8, 2019 13:19
pytest.mark.chargeable: exclude tests that may incur a charge from the cloud provider
# inspired by example in
import pytest
def pytest_addoption(parser):
"--runchargeable", action="store_true", default=False, help="run tests that may incur a charge"