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Created July 13, 2010 12:25
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Refraction.configure do |req|
Rails.logger.debug "Path: #{"#{req.path}#{"?" unless req.query.blank?}#{req.query}"}"
request_string = "#{req.path}#{"?" unless req.query.blank?}#{req.query}"
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"" => "",
"" => ""
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'' =>
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'/children/the-childrens-society-charity.php' => '',
'/children/unicef-childrens-charity.php' => 'http://www.donation4charity.orgcharities/unicef-donations',
'/children/world-vision.php' => '',
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'/oxfam-unwrapped.php' => '',
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'/pdsa-charity-gifts.php' => '',
'/pdsa-well-vetted-gift-shop.php' => '',
'/pdsa-young-pet-protectors-club.php' => '',
'/planet/greenpeace-environmental-charity.php' => '',
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'/planet/the-national-trust.php' => '',
'/planet/world-land-trust.php' => '',
'/planet/wwf-memberships.php' => '',
'/poverty/action-against-hunger.php' => '',
'/poverty/actionaid.php' => '',
'/poverty/british-red-cross.php' => '',
'/poverty/care-international.php' => '',
'/poverty/index.php' => '',
'/poverty/oxfam-online-shop.php' => '',
'/poverty/plan-international.php' => '',
'/poverty/practical-action.php' => '',
'/poverty/send-a-cow-donations.php' => '',
'/poverty/shelter.php' => '',
'/poverty/wateraid.php' => '',
'/practical-presents.php' => '',
'/present-aid.php' => '',
'/privacy-policy.php' => '',
'/rogavi-charity-raffle.php' => '',
'/rspb-gifts.php' => '',
'/rspb-membership.php' => '',
'/save-the-children-wish-list.php' => '',
'/send-a-cow-gifts.php' => '',
'/site-map.php' => '',
'/terms-and-conditions.php' => '',
'/the-art-fund-membership.php' => '',
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'/top-charity-gifts.php' => '/',
'/uk-charity-events.php' => '',
'/unicef-shop.php' => '',
'/wildlife/adopt-an-animal-aspinall-foundation.php' => '',
'/wildlife/charity-pet-insurance.php' => '',
'/wildlife/compassion-in-world-farming.php' => '',
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'/world-vision-child-sponsorship.php' => '',
'/world-vision-must-have-gifts.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-a-dolphin.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-a-leopard.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-a-panda.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-a-penguin.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-a-polar-bear.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-a-rhino.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-a-tiger.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-a-turtle.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-an-animal.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-an-elephant.php' => '',
'/wwf-adopt-an-orang-utan.php' => '',
'/wwf-green-gifts-charity-gift-shop.php' => '',
'/wwf-membership.php' => ''
# if the current domain matches one of our domain redirects, then redirect
# but keep the path and query
if domain_redirects[]
req.permanent! "http://#{domain_redirects[]}#{request_string}"
# Does the current host match one of our path_rewrite keys?
if path_rewrites.has_key?
# Does the current request match one of the keys within that?
if path_rewrites[].has_key? request_string
# Redirect to the value for that key
req.permanent! path_rewrites[][request_string]
# Check for global rewrites
if global_path_writes.has_key? request_string
req.permanent! global_path_writes[request_string]
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