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Last active January 12, 2024 23:33
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Save boxfoot/4166342 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Handle cases where one dependent option can be used for multiple controlling options
* Apex doesn't expose dependent picklist info directly, but it's possible to expose.
* Approach:
* * Schema.PicklistEntry doesn't expose validFor tokens, but they are there, and can be accessed by serializing to JSON
* (and then for convenience, deserializing back into an Apex POJO)
* * validFor tokens are converted from base64 representations (e.g. gAAA) to binary (100000000000000000000)
* each character corresponds to 6 bits, determined by normal base64 encoding rules.
* * The binary bits correspond to controlling values that are active - e.g. in the example above, this dependent option
* is available for the first controlling field only.
* by Benj Kamm, 2017
* CC BY-SA 3.0 (
public class HL_FieldDescribeUtil {
public static Map<String, List<String>> getDependentOptionsImpl(Schema.SObjectField theField, Schema.SObjectField ctrlField) {
// validFor property cannot be accessed via a method or a property,
// so we need to serialize the PicklistEntry object and then deserialize into a wrapper.
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> contrEntries = ctrlField.getDescribe().getPicklistValues();
List<PicklistEntryWrapper> depEntries =
// Set up the return container - Map<ControllingValue, List<DependentValues>>
Map<String, List<String>> objResults = new Map<String, List<String>>();
List<String> controllingValues = new List<String>();
for (Schema.PicklistEntry ple : contrEntries) {
String label = ple.getLabel();
objResults.put(label, new List<String>());
for (PicklistEntryWrapper plew : depEntries) {
String label = plew.label;
String validForBits = base64ToBits(plew.validFor);
for (Integer i = 0; i < validForBits.length(); i++) {
// For each bit, in order: if it's a 1, add this label to the dependent list for the corresponding controlling value
String bit = validForBits.mid(i, 1);
if (bit == '1') {
return objResults;
// Convert decimal to binary representation (alas, Apex has no native method :-(
// eg. 4 => '100', 19 => '10011', etc.
// Method: Divide by 2 repeatedly until 0. At each step note the remainder (0 or 1).
// These, in reverse order, are the binary.
public static String decimalToBinary(Integer val) {
String bits = '';
while (val > 0) {
Integer remainder = Math.mod(val, 2);
val = Integer.valueOf(Math.floor(val / 2));
bits = String.valueOf(remainder) + bits;
return bits;
// Convert a base64 token into a binary/bits representation
// e.g. 'gAAA' => '100000000000000000000'
public static String base64ToBits(String validFor) {
if (String.isEmpty(validFor)) return '';
String validForBits = '';
for (Integer i = 0; i < validFor.length(); i++) {
String thisChar = validFor.mid(i, 1);
Integer val = base64Chars.indexOf(thisChar);
String bits = decimalToBinary(val).leftPad(6, '0');
validForBits += bits;
return validForBits;
private static final String base64Chars = '' +
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' +
private static List<PicklistEntryWrapper> wrapPicklistEntries(List<Schema.PicklistEntry> PLEs) {
return (List<PicklistEntryWrapper>)
JSON.deserialize(JSON.serialize(PLEs), List<PicklistEntryWrapper>.class);
public class PicklistEntryWrapper {
public String active {get; set;}
public String defaultValue {get; set;}
public String label {get; set;}
public String value {get; set;}
public String validFor {get; set;}
* getDependentPicklistOptions
* by Benj Kamm, 2012
* (inspired by
* CC BY-SA 3.0 (
* Build an Object in which keys are valid options for the controlling field
* and values are lists of valid options for the dependent field.
* Method: dependent PickListEntry.validFor provides a base64 encoded
* string. After decoding, each of the bits (reading L to R)
* corresponds to the picklist values for the controlling field.
function getDependentOptions (objName, ctrlFieldName, depFieldName) {
// Isolate the Describe info for the relevant fields
var objDesc = sforce.connection.describeSObject(objName);
var ctrlFieldDesc, depFieldDesc;
var found = 0;
for (var i=0; i<objDesc.fields.length; i++) {
var f = objDesc.fields[i];
if ( == ctrlFieldName) {
ctrlFieldDesc = f;
} else if ( == depFieldName) {
depFieldDesc = f;
if (found==2) break;
// Set up return object
var dependentOptions = {};
var ctrlValues = ctrlFieldDesc.picklistValues;
for (var i=0; i<ctrlValues.length; i++) {
dependentOptions[ctrlValues[i].label] = [];
var base64 = new sforce.Base64Binary("");
function testBit (validFor, pos) {
var byteToCheck = Math.floor(pos/8);
var bit = 7 - (pos % 8);
return ((Math.pow(2, bit) & validFor.charCodeAt(byteToCheck)) >> bit) == 1;
// For each dependent value, check whether it is valid for each controlling value
var depValues = depFieldDesc.picklistValues;
for (var i=0; i<depValues.length; i++) {
var thisOption = depValues[i];
var validForDec = base64.decode(thisOption.validFor);
for (var ctrlValue=0; ctrlValue<ctrlValues.length; ctrlValue++) {
if (testBit(validForDec, ctrlValue)) {
return dependentOptions;
var OBJ_NAME = 'Custom_Object__c';
var CTRL_FIELD_NAME = "Controlling_Field__c";
var DEP_FIELD_NAME = "Dependent_Field__c";
var options = getDependentOptions(OBJ_NAME, CTRL_FIELD_NAME, DEP_FIELD_NAME);
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Hi @fahey252 I want to tweak your code. In my version I assume method may be used several time, so I added memorization. Another tune, is to use integers as bitwise arrays, since bitwise operation are very fast.

const base64CharacterSet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
const memory = new Map();
function base64EncodingToBinaryBits(value) {
    if (memory.has(value)) return memory.get(value);
    var v = value
        .map(character => base64CharacterSet
            .padStart(6, '0')
    v = parseInt(v, 2);
    memory.set(value, v);
    return v;
function isValidFor(validFor, i) {
    return base64EncodingToBinaryBits(validFor) & 1 << i;

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