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Last active January 2, 2017 17:19
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  • Save boxofrox/37f9e643134fd4540a4c31b7c041b551 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save boxofrox/37f9e643134fd4540a4c31b7c041b551 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rvm install rbx-2.5.2 (2017-01-01) (rvm get branch /bugfix/3497-rbx-2-arch)
⯈ CXXFLAGS='-Wno-error' rvm install rbx-2.5.2
rbx-2.5.2 - #removing src/rbx-2.5.2..
Checking requirements for arch.
Requirements installation successful.
ruby-2.4.0@rubinius - #regenerating binstubs..........
HEAD is now at 7a5b05b1a9 Version 2.5.2.
Previous HEAD position was 7a5b05b1a9... Version 2.5.2.
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.
git checkout v2.5.2
Copying from repo to src path...
rbx-2.5.2 - #applying patch /home/test/.rvm/patches/rbx/2.5.2/clean_bundler_environment_before_running_homebrew.diff.
rbx-2.5.2 - #applying patch /home/test/.rvm/patches/rbx/2.5.2/this_can_not_be_null.diff.
ruby-2.4.0@rubinius - #bundle install..
rbx-2.5.2 - #configuring...................................
rbx-2.5.2 - #compiling...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Error running '/home/test/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/rake install --trace',
showing last 15 lines of /home/test/.rvm/log/1483332541_rbx-2.5.2/rake.log
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:465:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<WeakRef>(const Object* obj) {
rake aborted!
Error compiling
/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/gems/daedalus-core-0.2.0/lib/daedalus.rb:68:in `command'
/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/gems/daedalus-core-0.2.0/lib/daedalus.rb:234:in `cxx_compile'
/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/gems/daedalus-core-0.2.0/lib/daedalus.rb:221:in `compile'
/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/gems/daedalus-core-0.2.0/lib/daedalus.rb:433:in `build'
/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/gems/daedalus-core-0.2.0/lib/daedalus.rb:895:in `block (2 levels) in perform_tasks'
Tasks: TOP => install => build:build => vm/vm
Error: g++ -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin -I. -Ivm/test/cxxtest -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86 -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/include -Ivendor/double-conversion/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include/capi -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/oniguruma -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libtommath -pipe -Wall -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -fPIC -O2 -DHAS_EXECINFO -DHAVE_SPT_REUSEARGV -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_NL_LANGINFO -DHAVE_POSIX_FADVISE -DHAVE_STRNLEN -DHAVE_TIMERFD -DHAVE_INOTIFY -DHAVE_TM_GMTOFF -DHAVE_TM_ZONE -DHAVE_TIMEZONE -DHAVE_TZNAME -DHAVE_DAYLIGHT -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DHAVE_STRING_H -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H -DHAVE_SYS_TIMES_H -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H -DHAVE_UNISTD_H -DHAVE_STDARG_H -DSTRERROR_R_CHAR_P -I/usr/include -I/usr/include -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -DENABLE_LLVM -Wno-unused-function -Werror -DRBX_PROFILER -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -fno-rtti -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wno-error -std=c++11 -c -o vm/builtin/artifacts/bignum.cpp.o vm/builtin/bignum.cpp
⯈ rvm --version
rvm 1.28.0 (bugfix/3497-rbx-2-arch) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin []
⯈ rvm info
uname: "Linux 2add7a8521e5 4.8.11-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Nov 27 09:26:14 CET 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux"
system: "arch/libc-2.24/x86_64"
bash: "/usr/bin/bash => GNU bash, version 4.4.5(1)-release (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)"
zsh: " => not installed"
version: "rvm 1.28.0 (bugfix/3497-rbx-2-arch) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin []"
updated: "55 minutes 2 seconds ago"
path: "/home/test/.rvm"
interpreter: "ruby"
version: "2.3.0p0"
date: "2015-12-25"
platform: "x86_64-linux"
patchlevel: "2015-12-25 revision 53290"
full_version: "ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25 revision 53290) [x86_64-linux]"
gem: "/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0"
ruby: "/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0"
ruby: "/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/bin/ruby"
irb: "/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/bin/irb"
gem: "/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/bin/gem"
rake: "/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/bin/rake"
PATH: "/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/bin:/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@global/bin:/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/bin:/home/test/.rvm/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl"
GEM_HOME: "/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0"
GEM_PATH: "/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0:/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@global"
MY_RUBY_HOME: "/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0"
IRBRC: "/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/.irbrc"
gemset: ""
[2017-01-02 04:49:33] /home/test/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/rake
current path: /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2
command(3): /home/test/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/rake install --trace
** Invoke install (first_time)
** Invoke build:build (first_time)
** Invoke vm/vm (first_time)
** Invoke vm/gen/config_variables.h (first_time)
** Invoke library/rubinius/configuration.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke config.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/config_variables.h
/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.0/bin/ruby vm/codegen/config_vars.rb vm/gen/config_variables.h
GEN vm/gen/config_variables.h
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/library/rubinius/configuration_variables.rb:152: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated
** Invoke vm/gen/signature.h (first_time)
** Invoke kernel/signature.rb (first_time)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/load_order.txt (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/load_order.txt (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/load_order.txt (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/load_order.txt (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/alpha.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/alias.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/array.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/array_mirror.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/atomic.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/basic_object.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/bignum.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/block_environment.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/byte_array.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/call_custom_cache.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/call_site.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/channel.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/character.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/class.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/compact_lookup_table.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/compiled_code.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/configuration.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/constant_cache.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/constant_scope.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/constant_table.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/dir.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/encoding.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/exception.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/executable.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/false.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/fixnum.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/gc.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/io.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/iseq.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/jit.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/kernel.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/logger.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/lookup_table.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/method_table.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/mirror.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/mono_inline_cache.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/nil.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/poly_inline_cache.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/proc.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/process.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/regexp.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/respond_to_cache.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/rubinius.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/stat.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/string.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/symbol.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/thread.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/thunk.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/time.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/true.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/tuple.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/type.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/variable_scope.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/vm.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/bootstrap/weakref.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/argf.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/array.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/autoload.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/backtrace.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/basic_object.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/bignum.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/binding.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/block_environment.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/byte_array.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/capi.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/channel.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/class.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/code_loader.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/comparable.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/compiled_code.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/complex.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/complexifier.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/constant_scope.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/continuation.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/ctype.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/delegated_method.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/dir.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/dir_glob.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/encoding.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/enumerable.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/enumerator.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/env.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/errno.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/eval.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/exception.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/executable.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/false.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/fiber.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/file.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/file_test.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/fixnum.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/float.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/gc.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/global.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/hash.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/hash_hamt.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/hook.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/identity_map.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/immediate.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/integer.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/io.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/kernel.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/loaded_features.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/location.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/lookup_table.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/lru_cache.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/main.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/marshal.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/math.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/method.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/method_equality.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/method_table.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/missing_method.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/module.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/mutex.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/native_method.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/nil.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/numeric.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/object_space.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/proc.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/process.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/process_mirror.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/random.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/range.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/rational.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/rationalizer.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/regexp.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/signal.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/splitter.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/sprinter.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/stat.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/string.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/string_mirror.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/struct.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/symbol.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/thread.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/thread_group.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/throw_catch.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/time.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/true.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/tuple.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/type.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/undefined.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/common/variable_scope.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/class.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/code_loader.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/console.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/converter_paths.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/ctype.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/exception.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/ffi.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/file.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/file_test.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/fsevent.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/kernel.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/math.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/metrics.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/module.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/options.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/pack.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/rubinius.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/ruby_constants.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/runtime.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/signal.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/stats.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/struct.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/delta/thread.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/loader.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/enum.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/env.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/ffi.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/file.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/library.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/math.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/pointer.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/pointer_accessors.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/posix.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/struct.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke kernel/platform/union.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke Rakefile (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke config.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/blueprint.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/build_signature.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/configure.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/dependency_grapher.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/digest_files.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/generator_task.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/git.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/instruction_parser.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/package.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/preinstall_gems.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/release.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/transcheck.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/bench.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/committers.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/deploy.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/doc.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/gems.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/git.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/install.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/jit.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/kernel.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/mspec.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/oniguruma.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/package.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/platform.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/rapa.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/release.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/rubyspec.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/stress.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/tasks.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/todo.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/vm.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/web.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/winpthreads.rake (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/constants.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/control_flow.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/data.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/definitions.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/encoding.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/exceptions.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/file.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/grapher.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/literals.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/node.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/operators.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/self.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/sends.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/transforms.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/values.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/variables.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/ast/version.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/compiled_file.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/compiler.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/evaluator.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/generator.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/generator_methods.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/iseq.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/locals.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/opcodes.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/printers.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/stages.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/compiler/version.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-melbourne- (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-melbourne- (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-melbourne- (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-melbourne- (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-processor-2.3.0/lib/rubinius/processor.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-processor-2.3.0/lib/rubinius/processor/processor.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-processor-2.3.0/lib/rubinius/processor/version.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-toolset-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/toolset.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-toolset-2.3.1/lib/rubinius/toolset/version.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Execute kernel/signature.rb
** Execute vm/gen/signature.h
** Invoke vm/dtrace/probes.h (first_time)
** Execute vm/dtrace/probes.h
** Invoke vm/gen/encoding_database.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/codegen/encoding_extract.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/encoding_database.cpp
/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.0/bin/ruby vm/codegen/encoding_extract.rb /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/oniguruma vm/gen/encoding_database.cpp
** Invoke vm/gen/transcoder_database.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging//library/encoding/converter (first_time)
** Execute /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging//library/encoding/converter
mkdir -p /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging//library/encoding/converter
** Invoke vm/codegen/transcoders_extract.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/transcoder_database.cpp
/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.0/bin/ruby vm/codegen/transcoders_extract.rb /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/oniguruma/enc/trans vm/gen/transcoder_database.cpp
** Invoke /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/release.h (first_time)
** Execute /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/release.h
** Invoke vm/gen/includes.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke vm/gen (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract (first_time)
** Execute run_field_extract
/home/test/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.0/bin/ruby vm/codegen/field_extract.rb vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp vm/builtin/object.hpp vm/builtin/integer.hpp vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp vm/builtin/array.hpp vm/builtin/bignum.hpp vm/builtin/executable.hpp vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp vm/builtin/alias.hpp vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp vm/builtin/io.hpp vm/builtin/channel.hpp vm/builtin/module.hpp vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp vm/builtin/class.hpp vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp vm/builtin/data.hpp vm/builtin/dir.hpp vm/builtin/exception.hpp vm/builtin/float.hpp vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp vm/builtin/immediates.hpp vm/builtin/iseq.hpp vm/builtin/list.hpp vm/builtin/logger.hpp vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp vm/builtin/method_table.hpp vm/builtin/native_function.hpp vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp vm/builtin/regexp.hpp vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp vm/builtin/encoding.hpp vm/builtin/string.hpp vm/builtin/symbol.hpp vm/builtin/thread.hpp vm/builtin/tuple.hpp vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp vm/builtin/time.hpp vm/builtin/stat.hpp vm/builtin/native_method.hpp vm/builtin/system.hpp vm/builtin/autoload.hpp vm/builtin/proc.hpp vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp vm/builtin/location.hpp vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp vm/builtin/call_site.hpp vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp vm/builtin/weakref.hpp vm/builtin/fiber.hpp vm/builtin/thunk.hpp vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp vm/builtin/atomic.hpp vm/builtin/character.hpp vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp vm/builtin/jit.hpp
** Execute vm/gen/includes.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/kind_of.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/kind_of.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/object_types.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/object_types.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/typechecks.gen.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/typechecks.gen.cpp
** Invoke vm/gen/primitives_declare.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/primitives_declare.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/glue_functions.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/glue_functions.cpp
** Invoke vm/gen/jit_functions.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/jit_functions.cpp
** Invoke vm/gen/invoke_functions.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/invoke_functions.cpp
** Invoke vm/gen/accessor_functions.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/accessor_functions.cpp
** Invoke vm/gen/glue_resolver.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/glue_resolver.cpp
** Invoke vm/gen/jit_resolver.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/jit_resolver.cpp
** Invoke vm/gen/invoke_resolver.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/builtin/basic_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/integer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fixnum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/bignum.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/executable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/access_variable.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/alias.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_environment.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/block_as_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/byte_array.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/io.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/channel.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/module.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/class.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compiled_code.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/data.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/dir.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/exception.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/float.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fsevent.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/immediates.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/iseq.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/list.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/logger.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/ffi_pointer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/method_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_function.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/packed_object.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/randomizer.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/regexp.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/encoding.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/string.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/symbol.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/tuple.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/compact_lookup_table.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/time.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/stat.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/native_method.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/system.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/autoload.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/proc.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/variable_scope.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/location.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/constant_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_site.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/mono_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/poly_inline_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_custom_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/respond_to_cache.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/weakref.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/fiber.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thunk.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/call_unit_adapter.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/atomic.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/character.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/thread_state.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/builtin/jit.hpp (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/codegen/field_extract.rb (not_needed)
** Invoke run_field_extract
** Execute vm/gen/invoke_resolver.cpp
** Invoke vm/gen/instruction_names.cpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/gen (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/instructions.def (first_time, not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/instruction_parser.rb (not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/instruction_names.cpp
** Invoke vm/gen/instruction_names.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/gen (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/instructions.def (not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/instruction_parser.rb (not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/instruction_names.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/instruction_sizes.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/gen (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/instructions.def (not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/instruction_parser.rb (not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/instruction_sizes.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/instruction_prototypes.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/gen (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/instructions.def (not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/instruction_parser.rb (not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/instruction_prototypes.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/instruction_defines.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/gen (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/instructions.def (not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/instruction_parser.rb (not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/instruction_defines.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/instruction_locations.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/gen (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/instructions.def (not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/instruction_parser.rb (not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/instruction_locations.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/instruction_implementations.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/gen (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/instructions.def (not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/instruction_parser.rb (not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/instruction_implementations.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/instruction_visitors.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/gen (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/instructions.def (not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/instruction_parser.rb (not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/instruction_visitors.hpp
** Invoke vm/gen/instruction_effects.hpp (first_time)
** Invoke vm/gen (not_needed)
** Invoke vm/instructions.def (not_needed)
** Invoke rakelib/instruction_parser.rb (not_needed)
** Execute vm/gen/instruction_effects.hpp
** Execute vm/vm
GEN vm/gen/instruction_names.cpp
GEN vm/gen/instruction_names.hpp
GEN vm/gen/instruction_sizes.hpp
GEN vm/gen/instruction_prototypes.hpp
GEN vm/gen/instruction_defines.hpp
GEN vm/gen/instruction_locations.hpp
GEN vm/gen/instruction_implementations.hpp
GEN vm/gen/instruction_visitors.hpp
GEN vm/gen/instruction_effects.hpp
1: LB vendor/double-conversion
g++ -Wall -g -O2 -c src/ -o src/bignum-dtoa.o
g++ -Wall -g -O2 -c src/ -o src/bignum.o
g++ -Wall -g -O2 -c src/ -o src/cached-powers.o
g++ -Wall -g -O2 -c src/ -o src/diy-fp.o
g++ -Wall -g -O2 -c src/ -o src/double-conversion.o
g++ -Wall -g -O2 -c src/ -o src/fast-dtoa.o
g++ -Wall -g -O2 -c src/ -o src/fixed-dtoa.o
g++ -Wall -g -O2 -c src/ -o src/strtod.o
ar rv libdoubleconversion.a src/bignum-dtoa.o src/bignum.o src/cached-powers.o src/diy-fp.o src/double-conversion.o src/fast-dtoa.o src/fixed-dtoa.o src/strtod.o
ar: creating libdoubleconversion.a
a - src/bignum-dtoa.o
a - src/bignum.o
a - src/cached-powers.o
a - src/diy-fp.o
a - src/double-conversion.o
a - src/fast-dtoa.o
a - src/fixed-dtoa.o
a - src/strtod.o
ranlib libdoubleconversion.a
1: LB vendor/libffi
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking target system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for gsed... sed
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking dependency style of g++... gcc3
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking whether gcc and cc understand -c and -o together... yes
checking how to print strings... printf
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F
checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/bin/nm -B
checking the name lister (/usr/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864
checking whether the shell understands some XSI constructs... yes
checking whether the shell understands "+="... yes
checking how to convert x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu file names to x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu format... func_convert_file_noop
checking how to convert x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop
checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for objdump... objdump
checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
checking for dlltool... no
checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n
checking for ar... ar
checking for archiver @FILE support... @
checking for strip... strip
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... ok
checking for sysroot... no
checking for mt... no
checking if : is a manifest tool... no
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking for objdir... .libs
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
checking whether the gcc linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
checking for ld used by g++... /usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) is GNU ld... yes
checking whether the g++ linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking for g++ option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
checking if g++ PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
checking if g++ static flag -static works... yes
checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
checking whether the g++ linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... (cached) GNU/Linux
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking size of size_t... 8
checking for C compiler vendor... gnu
checking whether C compiler accepts -fstrict-aliasing... yes
checking whether C compiler accepts -ffast-math... yes
checking for gcc architecture flag...
checking for x86 cpuid 0 output... b:756e6547:6c65746e:49656e69
checking for x86 cpuid 1 output... 106a5:100800:98e3bd:bfebfbff
checking whether C compiler accepts -march=corei7... yes
checking for gcc architecture flag... -march=corei7
checking whether C compiler accepts -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7... yes
checking CFLAGS for maximum warnings... -Wall
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking sys/mman.h usability... yes
checking sys/mman.h presence... yes
checking for sys/mman.h... yes
checking for mmap... yes
checking for mkostemp... yes
checking for sys/mman.h... (cached) yes
checking for mmap... (cached) yes
checking whether read-only mmap of a plain file works... yes
checking whether mmap from /dev/zero works... yes
checking for MAP_ANON(YMOUS)... yes
checking whether mmap with MAP_ANON(YMOUS) works... yes
checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
checking for memcpy... yes
checking for size_t... yes
checking for working alloca.h... yes
checking for alloca... yes
checking size of double... 8
checking size of long double... 16
checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
checking assembler .cfi pseudo-op support... yes
checking assembler supports pc related relocs... yes
checking assembler .ascii pseudo-op support... yes
checking assembler .string pseudo-op support... yes
checking for _ prefix in compiled symbols... no
checking toolchain supports unwind section type... yes
checking whether .eh_frame section should be read-only... yes
checking for __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating include/Makefile
config.status: creating include/ffi.h
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating testsuite/Makefile
config.status: creating man/Makefile
config.status: creating libffi.pc
config.status: creating fficonfig.h
config.status: linking src/x86/ffitarget.h to include/ffitarget.h
config.status: executing buildir commands
config.status: skipping top_srcdir/Makefile - not created
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing libtool commands
config.status: executing include commands
config.status: executing src commands
make 'AR_FLAGS=' 'CC_FOR_BUILD=' 'CFLAGS=-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions' 'CXXFLAGS=-Wno-error' 'CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD=' 'CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=' 'INSTALL=/usr/bin/install -c' 'INSTALL_DATA=/usr/bin/install -c -m 644' 'INSTALL_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/install -c' 'INSTALL_SCRIPT=/usr/bin/install -c' 'JC1FLAGS=' 'LDFLAGS=' 'LIBCFLAGS=' 'LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=' 'MAKE=make' 'MAKEINFO=/bin/sh /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/missing makeinfo ' 'PICFLAG=' 'PICFLAG_FOR_TARGET=' 'RUNTESTFLAGS=' 'SHELL=/bin/sh' 'exec_prefix=/usr/local' 'infodir=/usr/local/share/info' 'libdir=/usr/local/lib' 'mandir=/usr/local/share/man' 'prefix=/usr/local' 'AR=ar' 'AS=as' 'CC=gcc' 'CXX=g++' 'LD=/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64' 'NM=/usr/bin/nm -B' 'RANLIB=ranlib' 'DESTDIR=' all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi'
Making all in include
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/include'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/include'
Making all in testsuite
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/testsuite'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/testsuite'
Making all in man
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/man'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/man'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi'
depbase=`echo src/prep_cif.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/prep_cif.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o src/prep_cif.lo src/prep_cif.c &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/prep_cif.lo -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/prep_cif.Tpo -c src/prep_cif.c -fPIC -DPIC -o src/.libs/prep_cif.o
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/prep_cif.lo -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/prep_cif.Tpo -c src/prep_cif.c -o src/prep_cif.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo src/types.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/types.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o src/types.lo src/types.c &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/types.lo -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/types.Tpo -c src/types.c -fPIC -DPIC -o src/.libs/types.o
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/types.lo -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/types.Tpo -c src/types.c -o src/types.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo src/raw_api.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/raw_api.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o src/raw_api.lo src/raw_api.c &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/raw_api.lo -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/raw_api.Tpo -c src/raw_api.c -fPIC -DPIC -o src/.libs/raw_api.o
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/raw_api.lo -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/raw_api.Tpo -c src/raw_api.c -o src/raw_api.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo src/java_raw_api.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/java_raw_api.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o src/java_raw_api.lo src/java_raw_api.c &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/java_raw_api.lo -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/java_raw_api.Tpo -c src/java_raw_api.c -fPIC -DPIC -o src/.libs/java_raw_api.o
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/java_raw_api.lo -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/java_raw_api.Tpo -c src/java_raw_api.c -o src/java_raw_api.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo src/closures.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/closures.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o src/closures.lo src/closures.c &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/closures.lo -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/closures.Tpo -c src/closures.c -fPIC -DPIC -o src/.libs/closures.o
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/closures.lo -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/closures.Tpo -c src/closures.c -o src/closures.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo src/x86/ffi64.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/x86/ffi64.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o src/x86/ffi64.lo src/x86/ffi64.c &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/x86/ffi64.lo -MD -MP -MF src/x86/.deps/ffi64.Tpo -c src/x86/ffi64.c -fPIC -DPIC -o src/x86/.libs/ffi64.o
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/x86/ffi64.lo -MD -MP -MF src/x86/.deps/ffi64.Tpo -c src/x86/ffi64.c -o src/x86/ffi64.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo src/x86/unix64.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ./libtool --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -MT src/x86/unix64.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o src/x86/unix64.lo src/x86/unix64.S &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -MT src/x86/unix64.lo -MD -MP -MF src/x86/.deps/unix64.Tpo -c src/x86/unix64.S -fPIC -DPIC -o src/x86/.libs/unix64.o
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -MT src/x86/unix64.lo -MD -MP -MF src/x86/.deps/unix64.Tpo -c src/x86/unix64.S -o src/x86/unix64.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo src/x86/ffi.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/x86/ffi.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o src/x86/ffi.lo src/x86/ffi.c &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/x86/ffi.lo -MD -MP -MF src/x86/.deps/ffi.Tpo -c src/x86/ffi.c -fPIC -DPIC -o src/x86/.libs/ffi.o
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -MT src/x86/ffi.lo -MD -MP -MF src/x86/.deps/ffi.Tpo -c src/x86/ffi.c -o src/x86/ffi.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo src/x86/sysv.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ./libtool --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -MT src/x86/sysv.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o src/x86/sysv.lo src/x86/sysv.S &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -MT src/x86/sysv.lo -MD -MP -MF src/x86/.deps/sysv.Tpo -c src/x86/sysv.S -fPIC -DPIC -o src/x86/.libs/sysv.o
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -I. -I./include -Iinclude -I./src -MT src/x86/sysv.lo -MD -MP -MF src/x86/.deps/sysv.Tpo -c src/x86/sysv.S -o src/x86/sysv.o >/dev/null 2>&1
/bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -o src/prep_cif.lo src/types.lo src/raw_api.lo src/java_raw_api.lo src/closures.lo src/x86/ffi64.lo src/x86/unix64.lo src/x86/ffi.lo src/x86/sysv.lo
libtool: link: ar cru .libs/libffi_convenience.a src/.libs/prep_cif.o src/.libs/types.o src/.libs/raw_api.o src/.libs/java_raw_api.o src/.libs/closures.o src/x86/.libs/ffi64.o src/x86/.libs/unix64.o src/x86/.libs/ffi.o src/x86/.libs/sysv.o
ar: `u' modifier ignored since `D' is the default (see `U')
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/libffi_convenience.a
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "" && ln -s "../" "" )
/bin/sh ./libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -march=corei7 -Wall -fexceptions -no-undefined -version-info `grep -v '^#' ./libtool-version` -o -rpath /usr/local/lib/../lib src/prep_cif.lo src/types.lo src/raw_api.lo src/java_raw_api.lo src/closures.lo src/x86/ffi64.lo src/x86/unix64.lo src/x86/ffi.lo src/x86/sysv.lo
libtool: link: gcc -shared -fPIC -DPIC src/.libs/prep_cif.o src/.libs/types.o src/.libs/raw_api.o src/.libs/java_raw_api.o src/.libs/closures.o src/x86/.libs/ffi64.o src/x86/.libs/unix64.o src/x86/.libs/ffi.o src/x86/.libs/sysv.o -O3 -march=corei7 -Wl,-soname -Wl, -o .libs/
libtool: link: (cd ".libs" && rm -f "" && ln -s "" "")
libtool: link: (cd ".libs" && rm -f "" && ln -s "" "")
libtool: link: ar cru .libs/libffi.a src/prep_cif.o src/types.o src/raw_api.o src/java_raw_api.o src/closures.o src/x86/ffi64.o src/x86/unix64.o src/x86/ffi.o src/x86/sysv.o
ar: `u' modifier ignored since `D' is the default (see `U')
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/libffi.a
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "" && ln -s "../" "" )
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi'
1: LB vendor/libtommath
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bncore.o bncore.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_init.o bn_mp_init.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_clear.o bn_mp_clear.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_exch.o bn_mp_exch.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_grow.o bn_mp_grow.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_shrink.o bn_mp_shrink.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_clamp.o bn_mp_clamp.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_zero.o bn_mp_zero.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_set.o bn_mp_set.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_set_int.o bn_mp_set_int.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_init_size.o bn_mp_init_size.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_copy.o bn_mp_copy.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_init_copy.o bn_mp_init_copy.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_abs.o bn_mp_abs.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_neg.o bn_mp_neg.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_cmp_mag.o bn_mp_cmp_mag.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_cmp.o bn_mp_cmp.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_cmp_d.o bn_mp_cmp_d.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_rshd.o bn_mp_rshd.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_lshd.o bn_mp_lshd.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_mod_2d.o bn_mp_mod_2d.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_div_2d.o bn_mp_div_2d.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_mul_2d.o bn_mp_mul_2d.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_div_2.o bn_mp_div_2.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_mul_2.o bn_mp_mul_2.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_s_mp_add.o bn_s_mp_add.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_s_mp_sub.o bn_s_mp_sub.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_fast_s_mp_mul_digs.o bn_fast_s_mp_mul_digs.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_s_mp_mul_digs.o bn_s_mp_mul_digs.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o bn_fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o bn_s_mp_mul_high_digs.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_fast_s_mp_sqr.o bn_fast_s_mp_sqr.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_s_mp_sqr.o bn_s_mp_sqr.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_add.o bn_mp_add.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_sub.o bn_mp_sub.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_karatsuba_mul.o bn_mp_karatsuba_mul.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_mul.o bn_mp_mul.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_karatsuba_sqr.o bn_mp_karatsuba_sqr.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_sqr.o bn_mp_sqr.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_div.o bn_mp_div.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_mod.o bn_mp_mod.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_add_d.o bn_mp_add_d.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_sub_d.o bn_mp_sub_d.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_mul_d.o bn_mp_mul_d.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_div_d.o bn_mp_div_d.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_mod_d.o bn_mp_mod_d.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_expt_d.o bn_mp_expt_d.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_addmod.o bn_mp_addmod.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_submod.o bn_mp_submod.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_mulmod.o bn_mp_mulmod.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_sqrmod.o bn_mp_sqrmod.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_gcd.o bn_mp_gcd.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_lcm.o bn_mp_lcm.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_fast_mp_invmod.o bn_fast_mp_invmod.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_invmod.o bn_mp_invmod.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_reduce.o bn_mp_reduce.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_montgomery_setup.o bn_mp_montgomery_setup.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_fast_mp_montgomery_reduce.o bn_fast_mp_montgomery_reduce.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_montgomery_reduce.o bn_mp_montgomery_reduce.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_exptmod_fast.o bn_mp_exptmod_fast.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_exptmod.o bn_mp_exptmod.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_2expt.o bn_mp_2expt.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_n_root.o bn_mp_n_root.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_jacobi.o bn_mp_jacobi.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_reverse.o bn_reverse.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_count_bits.o bn_mp_count_bits.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_read_unsigned_bin.o bn_mp_read_unsigned_bin.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_read_signed_bin.o bn_mp_read_signed_bin.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin.o bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_to_signed_bin.o bn_mp_to_signed_bin.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_unsigned_bin_size.o bn_mp_unsigned_bin_size.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_signed_bin_size.o bn_mp_signed_bin_size.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_xor.o bn_mp_xor.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_and.o bn_mp_and.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_or.o bn_mp_or.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_rand.o bn_mp_rand.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_montgomery_calc_normalization.o bn_mp_montgomery_calc_normalization.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_prime_is_divisible.o bn_mp_prime_is_divisible.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_prime_tab.o bn_prime_tab.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_prime_fermat.o bn_mp_prime_fermat.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_prime_miller_rabin.o bn_mp_prime_miller_rabin.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_prime_is_prime.o bn_mp_prime_is_prime.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_prime_next_prime.o bn_mp_prime_next_prime.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_dr_reduce.o bn_mp_dr_reduce.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_dr_is_modulus.o bn_mp_dr_is_modulus.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_dr_setup.o bn_mp_dr_setup.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_reduce_setup.o bn_mp_reduce_setup.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_toom_mul.o bn_mp_toom_mul.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_toom_sqr.o bn_mp_toom_sqr.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_div_3.o bn_mp_div_3.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_s_mp_exptmod.o bn_s_mp_exptmod.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_reduce_2k.o bn_mp_reduce_2k.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_reduce_is_2k.o bn_mp_reduce_is_2k.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_reduce_2k_l.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_l.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_reduce_is_2k_l.o bn_mp_reduce_is_2k_l.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup_l.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup_l.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_radix_smap.o bn_mp_radix_smap.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_read_radix.o bn_mp_read_radix.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_toradix.o bn_mp_toradix.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_radix_size.o bn_mp_radix_size.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_radix_bits_size.o bn_mp_radix_bits_size.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_fread.o bn_mp_fread.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_fwrite.o bn_mp_fwrite.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_cnt_lsb.o bn_mp_cnt_lsb.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_error.o bn_error.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_init_multi.o bn_mp_init_multi.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_clear_multi.o bn_mp_clear_multi.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_exteuclid.o bn_mp_exteuclid.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_toradix_n.o bn_mp_toradix_n.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_toradix_nd.o bn_mp_toradix_nd.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_prime_random_ex.o bn_mp_prime_random_ex.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_get_int.o bn_mp_get_int.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_sqrt.o bn_mp_sqrt.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_is_square.o bn_mp_is_square.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_init_set.o bn_mp_init_set.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_init_set_int.o bn_mp_init_set_int.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_invmod_slow.o bn_mp_invmod_slow.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_prime_rabin_miller_trials.o bn_mp_prime_rabin_miller_trials.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_to_signed_bin_n.o bn_mp_to_signed_bin_n.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin_n.o bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin_n.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_set_long.o bn_mp_set_long.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_init_set_long.o bn_mp_init_set_long.c
gcc -I. -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -fPIC -O2 -funroll-loops -g -c -o bn_mp_get_long.o bn_mp_get_long.c
ar rv libtommath.a bncore.o bn_mp_init.o bn_mp_clear.o bn_mp_exch.o bn_mp_grow.o bn_mp_shrink.o bn_mp_clamp.o bn_mp_zero.o bn_mp_set.o bn_mp_set_int.o bn_mp_init_size.o bn_mp_copy.o bn_mp_init_copy.o bn_mp_abs.o bn_mp_neg.o bn_mp_cmp_mag.o bn_mp_cmp.o bn_mp_cmp_d.o bn_mp_rshd.o bn_mp_lshd.o bn_mp_mod_2d.o bn_mp_div_2d.o bn_mp_mul_2d.o bn_mp_div_2.o bn_mp_mul_2.o bn_s_mp_add.o bn_s_mp_sub.o bn_fast_s_mp_mul_digs.o bn_s_mp_mul_digs.o bn_fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o bn_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o bn_fast_s_mp_sqr.o bn_s_mp_sqr.o bn_mp_add.o bn_mp_sub.o bn_mp_karatsuba_mul.o bn_mp_mul.o bn_mp_karatsuba_sqr.o bn_mp_sqr.o bn_mp_div.o bn_mp_mod.o bn_mp_add_d.o bn_mp_sub_d.o bn_mp_mul_d.o bn_mp_div_d.o bn_mp_mod_d.o bn_mp_expt_d.o bn_mp_addmod.o bn_mp_submod.o bn_mp_mulmod.o bn_mp_sqrmod.o bn_mp_gcd.o bn_mp_lcm.o bn_fast_mp_invmod.o bn_mp_invmod.o bn_mp_reduce.o bn_mp_montgomery_setup.o bn_fast_mp_montgomery_reduce.o bn_mp_montgomery_reduce.o bn_mp_exptmod_fast.o bn_mp_exptmod.o bn_mp_2expt.o bn_mp_n_root.o bn_mp_jacobi.o bn_reverse.o bn_mp_count_bits.o bn_mp_read_unsigned_bin.o bn_mp_read_signed_bin.o bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin.o bn_mp_to_signed_bin.o bn_mp_unsigned_bin_size.o bn_mp_signed_bin_size.o bn_mp_xor.o bn_mp_and.o bn_mp_or.o bn_mp_rand.o bn_mp_montgomery_calc_normalization.o bn_mp_prime_is_divisible.o bn_prime_tab.o bn_mp_prime_fermat.o bn_mp_prime_miller_rabin.o bn_mp_prime_is_prime.o bn_mp_prime_next_prime.o bn_mp_dr_reduce.o bn_mp_dr_is_modulus.o bn_mp_dr_setup.o bn_mp_reduce_setup.o bn_mp_toom_mul.o bn_mp_toom_sqr.o bn_mp_div_3.o bn_s_mp_exptmod.o bn_mp_reduce_2k.o bn_mp_reduce_is_2k.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_l.o bn_mp_reduce_is_2k_l.o bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup_l.o bn_mp_radix_smap.o bn_mp_read_radix.o bn_mp_toradix.o bn_mp_radix_size.o bn_mp_radix_bits_size.o bn_mp_fread.o bn_mp_fwrite.o bn_mp_cnt_lsb.o bn_error.o bn_mp_init_multi.o bn_mp_clear_multi.o bn_mp_exteuclid.o bn_mp_toradix_n.o bn_mp_toradix_nd.o bn_mp_prime_random_ex.o bn_mp_get_int.o bn_mp_sqrt.o bn_mp_is_square.o bn_mp_init_set.o bn_mp_init_set_int.o bn_mp_invmod_slow.o bn_mp_prime_rabin_miller_trials.o bn_mp_to_signed_bin_n.o bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin_n.o bn_mp_set_long.o bn_mp_init_set_long.o bn_mp_get_long.o
ar: creating libtommath.a
a - bncore.o
a - bn_mp_init.o
a - bn_mp_clear.o
a - bn_mp_exch.o
a - bn_mp_grow.o
a - bn_mp_shrink.o
a - bn_mp_clamp.o
a - bn_mp_zero.o
a - bn_mp_set.o
a - bn_mp_set_int.o
a - bn_mp_init_size.o
a - bn_mp_copy.o
a - bn_mp_init_copy.o
a - bn_mp_abs.o
a - bn_mp_neg.o
a - bn_mp_cmp_mag.o
a - bn_mp_cmp.o
a - bn_mp_cmp_d.o
a - bn_mp_rshd.o
a - bn_mp_lshd.o
a - bn_mp_mod_2d.o
a - bn_mp_div_2d.o
a - bn_mp_mul_2d.o
a - bn_mp_div_2.o
a - bn_mp_mul_2.o
a - bn_s_mp_add.o
a - bn_s_mp_sub.o
a - bn_fast_s_mp_mul_digs.o
a - bn_s_mp_mul_digs.o
a - bn_fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o
a - bn_s_mp_mul_high_digs.o
a - bn_fast_s_mp_sqr.o
a - bn_s_mp_sqr.o
a - bn_mp_add.o
a - bn_mp_sub.o
a - bn_mp_karatsuba_mul.o
a - bn_mp_mul.o
a - bn_mp_karatsuba_sqr.o
a - bn_mp_sqr.o
a - bn_mp_div.o
a - bn_mp_mod.o
a - bn_mp_add_d.o
a - bn_mp_sub_d.o
a - bn_mp_mul_d.o
a - bn_mp_div_d.o
a - bn_mp_mod_d.o
a - bn_mp_expt_d.o
a - bn_mp_addmod.o
a - bn_mp_submod.o
a - bn_mp_mulmod.o
a - bn_mp_sqrmod.o
a - bn_mp_gcd.o
a - bn_mp_lcm.o
a - bn_fast_mp_invmod.o
a - bn_mp_invmod.o
a - bn_mp_reduce.o
a - bn_mp_montgomery_setup.o
a - bn_fast_mp_montgomery_reduce.o
a - bn_mp_montgomery_reduce.o
a - bn_mp_exptmod_fast.o
a - bn_mp_exptmod.o
a - bn_mp_2expt.o
a - bn_mp_n_root.o
a - bn_mp_jacobi.o
a - bn_reverse.o
a - bn_mp_count_bits.o
a - bn_mp_read_unsigned_bin.o
a - bn_mp_read_signed_bin.o
a - bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin.o
a - bn_mp_to_signed_bin.o
a - bn_mp_unsigned_bin_size.o
a - bn_mp_signed_bin_size.o
a - bn_mp_xor.o
a - bn_mp_and.o
a - bn_mp_or.o
a - bn_mp_rand.o
a - bn_mp_montgomery_calc_normalization.o
a - bn_mp_prime_is_divisible.o
a - bn_prime_tab.o
a - bn_mp_prime_fermat.o
a - bn_mp_prime_miller_rabin.o
a - bn_mp_prime_is_prime.o
a - bn_mp_prime_next_prime.o
a - bn_mp_dr_reduce.o
a - bn_mp_dr_is_modulus.o
a - bn_mp_dr_setup.o
a - bn_mp_reduce_setup.o
a - bn_mp_toom_mul.o
a - bn_mp_toom_sqr.o
a - bn_mp_div_3.o
a - bn_s_mp_exptmod.o
a - bn_mp_reduce_2k.o
a - bn_mp_reduce_is_2k.o
a - bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup.o
a - bn_mp_reduce_2k_l.o
a - bn_mp_reduce_is_2k_l.o
a - bn_mp_reduce_2k_setup_l.o
a - bn_mp_radix_smap.o
a - bn_mp_read_radix.o
a - bn_mp_toradix.o
a - bn_mp_radix_size.o
a - bn_mp_radix_bits_size.o
a - bn_mp_fread.o
a - bn_mp_fwrite.o
a - bn_mp_cnt_lsb.o
a - bn_error.o
a - bn_mp_init_multi.o
a - bn_mp_clear_multi.o
a - bn_mp_exteuclid.o
a - bn_mp_toradix_n.o
a - bn_mp_toradix_nd.o
a - bn_mp_prime_random_ex.o
a - bn_mp_get_int.o
a - bn_mp_sqrt.o
a - bn_mp_is_square.o
a - bn_mp_init_set.o
a - bn_mp_init_set_int.o
a - bn_mp_invmod_slow.o
a - bn_mp_prime_rabin_miller_trials.o
a - bn_mp_to_signed_bin_n.o
a - bn_mp_to_unsigned_bin_n.o
a - bn_mp_set_long.o
a - bn_mp_init_set_long.o
a - bn_mp_get_long.o
ranlib libtommath.a
1: CC regenc.c
1: CC regparse.c
regparse.c:1168:1: warning: 'node_new_cclass_by_codepoint_range' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
node_new_cclass_by_codepoint_range(int not, OnigCodePoint sb_out,
1: CC regerror.c
1: CC st.c
1: CC regexec.c
1: CC regcomp.c
1: CC regsyntax.c
1: CC regversion.c
1: CC regtrav.c
1: CC transcoder.c
transcoder.c:1373:1: warning: 'more_output_buffer' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
1: CC enc/koi8_u.c
1: CC enc/shift_jis.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_9.c
1: CC enc/utf_32be.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_5.c
1: CC enc/euc_tw.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_2.c
1: CC enc/us_ascii.c
1: CC enc/utf_32le.c
1: CC enc/euc_jp.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_10.c
1: CC enc/utf_8.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_1.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_7.c
1: CC enc/emacs_mule.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_13.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_3.c
1: CC enc/utf_16le.c
enc/utf_16le.c:36:18: warning: 'EncLen_UTF16' defined but not used [-Wunused-const-variable=]
static const int EncLen_UTF16[] = {
1: CC enc/windows_31j.c
1: CC enc/ascii.c
1: CC enc/unicode.c
1: CC enc/gb18030.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_11.c
1: CC enc/mktable.c
1: CC enc/gbk.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_16.c
1: CC enc/koi8_r.c
1: CC enc/euc_kr.c
1: CC enc/cp949.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_15.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_4.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_14.c
1: CC enc/windows_1251.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_6.c
1: CC enc/iso_8859_8.c
1: CC enc/utf_16be.c
enc/utf_16be.c:36:18: warning: 'EncLen_UTF16' defined but not used [-Wunused-const-variable=]
static const int EncLen_UTF16[] = {
1: CC enc/big5.c
1: AR ./libonig.a
ar: creating ./libonig.a
a - ./artifacts/regenc.c.o
a - ./artifacts/regparse.c.o
a - ./artifacts/regerror.c.o
a - ./artifacts/st.c.o
a - ./artifacts/regexec.c.o
a - ./artifacts/regcomp.c.o
a - ./artifacts/regsyntax.c.o
a - ./artifacts/regversion.c.o
a - ./artifacts/regtrav.c.o
a - ./artifacts/transcoder.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/koi8_u.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/shift_jis.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_9.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/utf_32be.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_5.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/euc_tw.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_2.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/us_ascii.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/utf_32le.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/euc_jp.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_10.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/utf_8.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_1.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_7.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/emacs_mule.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_13.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_3.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/utf_16le.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/windows_31j.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/ascii.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/unicode.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/gb18030.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_11.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/mktable.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/gbk.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_16.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/koi8_r.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/euc_kr.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/cp949.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_15.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_4.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_14.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/windows_1251.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_6.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/iso_8859_8.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/utf_16be.c.o
a - enc/artifacts/big5.c.o
1: CC enc/trans/big5.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/chinese.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/emoji.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/emoji_iso2022_kddi.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/emoji_sjis_docomo.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/emoji_sjis_kddi.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/emoji_sjis_softbank.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/escape.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/gb18030.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/gbk.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/iso2022.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/japanese.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/japanese_euc.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/japanese_sjis.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/korean.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/newline.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/single_byte.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/utf8_mac.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: CC enc/trans/utf_16_32.c
1: LDSHARED enc/trans/
1: LB vendor/udis86
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm -B
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking how to recognise dependent libraries... pass_all
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking dlfcn.h usability... yes
checking dlfcn.h presence... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking dependency style of g++... gcc3
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
checking for g77... no
checking for xlf... no
checking for f77... no
checking for frt... no
checking for pgf77... no
checking for cf77... no
checking for fort77... no
checking for fl32... no
checking for af77... no
checking for xlf90... no
checking for f90... no
checking for pgf90... no
checking for pghpf... no
checking for epcf90... no
checking for gfortran... no
checking for g95... no
checking for xlf95... no
checking for f95... no
checking for fort... no
checking for ifort... no
checking for ifc... no
checking for efc... no
checking for pgf95... no
checking for lf95... no
checking for ftn... no
checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran 77 compiler... no
checking whether accepts -g... no
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 32768
checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... ok
checking for objdir... .libs
checking for ar... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for strip... strip
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking whether the gcc linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... cat: '/etc/*.conf': No such file or directory
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... no
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
configure: creating libtool
appending configuration tag "CXX" to libtool
checking for ld used by g++... /usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) is GNU ld... yes
checking whether the g++ linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking for g++ option to produce PIC... -fPIC
checking if g++ PIC flag -fPIC works... yes
checking if g++ static flag -static works... yes
checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking whether the g++ linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... cat: '/etc/*.conf': No such file or directory
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
appending configuration tag "F77" to libtool
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating libudis86/Makefile
config.status: creating udcli/Makefile
config.status: creating tests/Makefile
config.status: creating docs/Makefile
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands
make all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86'
Making all in libudis86
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86/libudis86'
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT itab.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/itab.Tpo -c -o itab.lo itab.c
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT itab.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/itab.Tpo -c itab.c -o itab.o
mv -f .deps/itab.Tpo .deps/itab.Plo
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT input.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/input.Tpo -c -o input.lo input.c
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT input.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/input.Tpo -c input.c -o input.o
mv -f .deps/input.Tpo .deps/input.Plo
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT decode.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/decode.Tpo -c -o decode.lo decode.c
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT decode.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/decode.Tpo -c decode.c -o decode.o
mv -f .deps/decode.Tpo .deps/decode.Plo
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT syn.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/syn.Tpo -c -o syn.lo syn.c
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT syn.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/syn.Tpo -c syn.c -o syn.o
mv -f .deps/syn.Tpo .deps/syn.Plo
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT syn-intel.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/syn-intel.Tpo -c -o syn-intel.lo syn-intel.c
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT syn-intel.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/syn-intel.Tpo -c syn-intel.c -o syn-intel.o
mv -f .deps/syn-intel.Tpo .deps/syn-intel.Plo
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT syn-att.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/syn-att.Tpo -c -o syn-att.lo syn-att.c
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT syn-att.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/syn-att.Tpo -c syn-att.c -o syn-att.o
mv -f .deps/syn-att.Tpo .deps/syn-att.Plo
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT udis86.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/udis86.Tpo -c -o udis86.lo udis86.c
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT udis86.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/udis86.Tpo -c udis86.c -o udis86.o
mv -f .deps/udis86.Tpo .deps/udis86.Plo
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -Wall -o -rpath /usr/local/lib itab.lo input.lo decode.lo syn.lo syn-intel.lo syn-att.lo udis86.lo
mkdir .libs
ar cru .libs/libudis86.a itab.o input.o decode.o syn.o syn-intel.o syn-att.o udis86.o
ar: `u' modifier ignored since `D' is the default (see `U')
ranlib .libs/libudis86.a
(cd .libs && rm -f && ln -s ../
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86/libudis86'
Making all in .
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86'
Making all in udcli
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86/udcli'
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libudis86 -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -MT udcli-udcli.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/udcli-udcli.Tpo -c -o udcli-udcli.o `test -f 'udcli.c' || echo './'`udcli.c
udcli.c: In function 'main':
udcli.c:77:7: warning: variable 'mode' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
int mode = 0;
mv -f .deps/udcli-udcli.Tpo .deps/udcli-udcli.Po
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -I../libudis86 -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -o udcli udcli-udcli.o ../libudis86/
mkdir .libs
gcc -I../libudis86 -I.. -g -O2 -Wall -o udcli udcli-udcli.o ../libudis86/.libs/libudis86.a
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86/udcli'
Making all in .
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86'
Making all in tests
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86/tests'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86/tests'
Making all in .
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86'
Making all in docs
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86/docs'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86/docs'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86'
Running 198 tasks using 4 parallel threads
2: CXX vm/arguments.cpp
3: CXX vm/auxiliary_threads.cpp
4: CXX vm/builtin/access_variable.cpp
5: CXX vm/accessor_primitives.cpp
In file included from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin/constant_table.hpp:6:0,
from vm/gen/includes.hpp:21,
from vm/accessor_primitives.cpp:4:
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:41:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:64:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool instance_of<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:112:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE Object* as<Object>(Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:120:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE const Object* as<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:3:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<AccessVariable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:9:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Alias>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:15:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Array>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:21:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<AtomicReference>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:27:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Autoload>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:33:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BasicObject>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:39:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Bignum>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:45:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BlockAsMethod>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:51:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BlockEnvironment>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:57:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ByteArray>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:63:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallCustomCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:69:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallSite>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:75:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallUnit>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:81:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallUnitAdapter>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:87:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Channel>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:93:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Character>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:99:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Class>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:105:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CompactLookupTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:111:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CompiledCode>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:117:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:123:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantScope>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:129:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:135:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:141:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Converter>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:147:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Data>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:153:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Dir>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:159:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Encoding>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:165:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Exception>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:171:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Executable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:177:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<FSEvent>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:183:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<FalseClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:189:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Fiber>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:195:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Fixnum>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:201:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Float>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:207:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IO>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:213:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IOBuffer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:219:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IncludedModule>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:225:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<InlineCacheEntry>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:231:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<InstructionSequence>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:237:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Integer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:243:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<JIT>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:249:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<JITCompileRequest>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:255:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<List>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:261:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ListNode>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:267:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Location>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:273:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Logger>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:279:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<LookupTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:285:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<LookupTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:291:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MatchData>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:297:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MethodTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:303:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MethodTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:309:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Module>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:315:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MonoInlineCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:321:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NativeFunction>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:327:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NativeMethod>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:333:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NilClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:339:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Numeric>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:345:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<PackedObject>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:351:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Pointer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:357:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<PolyInlineCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:363:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Proc>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:369:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Randomizer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:375:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Regexp>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:381:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<RespondToCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:387:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<SingletonClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:393:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Stat>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:399:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<String>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:405:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Symbol>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:411:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<System>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:417:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Thread>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:423:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ThreadState>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:429:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Thunk>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:435:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Time>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:441:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Transcoding>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:447:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<TrueClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:453:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Tuple>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:459:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<VariableScope>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:465:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<WeakRef>(const Object* obj) {
In file included from vm/builtin/access_variable.cpp:8:0:
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:41:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:64:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool instance_of<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:112:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE Object* as<Object>(Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:120:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE const Object* as<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:3:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<AccessVariable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:9:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Alias>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:15:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Array>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:21:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<AtomicReference>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:27:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Autoload>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:33:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BasicObject>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:39:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Bignum>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:45:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BlockAsMethod>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:51:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BlockEnvironment>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:57:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ByteArray>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:63:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallCustomCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:69:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallSite>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:75:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallUnit>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:81:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallUnitAdapter>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:87:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Channel>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:93:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Character>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:99:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Class>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:105:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CompactLookupTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:111:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CompiledCode>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:117:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:123:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantScope>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:129:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:135:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:141:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Converter>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:147:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Data>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:153:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Dir>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:159:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Encoding>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:165:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Exception>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:171:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Executable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:177:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<FSEvent>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:183:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<FalseClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:189:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Fiber>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:195:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Fixnum>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:201:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Float>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:207:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IO>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:213:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IOBuffer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:219:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IncludedModule>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:225:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<InlineCacheEntry>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:231:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<InstructionSequence>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:237:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Integer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:243:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<JIT>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:249:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<JITCompileRequest>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:255:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<List>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:261:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ListNode>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:267:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Location>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:273:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Logger>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:279:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<LookupTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:285:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<LookupTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:291:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MatchData>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:297:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MethodTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:303:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MethodTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:309:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Module>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:315:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MonoInlineCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:321:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NativeFunction>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:327:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NativeMethod>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:333:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NilClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:339:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Numeric>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:345:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<PackedObject>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:351:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Pointer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:357:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<PolyInlineCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:363:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Proc>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:369:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Randomizer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:375:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Regexp>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:381:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<RespondToCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:387:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<SingletonClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:393:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Stat>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:399:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<String>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:405:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Symbol>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:411:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<System>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:417:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Thread>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:423:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ThreadState>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:429:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Thunk>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:435:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Time>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:441:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Transcoding>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:447:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<TrueClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:453:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Tuple>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:459:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<VariableScope>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:465:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<WeakRef>(const Object* obj) {
In file included from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gc/root.hpp:8:0,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/globals.hpp:28,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/vm.hpp:7,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin/object.hpp:6,
from vm/builtin/array.hpp:4,
from vm/arguments.hpp:5,
from vm/arguments.cpp:1:
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/oop.hpp: In member function 'bool rubinius::ObjectHeader::reference_p() const':
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/oop.hpp:57:33: warning: nonnull argument 'this' compared to NULL [-Wnonnull-compare]
#define __REFERENCE_P__(v) ((v) && (((intptr_t)(v) & TAG_REF_MASK) == TAG_REF))
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/oop.hpp:442:14: note: in expansion of macro '__REFERENCE_P__'
return __REFERENCE_P__(this);
Error: g++ -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin -I. -Ivm/test/cxxtest -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86 -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/include -Ivendor/double-conversion/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include/capi -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/oniguruma -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libtommath -pipe -Wall -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -fPIC -O2 -DHAS_EXECINFO -DHAVE_SPT_REUSEARGV -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_NL_LANGINFO -DHAVE_POSIX_FADVISE -DHAVE_STRNLEN -DHAVE_TIMERFD -DHAVE_INOTIFY -DHAVE_TM_GMTOFF -DHAVE_TM_ZONE -DHAVE_TIMEZONE -DHAVE_TZNAME -DHAVE_DAYLIGHT -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DHAVE_STRING_H -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H -DHAVE_SYS_TIMES_H -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H -DHAVE_UNISTD_H -DHAVE_STDARG_H -DSTRERROR_R_CHAR_P -I/usr/include -I/usr/include -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -DENABLE_LLVM -Wno-unused-function -Werror -DRBX_PROFILER -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -fno-rtti -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wno-error -std=c++11 -c -o vm/builtin/artifacts/access_variable.cpp.o vm/builtin/access_variable.cpp
3: CXX vm/builtin/alias.cpp
2: CXX vm/builtin/array.cpp
In file included from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gc/root.hpp:8:0,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/globals.hpp:28,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/vm.hpp:7,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin/object.hpp:6,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin/executable.hpp:4,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin/alias.hpp:4,
from vm/builtin/alias.cpp:1:
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/oop.hpp: In member function 'bool rubinius::ObjectHeader::reference_p() const':
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/oop.hpp:57:33: warning: nonnull argument 'this' compared to NULL [-Wnonnull-compare]
#define __REFERENCE_P__(v) ((v) && (((intptr_t)(v) & TAG_REF_MASK) == TAG_REF))
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/oop.hpp:442:14: note: in expansion of macro '__REFERENCE_P__'
return __REFERENCE_P__(this);
In file included from vm/builtin/array.cpp:9:0:
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:41:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:64:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool instance_of<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:112:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE Object* as<Object>(Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:120:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE const Object* as<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:3:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<AccessVariable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:9:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Alias>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:15:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Array>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:21:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<AtomicReference>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:27:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Autoload>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:33:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BasicObject>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:39:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Bignum>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:45:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BlockAsMethod>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:51:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BlockEnvironment>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:57:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ByteArray>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:63:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallCustomCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:69:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallSite>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:75:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallUnit>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:81:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallUnitAdapter>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:87:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Channel>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:93:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Character>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:99:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Class>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:105:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CompactLookupTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:111:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CompiledCode>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:117:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:123:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantScope>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:129:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:135:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:141:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Converter>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:147:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Data>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:153:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Dir>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:159:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Encoding>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:165:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Exception>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:171:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Executable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:177:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<FSEvent>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:183:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<FalseClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:189:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Fiber>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:195:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Fixnum>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:201:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Float>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:207:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IO>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:213:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IOBuffer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:219:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IncludedModule>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:225:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<InlineCacheEntry>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:231:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<InstructionSequence>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:237:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Integer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:243:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<JIT>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:249:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<JITCompileRequest>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:255:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<List>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:261:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ListNode>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:267:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Location>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:273:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Logger>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:279:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<LookupTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:285:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<LookupTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:291:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MatchData>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:297:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MethodTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:303:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MethodTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:309:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Module>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:315:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MonoInlineCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:321:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NativeFunction>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:327:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NativeMethod>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:333:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NilClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:339:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Numeric>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:345:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<PackedObject>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:351:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Pointer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:357:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<PolyInlineCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:363:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Proc>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:369:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Randomizer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:375:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Regexp>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:381:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<RespondToCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:387:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<SingletonClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:393:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Stat>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:399:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<String>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:405:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Symbol>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:411:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<System>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:417:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Thread>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:423:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ThreadState>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:429:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Thunk>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:435:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Time>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:441:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Transcoding>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:447:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<TrueClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:453:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Tuple>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:459:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<VariableScope>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:465:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<WeakRef>(const Object* obj) {
Error: g++ -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin -I. -Ivm/test/cxxtest -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86 -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/include -Ivendor/double-conversion/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include/capi -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/oniguruma -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libtommath -pipe -Wall -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -fPIC -O2 -DHAS_EXECINFO -DHAVE_SPT_REUSEARGV -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_NL_LANGINFO -DHAVE_POSIX_FADVISE -DHAVE_STRNLEN -DHAVE_TIMERFD -DHAVE_INOTIFY -DHAVE_TM_GMTOFF -DHAVE_TM_ZONE -DHAVE_TIMEZONE -DHAVE_TZNAME -DHAVE_DAYLIGHT -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DHAVE_STRING_H -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H -DHAVE_SYS_TIMES_H -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H -DHAVE_UNISTD_H -DHAVE_STDARG_H -DSTRERROR_R_CHAR_P -I/usr/include -I/usr/include -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -DENABLE_LLVM -Wno-unused-function -Werror -DRBX_PROFILER -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -fno-rtti -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wno-error -std=c++11 -c -o vm/artifacts/accessor_primitives.cpp.o vm/accessor_primitives.cpp
3: CXX vm/builtin/atomic.cpp
In file included from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gc/root.hpp:8:0,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/globals.hpp:28,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/vm.hpp:7,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin/object.hpp:6,
from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin/atomic.hpp:4,
from vm/builtin/atomic.cpp:1:
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/oop.hpp: In member function 'bool rubinius::ObjectHeader::reference_p() const':
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/oop.hpp:57:33: warning: nonnull argument 'this' compared to NULL [-Wnonnull-compare]
#define __REFERENCE_P__(v) ((v) && (((intptr_t)(v) & TAG_REF_MASK) == TAG_REF))
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/oop.hpp:442:14: note: in expansion of macro '__REFERENCE_P__'
return __REFERENCE_P__(this);
Error: g++ -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin -I. -Ivm/test/cxxtest -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86 -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/include -Ivendor/double-conversion/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include/capi -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/oniguruma -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libtommath -pipe -Wall -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -fPIC -O2 -DHAS_EXECINFO -DHAVE_SPT_REUSEARGV -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_NL_LANGINFO -DHAVE_POSIX_FADVISE -DHAVE_STRNLEN -DHAVE_TIMERFD -DHAVE_INOTIFY -DHAVE_TM_GMTOFF -DHAVE_TM_ZONE -DHAVE_TIMEZONE -DHAVE_TZNAME -DHAVE_DAYLIGHT -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DHAVE_STRING_H -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H -DHAVE_SYS_TIMES_H -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H -DHAVE_UNISTD_H -DHAVE_STDARG_H -DSTRERROR_R_CHAR_P -I/usr/include -I/usr/include -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -DENABLE_LLVM -Wno-unused-function -Werror -DRBX_PROFILER -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -fno-rtti -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wno-error -std=c++11 -c -o vm/builtin/artifacts/array.cpp.o vm/builtin/array.cpp
3: CXX vm/builtin/autoload.cpp
3: CXX vm/builtin/basic_object.cpp
3: CXX vm/builtin/bignum.cpp
In file included from /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin/string.hpp:9:0,
from vm/builtin/bignum.cpp:9:
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:41:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:64:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool instance_of<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:112:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE Object* as<Object>(Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:120:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE const Object* as<Object>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:3:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<AccessVariable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:9:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Alias>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:15:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Array>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:21:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<AtomicReference>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:27:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Autoload>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:33:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BasicObject>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:39:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Bignum>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:45:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BlockAsMethod>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:51:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<BlockEnvironment>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:57:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ByteArray>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:63:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallCustomCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:69:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallSite>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:75:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallUnit>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:81:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CallUnitAdapter>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:87:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Channel>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:93:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Character>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:99:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Class>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:105:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CompactLookupTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:111:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<CompiledCode>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:117:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:123:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantScope>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:129:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:135:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ConstantTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:141:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Converter>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:147:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Data>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:153:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Dir>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:159:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Encoding>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:165:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Exception>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:171:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Executable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:177:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<FSEvent>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:183:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<FalseClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:189:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Fiber>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:195:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Fixnum>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:201:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Float>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:207:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IO>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:213:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IOBuffer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:219:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<IncludedModule>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:225:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<InlineCacheEntry>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:231:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<InstructionSequence>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:237:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Integer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:243:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<JIT>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:249:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<JITCompileRequest>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:255:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<List>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:261:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ListNode>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:267:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Location>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:273:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Logger>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:279:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<LookupTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:285:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<LookupTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:291:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MatchData>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:297:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MethodTable>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:303:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MethodTableBucket>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:309:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Module>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:315:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<MonoInlineCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:321:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NativeFunction>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:327:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NativeMethod>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:333:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<NilClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:339:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Numeric>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:345:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<PackedObject>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:351:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Pointer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:357:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<PolyInlineCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:363:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Proc>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:369:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Randomizer>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:375:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Regexp>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:381:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<RespondToCache>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:387:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<SingletonClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:393:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Stat>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:399:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<String>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:405:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Symbol>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:411:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<System>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:417:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Thread>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:423:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<ThreadState>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:429:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Thunk>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:435:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Time>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:441:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Transcoding>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:447:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<TrueClass>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:453:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<Tuple>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:459:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<VariableScope>(const Object* obj) {
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/object_utils.hpp:19:34: error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class
#define SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE static inline
/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/gen/kind_of.hpp:465:1: note: in expansion of macro 'SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE'
SPECIALIZATION_STORAGE bool kind_of<WeakRef>(const Object* obj) {
rake aborted!
Error compiling
/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/gems/daedalus-core-0.2.0/lib/daedalus.rb:68:in `command'
/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/gems/daedalus-core-0.2.0/lib/daedalus.rb:234:in `cxx_compile'
/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/gems/daedalus-core-0.2.0/lib/daedalus.rb:221:in `compile'
/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/gems/daedalus-core-0.2.0/lib/daedalus.rb:433:in `build'
/home/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/gems/daedalus-core-0.2.0/lib/daedalus.rb:895:in `block (2 levels) in perform_tasks'
Tasks: TOP => install => build:build => vm/vm
Error: g++ -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/builtin -I. -Ivm/test/cxxtest -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/udis86 -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libffi/include -Ivendor/double-conversion/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include/capi -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/oniguruma -I/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/libtommath -pipe -Wall -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -fPIC -O2 -DHAS_EXECINFO -DHAVE_SPT_REUSEARGV -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_NL_LANGINFO -DHAVE_POSIX_FADVISE -DHAVE_STRNLEN -DHAVE_TIMERFD -DHAVE_INOTIFY -DHAVE_TM_GMTOFF -DHAVE_TM_ZONE -DHAVE_TIMEZONE -DHAVE_TZNAME -DHAVE_DAYLIGHT -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DHAVE_STRING_H -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H -DHAVE_SYS_TIMES_H -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H -DHAVE_UNISTD_H -DHAVE_STDARG_H -DSTRERROR_R_CHAR_P -I/usr/include -I/usr/include -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -DENABLE_LLVM -Wno-unused-function -Werror -DRBX_PROFILER -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -fno-rtti -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wno-error -std=c++11 -c -o vm/builtin/artifacts/bignum.cpp.o vm/builtin/bignum.cpp
[2017-01-02 04:49:04] env
current path: /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2
command(4): env /home/test/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/ruby ./configure --prefix=/home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2
Checking gcc: found
Checking g++: found
Checking bison: found
Detected old configuration settings, forcing a clean build
Checking for 'llvm-config': found! (version 3.5.2 - api: 305)
Checking sizeof(short): 2 bytes
Checking sizeof(int): 4 bytes
Checking sizeof(void*): 8 bytes
Checking sizeof(size_t): 8 bytes
Checking sizeof(long): 8 bytes
Checking sizeof(long long): 8 bytes
Checking sizeof(float): 4 bytes
Checking sizeof(double): 8 bytes
Checking sizeof(off_t): 8 bytes
Checking sizeof(time_t): 8 bytes
Checking for libc version: found!
Checking platform endianness: little endian
Checking for tr1: found
Checking for tr1/hash definition: found
Checking for x86_32: no
Checking for x86_64: yes
Checking for function 'backtrace': found!
Checking for function 'clock_gettime': found!
Checking for function 'nl_langinfo': found!
Checking for function 'setproctitle': not found
Checking for function 'posix_fadvise': found!
Checking for function 'strnlen': found!
Checking for function 'kqueue': not found
Checking for function 'timerfd_create': found!
Checking for function 'inotify_init': found!
Checking for function 'lchown': found!
Checking for struct tm has member tm_gmtoff: found!
Checking for struct tm has member tm_zone: found!
Checking for global 'timezone': found!
Checking for global 'tzname': found!
Checking for global 'daylight': found!
Checking for header 'zlib.h': found!
Checking for header 'openssl/ssl.h': found!
Checking for header 'alloca.h': found!
Checking for header 'string.h': found!
Checking for header 'sys/time.h': found!
Checking for header 'sys/times.h': found!
Checking for header 'sys/types.h': found!
Checking for header 'unistd.h': found!
Checking for header 'stdarg.h': found!
Checking for header 'sys/pstat.h': not found
Checking for header 'valgrind/valgrind.h': not found
Checking curses library: -lcurses
Checking if function 'strerror_r' returns char*: yes
Fetching gems...
Downloading bundler-1.7.12.gem...
[ 0% (1904 of 306176) ]
[ 1% (4663 of 306176) ]
[ 2% (7422 of 306176) ]
[ 3% (10181 of 306176) ]
[ 4% (12940 of 306176) ]
[ 5% (15529 of 306176) ]
[ 5% (18288 of 306176) ]
[ 6% (21047 of 306176) ]
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[ 8% (26565 of 306176) ]
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[ 10% (31913 of 306176) ]
[ 15% (48297 of 306176) ]
[ 21% (64681 of 306176) ]
[ 26% (81065 of 306176) ]
[ 31% (97449 of 306176) ]
[ 37% (113833 of 306176) ]
[ 42% (130217 of 306176) ]
[ 47% (146601 of 306176) ]
[ 53% (162985 of 306176) ]
[ 58% (179369 of 306176) ]
[ 63% (195753 of 306176) ]
[ 69% (212137 of 306176) ]
[ 74% (228521 of 306176) ]
[ 79% (244905 of 306176) ]
[ 85% (261289 of 306176) ]
[ 90% (277673 of 306176) ]
[ 96% (294057 of 306176) ]
[ 100% (306176 of 306176) ]: done!
Downloading daedalus-core-0.2.0.gem...
[ 12% (1905 of 14848) ]
[ 31% (4664 of 14848) ]
[ 49% (7423 of 14848) ]
[ 68% (10182 of 14848) ]
[ 87% (12941 of 14848) ]
[ 100% (14848 of 14848) ]: done!
Downloading ffi2-generators-0.1.1.gem...
[ 16% (1904 of 11776) ]
[ 39% (4663 of 11776) ]
[ 63% (7422 of 11776) ]
[ 86% (10181 of 11776) ]
[ 100% (11776 of 11776) ]: done!
Downloading json-1.8.2.gem...
[ 1% (1903 of 152064) ]
[ 3% (4662 of 152064) ]
[ 4% (7421 of 152064) ]
[ 6% (10180 of 152064) ]
[ 8% (12939 of 152064) ]
[ 10% (15528 of 152064) ]
[ 12% (18287 of 152064) ]
[ 13% (21046 of 152064) ]
[ 15% (23805 of 152064) ]
[ 17% (26564 of 152064) ]
[ 19% (29323 of 152064) ]
[ 20% (31912 of 152064) ]
[ 31% (48296 of 152064) ]
[ 42% (64680 of 152064) ]
[ 53% (81064 of 152064) ]
[ 64% (97448 of 152064) ]
[ 74% (113832 of 152064) ]
[ 85% (130216 of 152064) ]
[ 96% (146600 of 152064) ]
[ 100% (152064 of 152064) ]: done!
Downloading minitest-4.7.5.gem...
[ 3% (1905 of 57856) ]
[ 8% (4664 of 57856) ]
[ 12% (7423 of 57856) ]
[ 17% (10182 of 57856) ]
[ 22% (12941 of 57856) ]
[ 26% (15530 of 57856) ]
[ 31% (18289 of 57856) ]
[ 36% (21048 of 57856) ]
[ 41% (23807 of 57856) ]
[ 45% (26566 of 57856) ]
[ 50% (29325 of 57856) ]
[ 55% (31914 of 57856) ]
[ 83% (48298 of 57856) ]
[ 100% (57856 of 57856) ]: done!
Downloading psych-2.0.10.gem...
[ 1% (1903 of 126976) ]
[ 3% (4662 of 126976) ]
[ 5% (7421 of 126976) ]
[ 8% (10180 of 126976) ]
[ 10% (12939 of 126976) ]
[ 12% (15528 of 126976) ]
[ 14% (18287 of 126976) ]
[ 16% (21046 of 126976) ]
[ 18% (23805 of 126976) ]
[ 20% (26564 of 126976) ]
[ 23% (29323 of 126976) ]
[ 25% (31912 of 126976) ]
[ 38% (48296 of 126976) ]
[ 50% (64680 of 126976) ]
[ 63% (81064 of 126976) ]
[ 76% (97448 of 126976) ]
[ 89% (113832 of 126976) ]
[ 100% (126976 of 126976) ]: done!
Downloading racc-1.4.12.gem...
[ 1% (1903 of 115712) ]
[ 4% (4662 of 115712) ]
[ 6% (7421 of 115712) ]
[ 8% (10180 of 115712) ]
[ 11% (12939 of 115712) ]
[ 13% (15528 of 115712) ]
[ 15% (18287 of 115712) ]
[ 18% (21046 of 115712) ]
[ 20% (23805 of 115712) ]
[ 22% (26564 of 115712) ]
[ 25% (29323 of 115712) ]
[ 27% (31912 of 115712) ]
[ 41% (48296 of 115712) ]
[ 55% (64680 of 115712) ]
[ 70% (81064 of 115712) ]
[ 84% (97448 of 115712) ]
[ 98% (113832 of 115712) ]
[ 100% (115712 of 115712) ]: done!
Downloading rake-10.4.2.gem...
[ 1% (1903 of 130560) ]
[ 3% (4662 of 130560) ]
[ 5% (7421 of 130560) ]
[ 7% (10180 of 130560) ]
[ 9% (12939 of 130560) ]
[ 11% (15528 of 130560) ]
[ 14% (18287 of 130560) ]
[ 16% (21046 of 130560) ]
[ 18% (23805 of 130560) ]
[ 20% (26564 of 130560) ]
[ 22% (29323 of 130560) ]
[ 24% (31912 of 130560) ]
[ 36% (48296 of 130560) ]
[ 49% (64680 of 130560) ]
[ 62% (81064 of 130560) ]
[ 74% (97448 of 130560) ]
[ 87% (113832 of 130560) ]
[ 99% (130216 of 130560) ]
[ 100% (130560 of 130560) ]: done!
Downloading rb-readline-0.5.2.gem...
[ 1% (1904 of 96256) ]
[ 4% (4663 of 96256) ]
[ 7% (7422 of 96256) ]
[ 10% (10181 of 96256) ]
[ 13% (12940 of 96256) ]
[ 16% (15529 of 96256) ]
[ 18% (18288 of 96256) ]
[ 21% (21047 of 96256) ]
[ 24% (23806 of 96256) ]
[ 27% (26565 of 96256) ]
[ 30% (29324 of 96256) ]
[ 33% (31913 of 96256) ]
[ 50% (48297 of 96256) ]
[ 67% (64681 of 96256) ]
[ 84% (81065 of 96256) ]
[ 100% (96256 of 96256) ]: done!
Downloading rdoc-4.2.0.gem...
[ 0% (1903 of 735232) ]
[ 0% (4662 of 735232) ]
[ 1% (7421 of 735232) ]
[ 1% (10180 of 735232) ]
[ 1% (12939 of 735232) ]
[ 2% (15528 of 735232) ]
[ 2% (18287 of 735232) ]
[ 2% (21046 of 735232) ]
[ 3% (23805 of 735232) ]
[ 3% (26564 of 735232) ]
[ 3% (29323 of 735232) ]
[ 4% (31912 of 735232) ]
[ 6% (48296 of 735232) ]
[ 8% (64680 of 735232) ]
[ 11% (81064 of 735232) ]
[ 13% (97448 of 735232) ]
[ 15% (113832 of 735232) ]
[ 17% (130216 of 735232) ]
[ 19% (146600 of 735232) ]
[ 22% (162984 of 735232) ]
[ 24% (179368 of 735232) ]
[ 26% (195752 of 735232) ]
[ 28% (212136 of 735232) ]
[ 31% (228520 of 735232) ]
[ 33% (244904 of 735232) ]
[ 35% (261288 of 735232) ]
[ 37% (277672 of 735232) ]
[ 39% (294056 of 735232) ]
[ 42% (310440 of 735232) ]
[ 44% (326824 of 735232) ]
[ 46% (343208 of 735232) ]
[ 48% (359592 of 735232) ]
[ 51% (375976 of 735232) ]
[ 53% (392360 of 735232) ]
[ 55% (408744 of 735232) ]
[ 57% (425128 of 735232) ]
[ 60% (441512 of 735232) ]
[ 62% (457896 of 735232) ]
[ 64% (474280 of 735232) ]
[ 66% (490664 of 735232) ]
[ 68% (507048 of 735232) ]
[ 71% (523432 of 735232) ]
[ 73% (539816 of 735232) ]
[ 75% (556200 of 735232) ]
[ 77% (572584 of 735232) ]
[ 80% (588968 of 735232) ]
[ 82% (605352 of 735232) ]
[ 84% (621736 of 735232) ]
[ 86% (638120 of 735232) ]
[ 89% (654504 of 735232) ]
[ 91% (670888 of 735232) ]
[ 93% (687272 of 735232) ]
[ 95% (703656 of 735232) ]
[ 97% (720040 of 735232) ]
[ 100% (735232 of 735232) ]: done!
Downloading redcard-1.1.0.gem...
[ 19% (1906 of 9728) ]
[ 47% (4665 of 9728) ]
[ 76% (7424 of 9728) ]
[ 100% (9728 of 9728) ]: done!
Downloading rubinius-ast-2.3.1.gem...
[ 5% (1905 of 32768) ]
[ 14% (4664 of 32768) ]
[ 22% (7423 of 32768) ]
[ 31% (10182 of 32768) ]
[ 39% (12941 of 32768) ]
[ 47% (15530 of 32768) ]
[ 55% (18289 of 32768) ]
[ 64% (21048 of 32768) ]
[ 72% (23807 of 32768) ]
[ 81% (26566 of 32768) ]
[ 89% (29325 of 32768) ]
[ 97% (31914 of 32768) ]
[ 100% (32768 of 32768) ]: done!
Downloading rubinius-build_tools-2.0.0.gem...
[ 41% (1905 of 4608) ]
[ 100% (4608 of 4608) ]: done!
Downloading rubinius-compiler-2.3.1.gem...
[ 3% (1905 of 52224) ]
[ 8% (4664 of 52224) ]
[ 14% (7423 of 52224) ]
[ 19% (10182 of 52224) ]
[ 24% (12941 of 52224) ]
[ 29% (15530 of 52224) ]
[ 35% (18289 of 52224) ]
[ 40% (21048 of 52224) ]
[ 45% (23807 of 52224) ]
[ 50% (26566 of 52224) ]
[ 56% (29325 of 52224) ]
[ 61% (31914 of 52224) ]
[ 92% (48298 of 52224) ]
[ 100% (52224 of 52224) ]: done!
Downloading rubinius-coverage-2.0.3.gem...
[ 24% (1904 of 7680) ]
[ 60% (4663 of 7680) ]
[ 96% (7422 of 7680) ]
[ 100% (7680 of 7680) ]: done!
Downloading rubinius-debugger-2.2.0.gem...
[ 11% (1903 of 15872) ]
[ 29% (4662 of 15872) ]
[ 46% (7421 of 15872) ]
[ 64% (10180 of 15872) ]
[ 81% (12939 of 15872) ]
[ 97% (15528 of 15872) ]
[ 100% (15872 of 15872) ]: done!
Downloading rubinius-developer_tools-2.0.0.gem...
[ 41% (1904 of 4608) ]
[ 100% (4608 of 4608) ]: done!
Downloading rubinius-melbourne-
[ 1% (1904 of 156160) ]
[ 2% (4663 of 156160) ]
[ 4% (7422 of 156160) ]
[ 6% (10181 of 156160) ]
[ 8% (12940 of 156160) ]
[ 9% (15529 of 156160) ]
[ 11% (18288 of 156160) ]
[ 13% (21047 of 156160) ]
[ 15% (23806 of 156160) ]
[ 17% (26565 of 156160) ]
[ 18% (29324 of 156160) ]
[ 20% (31913 of 156160) ]
[ 30% (48297 of 156160) ]
[ 41% (64681 of 156160) ]
[ 51% (81065 of 156160) ]
[ 62% (97449 of 156160) ]
[ 72% (113833 of 156160) ]
[ 83% (130217 of 156160) ]
[ 93% (146601 of 156160) ]
[ 100% (156160 of 156160) ]: done!
Downloading rubinius-processor-2.3.0.gem...
[ 20% (1905 of 9216) ]
[ 50% (4664 of 9216) ]
[ 80% (7423 of 9216) ]
[ 100% (9216 of 9216) ]: done!
Downloading rubinius-profiler-2.0.1.gem...
[ 12% (1903 of 15360) ]
[ 30% (4662 of 15360) ]
[ 48% (7421 of 15360) ]
[ 66% (10180 of 15360) ]
[ 84% (12939 of 15360) ]
[ 100% (15360 of 15360) ]: done!
Downloading rubinius-toolset-2.3.1.gem...
[ 23% (1905 of 8192) ]
[ 56% (4664 of 8192) ]
[ 90% (7423 of 8192) ]
[ 100% (8192 of 8192) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-2.1.0.gem...
[ 37% (1904 of 5120) ]
[ 91% (4663 of 5120) ]
[ 100% (5120 of 5120) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-abbrev-2.0.4.gem...
[ 23% (1904 of 8192) ]
[ 56% (4663 of 8192) ]
[ 90% (7422 of 8192) ]
[ 100% (8192 of 8192) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-base64-2.0.0.gem...
[ 23% (1904 of 8192) ]
[ 56% (4663 of 8192) ]
[ 90% (7422 of 8192) ]
[ 100% (8192 of 8192) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-benchmark-2.0.1.gem...
[ 16% (1903 of 11776) ]
[ 39% (4662 of 11776) ]
[ 63% (7421 of 11776) ]
[ 86% (10180 of 11776) ]
[ 100% (11776 of 11776) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-bigdecimal-2.0.2.gem...
[ 2% (1903 of 86016) ]
[ 5% (4662 of 86016) ]
[ 8% (7421 of 86016) ]
[ 11% (10180 of 86016) ]
[ 15% (12939 of 86016) ]
[ 18% (15528 of 86016) ]
[ 21% (18287 of 86016) ]
[ 24% (21046 of 86016) ]
[ 27% (23805 of 86016) ]
[ 30% (26564 of 86016) ]
[ 34% (29323 of 86016) ]
[ 37% (31912 of 86016) ]
[ 56% (48296 of 86016) ]
[ 75% (64680 of 86016) ]
[ 94% (81064 of 86016) ]
[ 100% (86016 of 86016) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-cgi-2.0.1.gem...
[ 4% (1903 of 45056) ]
[ 10% (4662 of 45056) ]
[ 16% (7421 of 45056) ]
[ 22% (10180 of 45056) ]
[ 28% (12939 of 45056) ]
[ 34% (15528 of 45056) ]
[ 40% (18287 of 45056) ]
[ 46% (21046 of 45056) ]
[ 52% (23805 of 45056) ]
[ 58% (26564 of 45056) ]
[ 65% (29323 of 45056) ]
[ 70% (31912 of 45056) ]
[ 100% (45056 of 45056) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-cgi-session-2.0.1.gem...
[ 15% (1903 of 12288) ]
[ 37% (4662 of 12288) ]
[ 60% (7421 of 12288) ]
[ 82% (10180 of 12288) ]
[ 100% (12288 of 12288) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-cmath-2.0.0.gem...
[ 26% (1904 of 7168) ]
[ 65% (4663 of 7168) ]
[ 100% (7168 of 7168) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-complex-2.0.0.gem...
[ 13% (1903 of 14336) ]
[ 32% (4662 of 14336) ]
[ 51% (7421 of 14336) ]
[ 71% (10180 of 14336) ]
[ 90% (12939 of 14336) ]
[ 100% (14336 of 14336) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-continuation-2.0.0.gem...
[ 28% (1904 of 6656) ]
[ 70% (4663 of 6656) ]
[ 100% (6656 of 6656) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-coverage-2.0.3.gem...
[ 28% (1904 of 6656) ]
[ 70% (4663 of 6656) ]
[ 100% (6656 of 6656) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-csv-2.0.2.gem...
[ 5% (1903 of 31744) ]
[ 14% (4662 of 31744) ]
[ 23% (7421 of 31744) ]
[ 32% (10180 of 31744) ]
[ 40% (12939 of 31744) ]
[ 48% (15528 of 31744) ]
[ 57% (18287 of 31744) ]
[ 66% (21046 of 31744) ]
[ 74% (23805 of 31744) ]
[ 83% (26564 of 31744) ]
[ 92% (29323 of 31744) ]
[ 100% (31744 of 31744) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-curses-2.0.1.gem...
[ 7% (1903 of 26624) ]
[ 17% (4662 of 26624) ]
[ 27% (7421 of 26624) ]
[ 38% (10180 of 26624) ]
[ 48% (12939 of 26624) ]
[ 58% (15528 of 26624) ]
[ 68% (18287 of 26624) ]
[ 79% (21046 of 26624) ]
[ 89% (23805 of 26624) ]
[ 99% (26564 of 26624) ]
[ 100% (26624 of 26624) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-date-2.0.9.gem...
[ 3% (1903 of 52736) ]
[ 8% (4662 of 52736) ]
[ 14% (7421 of 52736) ]
[ 19% (10180 of 52736) ]
[ 24% (12939 of 52736) ]
[ 29% (15528 of 52736) ]
[ 34% (18287 of 52736) ]
[ 39% (21046 of 52736) ]
[ 45% (23805 of 52736) ]
[ 50% (26564 of 52736) ]
[ 55% (29323 of 52736) ]
[ 60% (31912 of 52736) ]
[ 91% (48296 of 52736) ]
[ 100% (52736 of 52736) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-delegate-2.0.1.gem...
[ 13% (1903 of 13824) ]
[ 33% (4662 of 13824) ]
[ 53% (7421 of 13824) ]
[ 73% (10180 of 13824) ]
[ 93% (12939 of 13824) ]
[ 100% (13824 of 13824) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-digest-2.0.3.gem...
[ 4% (1903 of 43520) ]
[ 10% (4662 of 43520) ]
[ 17% (7421 of 43520) ]
[ 23% (10180 of 43520) ]
[ 29% (12939 of 43520) ]
[ 35% (15528 of 43520) ]
[ 42% (18287 of 43520) ]
[ 48% (21046 of 43520) ]
[ 54% (23805 of 43520) ]
[ 61% (26564 of 43520) ]
[ 67% (29323 of 43520) ]
[ 73% (31912 of 43520) ]
[ 100% (43520 of 43520) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-drb-2.0.1.gem...
[ 5% (1903 of 34816) ]
[ 13% (4662 of 34816) ]
[ 21% (7421 of 34816) ]
[ 29% (10180 of 34816) ]
[ 37% (12939 of 34816) ]
[ 44% (15528 of 34816) ]
[ 52% (18287 of 34816) ]
[ 60% (21046 of 34816) ]
[ 68% (23805 of 34816) ]
[ 76% (26564 of 34816) ]
[ 84% (29323 of 34816) ]
[ 91% (31912 of 34816) ]
[ 99% (34671 of 34816) ]
[ 100% (34816 of 34816) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-e2mmap-2.0.0.gem...
[ 24% (1904 of 7680) ]
[ 60% (4663 of 7680) ]
[ 96% (7422 of 7680) ]
[ 100% (7680 of 7680) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-english-2.0.0.gem...
[ 21% (1904 of 8704) ]
[ 53% (4663 of 8704) ]
[ 85% (7422 of 8704) ]
[ 100% (8704 of 8704) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-enumerator-2.0.0.gem...
[ 26% (1904 of 7168) ]
[ 65% (4663 of 7168) ]
[ 100% (7168 of 7168) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-erb-2.0.2.gem...
[ 10% (1903 of 17920) ]
[ 26% (4662 of 17920) ]
[ 41% (7421 of 17920) ]
[ 56% (10180 of 17920) ]
[ 72% (12939 of 17920) ]
[ 86% (15528 of 17920) ]
[ 100% (17920 of 17920) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-etc-2.0.3.gem...
[ 20% (1904 of 9216) ]
[ 50% (4663 of 9216) ]
[ 80% (7422 of 9216) ]
[ 100% (9216 of 9216) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-expect-2.0.0.gem...
[ 26% (1904 of 7168) ]
[ 65% (4663 of 7168) ]
[ 100% (7168 of 7168) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-fcntl-2.0.4.gem...
[ 26% (1904 of 7168) ]
[ 65% (4663 of 7168) ]
[ 100% (7168 of 7168) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-fiber-2.0.0.gem...
[ 28% (1906 of 6656) ]
[ 70% (4665 of 6656) ]
[ 100% (6656 of 6656) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-fileutils-2.0.3.gem...
[ 10% (1905 of 17920) ]
[ 26% (4664 of 17920) ]
[ 41% (7423 of 17920) ]
[ 56% (10182 of 17920) ]
[ 72% (12941 of 17920) ]
[ 86% (15530 of 17920) ]
[ 100% (17920 of 17920) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-find-2.0.1.gem...
[ 26% (1906 of 7168) ]
[ 65% (4665 of 7168) ]
[ 100% (7168 of 7168) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-forwardable-2.0.1.gem...
[ 20% (1906 of 9216) ]
[ 50% (4665 of 9216) ]
[ 80% (7424 of 9216) ]
[ 100% (9216 of 9216) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-getoptlong-2.0.0.gem...
[ 15% (1905 of 12288) ]
[ 37% (4664 of 12288) ]
[ 60% (7423 of 12288) ]
[ 82% (10182 of 12288) ]
[ 100% (12288 of 12288) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-gserver-2.0.0.gem...
[ 19% (1906 of 9728) ]
[ 47% (4665 of 9728) ]
[ 76% (7424 of 9728) ]
[ 100% (9728 of 9728) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-io-console-2.0.0.gem...
[ 16% (1905 of 11264) ]
[ 41% (4664 of 11264) ]
[ 65% (7423 of 11264) ]
[ 90% (10182 of 11264) ]
[ 100% (11264 of 11264) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-io-nonblock-2.0.0.gem...
[ 28% (1906 of 6656) ]
[ 70% (4665 of 6656) ]
[ 100% (6656 of 6656) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-io-wait-2.0.0.gem...
[ 28% (1906 of 6656) ]
[ 70% (4665 of 6656) ]
[ 100% (6656 of 6656) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-ipaddr-2.0.0.gem...
[ 13% (1905 of 13824) ]
[ 33% (4664 of 13824) ]
[ 53% (7423 of 13824) ]
[ 73% (10182 of 13824) ]
[ 93% (12941 of 13824) ]
[ 100% (13824 of 13824) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-irb-2.1.1.gem...
[ 3% (1905 of 50176) ]
[ 9% (4664 of 50176) ]
[ 14% (7423 of 50176) ]
[ 20% (10182 of 50176) ]
[ 25% (12941 of 50176) ]
[ 30% (15530 of 50176) ]
[ 36% (18289 of 50176) ]
[ 41% (21048 of 50176) ]
[ 47% (23807 of 50176) ]
[ 52% (26566 of 50176) ]
[ 58% (29325 of 50176) ]
[ 63% (31914 of 50176) ]
[ 96% (48298 of 50176) ]
[ 100% (50176 of 50176) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-logger-2.1.0.gem...
[ 10% (1905 of 17408) ]
[ 26% (4664 of 17408) ]
[ 42% (7423 of 17408) ]
[ 58% (10182 of 17408) ]
[ 74% (12941 of 17408) ]
[ 89% (15530 of 17408) ]
[ 100% (17408 of 17408) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-mathn-2.0.0.gem...
[ 16% (1905 of 11264) ]
[ 41% (4664 of 11264) ]
[ 65% (7423 of 11264) ]
[ 90% (10182 of 11264) ]
[ 100% (11264 of 11264) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-matrix-2.1.0.gem...
[ 4% (1905 of 40960) ]
[ 11% (4664 of 40960) ]
[ 18% (7423 of 40960) ]
[ 24% (10182 of 40960) ]
[ 31% (12941 of 40960) ]
[ 37% (15530 of 40960) ]
[ 44% (18289 of 40960) ]
[ 51% (21048 of 40960) ]
[ 58% (23807 of 40960) ]
[ 64% (26566 of 40960) ]
[ 71% (29325 of 40960) ]
[ 77% (31914 of 40960) ]
[ 100% (40960 of 40960) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-mkmf-2.0.1.gem...
[ 6% (1905 of 29184) ]
[ 15% (4664 of 29184) ]
[ 25% (7423 of 29184) ]
[ 34% (10182 of 29184) ]
[ 44% (12941 of 29184) ]
[ 53% (15530 of 29184) ]
[ 62% (18289 of 29184) ]
[ 72% (21048 of 29184) ]
[ 81% (23807 of 29184) ]
[ 91% (26566 of 29184) ]
[ 100% (29184 of 29184) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-monitor-2.0.0.gem...
[ 21% (1906 of 8704) ]
[ 53% (4665 of 8704) ]
[ 85% (7424 of 8704) ]
[ 100% (8704 of 8704) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-mutex_m-2.0.0.gem...
[ 26% (1905 of 7168) ]
[ 65% (4664 of 7168) ]
[ 100% (7168 of 7168) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-net-ftp-2.0.1.gem...
[ 7% (1904 of 26112) ]
[ 17% (4663 of 26112) ]
[ 28% (7422 of 26112) ]
[ 38% (10181 of 26112) ]
[ 49% (12940 of 26112) ]
[ 59% (15529 of 26112) ]
[ 70% (18288 of 26112) ]
[ 80% (21047 of 26112) ]
[ 91% (23806 of 26112) ]
[ 100% (26112 of 26112) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-net-http-2.0.4.gem...
[ 3% (1904 of 50176) ]
[ 9% (4663 of 50176) ]
[ 14% (7422 of 50176) ]
[ 20% (10181 of 50176) ]
[ 25% (12940 of 50176) ]
[ 30% (15529 of 50176) ]
[ 36% (18288 of 50176) ]
[ 41% (21047 of 50176) ]
[ 47% (23806 of 50176) ]
[ 52% (26565 of 50176) ]
[ 58% (29324 of 50176) ]
[ 63% (31913 of 50176) ]
[ 96% (48297 of 50176) ]
[ 100% (50176 of 50176) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-net-imap-2.0.1.gem...
[ 5% (1904 of 31744) ]
[ 14% (4663 of 31744) ]
[ 23% (7422 of 31744) ]
[ 32% (10181 of 31744) ]
[ 40% (12940 of 31744) ]
[ 48% (15529 of 31744) ]
[ 57% (18288 of 31744) ]
[ 66% (21047 of 31744) ]
[ 74% (23806 of 31744) ]
[ 83% (26565 of 31744) ]
[ 92% (29324 of 31744) ]
[ 100% (31744 of 31744) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-net-pop-2.0.1.gem...
[ 14% (1904 of 13312) ]
[ 35% (4663 of 13312) ]
[ 55% (7422 of 13312) ]
[ 76% (10181 of 13312) ]
[ 97% (12940 of 13312) ]
[ 100% (13312 of 13312) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-net-protocol-2.0.1.gem...
[ 21% (1905 of 8704) ]
[ 53% (4664 of 8704) ]
[ 85% (7423 of 8704) ]
[ 100% (8704 of 8704) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-net-smtp-2.0.1.gem...
[ 12% (1904 of 14848) ]
[ 31% (4663 of 14848) ]
[ 49% (7422 of 14848) ]
[ 68% (10181 of 14848) ]
[ 87% (12940 of 14848) ]
[ 100% (14848 of 14848) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-net-telnet-2.0.0.gem...
[ 11% (1904 of 16384) ]
[ 28% (4663 of 16384) ]
[ 45% (7422 of 16384) ]
[ 62% (10181 of 16384) ]
[ 78% (12940 of 16384) ]
[ 94% (15529 of 16384) ]
[ 100% (16384 of 16384) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-nkf-2.0.1.gem...
[ 1% (1903 of 146432) ]
[ 3% (4662 of 146432) ]
[ 5% (7421 of 146432) ]
[ 6% (10180 of 146432) ]
[ 8% (12939 of 146432) ]
[ 10% (15528 of 146432) ]
[ 12% (18287 of 146432) ]
[ 14% (21046 of 146432) ]
[ 16% (23805 of 146432) ]
[ 18% (26564 of 146432) ]
[ 20% (29323 of 146432) ]
[ 21% (31912 of 146432) ]
[ 32% (48296 of 146432) ]
[ 44% (64680 of 146432) ]
[ 55% (81064 of 146432) ]
[ 66% (97448 of 146432) ]
[ 77% (113832 of 146432) ]
[ 88% (130216 of 146432) ]
[ 100% (146432 of 146432) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-observer-2.0.0.gem...
[ 20% (1905 of 9216) ]
[ 50% (4664 of 9216) ]
[ 80% (7423 of 9216) ]
[ 100% (9216 of 9216) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-open-uri-2.0.0.gem...
[ 13% (1904 of 13824) ]
[ 33% (4663 of 13824) ]
[ 53% (7422 of 13824) ]
[ 73% (10181 of 13824) ]
[ 93% (12940 of 13824) ]
[ 100% (13824 of 13824) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-open3-2.0.0.gem...
[ 16% (1904 of 11264) ]
[ 41% (4663 of 11264) ]
[ 65% (7422 of 11264) ]
[ 90% (10181 of 11264) ]
[ 100% (11264 of 11264) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-openssl-2.2.1.gem...
[ 1% (1903 of 145408) ]
[ 3% (4662 of 145408) ]
[ 5% (7421 of 145408) ]
[ 7% (10180 of 145408) ]
[ 8% (12939 of 145408) ]
[ 10% (15528 of 145408) ]
[ 12% (18287 of 145408) ]
[ 14% (21046 of 145408) ]
[ 16% (23805 of 145408) ]
[ 18% (26564 of 145408) ]
[ 20% (29323 of 145408) ]
[ 21% (31912 of 145408) ]
[ 33% (48296 of 145408) ]
[ 44% (64680 of 145408) ]
[ 55% (81064 of 145408) ]
[ 67% (97448 of 145408) ]
[ 78% (113832 of 145408) ]
[ 89% (130216 of 145408) ]
[ 100% (145408 of 145408) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-optparse-2.0.1.gem...
[ 8% (1904 of 22528) ]
[ 20% (4663 of 22528) ]
[ 32% (7422 of 22528) ]
[ 45% (10181 of 22528) ]
[ 57% (12940 of 22528) ]
[ 68% (15529 of 22528) ]
[ 81% (18288 of 22528) ]
[ 93% (21047 of 22528) ]
[ 100% (22528 of 22528) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-ostruct-2.0.4.gem...
[ 16% (1904 of 11264) ]
[ 41% (4663 of 11264) ]
[ 65% (7422 of 11264) ]
[ 90% (10181 of 11264) ]
[ 100% (11264 of 11264) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-pathname-2.1.0.gem...
[ 12% (1904 of 15360) ]
[ 30% (4663 of 15360) ]
[ 48% (7422 of 15360) ]
[ 66% (10181 of 15360) ]
[ 84% (12940 of 15360) ]
[ 100% (15360 of 15360) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-prettyprint-2.0.3.gem...
[ 14% (1903 of 13312) ]
[ 35% (4662 of 13312) ]
[ 55% (7421 of 13312) ]
[ 76% (10180 of 13312) ]
[ 97% (12939 of 13312) ]
[ 100% (13312 of 13312) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-prime-2.0.1.gem...
[ 14% (1903 of 12800) ]
[ 36% (4662 of 12800) ]
[ 57% (7421 of 12800) ]
[ 79% (10180 of 12800) ]
[ 100% (12800 of 12800) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-profile-2.0.0.gem...
[ 28% (1904 of 6656) ]
[ 70% (4663 of 6656) ]
[ 100% (6656 of 6656) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-profiler-2.0.1.gem...
[ 28% (1904 of 6656) ]
[ 70% (4663 of 6656) ]
[ 100% (6656 of 6656) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-pstore-2.0.0.gem...
[ 16% (1903 of 11264) ]
[ 41% (4662 of 11264) ]
[ 65% (7421 of 11264) ]
[ 90% (10180 of 11264) ]
[ 100% (11264 of 11264) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-pty-2.0.3.gem...
[ 15% (1903 of 12288) ]
[ 37% (4662 of 12288) ]
[ 60% (7421 of 12288) ]
[ 82% (10180 of 12288) ]
[ 100% (12288 of 12288) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-rational-2.0.1.gem...
[ 21% (1904 of 8704) ]
[ 53% (4663 of 8704) ]
[ 85% (7422 of 8704) ]
[ 100% (8704 of 8704) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-readline-2.0.2.gem...
[ 10% (1903 of 17920) ]
[ 26% (4662 of 17920) ]
[ 41% (7421 of 17920) ]
[ 56% (10180 of 17920) ]
[ 72% (12939 of 17920) ]
[ 86% (15528 of 17920) ]
[ 100% (17920 of 17920) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-resolv-2.1.0.gem...
[ 8% (1903 of 23040) ]
[ 20% (4662 of 23040) ]
[ 32% (7421 of 23040) ]
[ 44% (10180 of 23040) ]
[ 56% (12939 of 23040) ]
[ 67% (15528 of 23040) ]
[ 79% (18287 of 23040) ]
[ 91% (21046 of 23040) ]
[ 100% (23040 of 23040) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-rexml-2.0.4.gem...
[ 2% (1903 of 90624) ]
[ 5% (4662 of 90624) ]
[ 8% (7421 of 90624) ]
[ 11% (10180 of 90624) ]
[ 14% (12939 of 90624) ]
[ 17% (15528 of 90624) ]
[ 20% (18287 of 90624) ]
[ 23% (21046 of 90624) ]
[ 26% (23805 of 90624) ]
[ 29% (26564 of 90624) ]
[ 32% (29323 of 90624) ]
[ 35% (31912 of 90624) ]
[ 53% (48296 of 90624) ]
[ 71% (64680 of 90624) ]
[ 89% (81064 of 90624) ]
[ 100% (90624 of 90624) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-rinda-2.0.1.gem...
[ 13% (1903 of 13824) ]
[ 33% (4662 of 13824) ]
[ 53% (7421 of 13824) ]
[ 73% (10180 of 13824) ]
[ 93% (12939 of 13824) ]
[ 100% (13824 of 13824) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-rss-2.0.0.gem...
[ 3% (1903 of 49664) ]
[ 9% (4662 of 49664) ]
[ 14% (7421 of 49664) ]
[ 20% (10180 of 49664) ]
[ 26% (12939 of 49664) ]
[ 31% (15528 of 49664) ]
[ 36% (18287 of 49664) ]
[ 42% (21046 of 49664) ]
[ 47% (23805 of 49664) ]
[ 53% (26564 of 49664) ]
[ 59% (29323 of 49664) ]
[ 64% (31912 of 49664) ]
[ 97% (48296 of 49664) ]
[ 100% (49664 of 49664) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-scanf-2.0.0.gem...
[ 12% (1903 of 14848) ]
[ 31% (4662 of 14848) ]
[ 49% (7421 of 14848) ]
[ 68% (10180 of 14848) ]
[ 87% (12939 of 14848) ]
[ 100% (14848 of 14848) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-securerandom-2.0.0.gem...
[ 18% (1903 of 10240) ]
[ 45% (4662 of 10240) ]
[ 72% (7421 of 10240) ]
[ 99% (10180 of 10240) ]
[ 100% (10240 of 10240) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-set-2.0.1.gem...
[ 7% (1903 of 24064) ]
[ 19% (4662 of 24064) ]
[ 30% (7421 of 24064) ]
[ 42% (10180 of 24064) ]
[ 53% (12939 of 24064) ]
[ 64% (15528 of 24064) ]
[ 75% (18287 of 24064) ]
[ 87% (21046 of 24064) ]
[ 98% (23805 of 24064) ]
[ 100% (24064 of 24064) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-shellwords-2.0.0.gem...
[ 23% (1904 of 8192) ]
[ 56% (4663 of 8192) ]
[ 90% (7422 of 8192) ]
[ 100% (8192 of 8192) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-singleton-2.0.0.gem...
[ 19% (1904 of 9728) ]
[ 47% (4663 of 9728) ]
[ 76% (7422 of 9728) ]
[ 100% (9728 of 9728) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-socket-2.0.1.gem...
[ 5% (1904 of 34816) ]
[ 13% (4663 of 34816) ]
[ 21% (7422 of 34816) ]
[ 29% (10181 of 34816) ]
[ 37% (12940 of 34816) ]
[ 44% (15529 of 34816) ]
[ 52% (18288 of 34816) ]
[ 60% (21047 of 34816) ]
[ 68% (23806 of 34816) ]
[ 76% (26565 of 34816) ]
[ 84% (29324 of 34816) ]
[ 91% (31913 of 34816) ]
[ 99% (34672 of 34816) ]
[ 100% (34816 of 34816) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-stringio-2.0.0.gem...
[ 7% (1904 of 25600) ]
[ 18% (4663 of 25600) ]
[ 28% (7422 of 25600) ]
[ 39% (10181 of 25600) ]
[ 50% (12940 of 25600) ]
[ 60% (15529 of 25600) ]
[ 71% (18288 of 25600) ]
[ 82% (21047 of 25600) ]
[ 92% (23806 of 25600) ]
[ 100% (25600 of 25600) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-strscan-2.0.0.gem...
[ 13% (1904 of 14336) ]
[ 32% (4663 of 14336) ]
[ 51% (7422 of 14336) ]
[ 71% (10181 of 14336) ]
[ 90% (12940 of 14336) ]
[ 100% (14336 of 14336) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-sync-2.0.0.gem...
[ 23% (1905 of 8192) ]
[ 56% (4664 of 8192) ]
[ 90% (7423 of 8192) ]
[ 100% (8192 of 8192) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-syslog-2.1.0.gem...
[ 13% (1904 of 13824) ]
[ 33% (4663 of 13824) ]
[ 53% (7422 of 13824) ]
[ 73% (10181 of 13824) ]
[ 93% (12940 of 13824) ]
[ 100% (13824 of 13824) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-tempfile-2.0.1.gem...
[ 15% (1904 of 12288) ]
[ 37% (4663 of 12288) ]
[ 60% (7422 of 12288) ]
[ 82% (10181 of 12288) ]
[ 100% (12288 of 12288) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-test-unit-2.0.3.gem...
[ 10% (1904 of 17920) ]
[ 26% (4663 of 17920) ]
[ 41% (7422 of 17920) ]
[ 56% (10181 of 17920) ]
[ 72% (12940 of 17920) ]
[ 86% (15529 of 17920) ]
[ 100% (17920 of 17920) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-thread-2.0.2.gem...
[ 21% (1905 of 8704) ]
[ 53% (4664 of 8704) ]
[ 85% (7423 of 8704) ]
[ 100% (8704 of 8704) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-thwait-2.0.0.gem...
[ 24% (1905 of 7680) ]
[ 60% (4664 of 7680) ]
[ 96% (7423 of 7680) ]
[ 100% (7680 of 7680) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-time-2.0.3.gem...
[ 12% (1904 of 14848) ]
[ 31% (4663 of 14848) ]
[ 49% (7422 of 14848) ]
[ 68% (10181 of 14848) ]
[ 87% (12940 of 14848) ]
[ 100% (14848 of 14848) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-timeout-2.0.0.gem...
[ 21% (1905 of 8704) ]
[ 53% (4664 of 8704) ]
[ 85% (7423 of 8704) ]
[ 100% (8704 of 8704) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-tmpdir-2.0.1.gem...
[ 21% (1905 of 8704) ]
[ 53% (4664 of 8704) ]
[ 85% (7423 of 8704) ]
[ 100% (8704 of 8704) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-tsort-2.0.1.gem...
[ 21% (1905 of 8704) ]
[ 53% (4664 of 8704) ]
[ 85% (7423 of 8704) ]
[ 100% (8704 of 8704) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-un-2.0.0.gem...
[ 24% (1905 of 7680) ]
[ 60% (4664 of 7680) ]
[ 96% (7423 of 7680) ]
[ 100% (7680 of 7680) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-uri-2.0.0.gem...
[ 4% (1904 of 44544) ]
[ 10% (4663 of 44544) ]
[ 16% (7422 of 44544) ]
[ 22% (10181 of 44544) ]
[ 29% (12940 of 44544) ]
[ 34% (15529 of 44544) ]
[ 41% (18288 of 44544) ]
[ 47% (21047 of 44544) ]
[ 53% (23806 of 44544) ]
[ 59% (26565 of 44544) ]
[ 65% (29324 of 44544) ]
[ 71% (31913 of 44544) ]
[ 100% (44544 of 44544) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-weakref-2.0.0.gem...
[ 28% (1905 of 6656) ]
[ 70% (4664 of 6656) ]
[ 100% (6656 of 6656) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-webrick-2.0.0.gem...
[ 3% (1904 of 55296) ]
[ 8% (4663 of 55296) ]
[ 13% (7422 of 55296) ]
[ 18% (10181 of 55296) ]
[ 23% (12940 of 55296) ]
[ 28% (15529 of 55296) ]
[ 33% (18288 of 55296) ]
[ 38% (21047 of 55296) ]
[ 43% (23806 of 55296) ]
[ 48% (26565 of 55296) ]
[ 53% (29324 of 55296) ]
[ 57% (31913 of 55296) ]
[ 87% (48297 of 55296) ]
[ 100% (55296 of 55296) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-xmlrpc-2.0.0.gem...
[ 6% (1904 of 31232) ]
[ 14% (4663 of 31232) ]
[ 23% (7422 of 31232) ]
[ 32% (10181 of 31232) ]
[ 41% (12940 of 31232) ]
[ 49% (15529 of 31232) ]
[ 58% (18288 of 31232) ]
[ 67% (21047 of 31232) ]
[ 76% (23806 of 31232) ]
[ 85% (26565 of 31232) ]
[ 93% (29324 of 31232) ]
[ 100% (31232 of 31232) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-yaml-2.1.0.gem...
[ 13% (1904 of 14336) ]
[ 32% (4663 of 14336) ]
[ 51% (7422 of 14336) ]
[ 71% (10181 of 14336) ]
[ 90% (12940 of 14336) ]
[ 100% (14336 of 14336) ]: done!
Downloading rubysl-zlib-2.0.1.gem...
[ 4% (1904 of 42496) ]
[ 10% (4663 of 42496) ]
[ 17% (7422 of 42496) ]
[ 23% (10181 of 42496) ]
[ 30% (12940 of 42496) ]
[ 36% (15529 of 42496) ]
[ 43% (18288 of 42496) ]
[ 49% (21047 of 42496) ]
[ 56% (23806 of 42496) ]
[ 62% (26565 of 42496) ]
[ 69% (29324 of 42496) ]
[ 75% (31913 of 42496) ]
[ 100% (42496 of 42496) ]: done!
Setting up gems...
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-ast-2.3.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-compiler-2.3.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-melbourne-'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-processor-2.3.0'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/staging/runtime/gems/rubinius-toolset-2.3.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/ffi2-generators-0.1.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-etc-2.0.3'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-fileutils-2.0.3'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-mkmf-2.0.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-shellwords-2.0.0'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-date-2.0.9'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-delegate-2.0.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-digest-2.0.3'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-fcntl-2.0.4'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-monitor-2.0.0'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-openssl-2.2.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-optparse-2.0.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-stringio-2.0.0'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-strscan-2.0.0'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-tempfile-2.0.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-thread-2.0.2'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-tmpdir-2.0.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-uri-2.0.0'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-yaml-2.1.0'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/rubysl-zlib-2.0.1'
Unpacked gem: '/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/bootstrap/gems/psych-2.0.10'
Writing configuration files...
Rubinius (7a5b05b1) has been configured for the following paths:
prefix: /home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2
bin: /home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2/bin
lib: /home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2/library
include: /home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2/vm/include/capi
runtime: /home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2/runtime
kernel: /home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2/kernel
site: /home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2/site
vendor: /home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2/vendor
man: /home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2/man
gems: /home/test/.rvm/rubies/rbx-2.5.2/gems
gems cache: /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2/vendor/cache
Run 'rake' to build, test and install Rubinius.
After building, you may add
to your PATH or run commands directly from that directory.
Available commands are:
ruby, rake, gem, irb, rdoc, ri, erb, rbx
[2017-01-02 04:49:04] /home/test/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/bundle
current path: /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2
command(2): /home/test/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.4.0@rubinius/bundle install
Using rake 10.4.2
Using daedalus-core 0.2.0
Using redcard 1.1.0
Using rubinius-ast 2.3.1
Using rubinius-compiler 2.3.1
Using rubinius-melbourne
Using rubinius-processor 2.3.0
Using rubinius-toolset 2.3.1
Using bundler 1.13.7
Using rubinius-bridge 1.1.0
Using rubinius-build_tools 2.0.0
Bundle complete! 5 Gemfile dependencies, 11 gems now installed.
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
[2017-01-02 04:49:04] __rvm_patch
__rvm_patch ()
\patch "$@" || return $?
current path: /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2
command(8): __rvm_patch -F 25 -p1 -N -f -i /home/test/.rvm/patches/rbx/2.5.2/clean_bundler_environment_before_running_homebrew.diff
++ patch -F 25 -p1 -N -f -i /home/test/.rvm/patches/rbx/2.5.2/clean_bundler_environment_before_running_homebrew.diff
patching file configure
Hunk #1 succeeded at 603 (offset 27 lines).
[2017-01-02 04:49:04] __rvm_patch
__rvm_patch ()
\patch "$@" || return $?
current path: /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2
command(8): __rvm_patch -F 25 -p1 -N -f -i /home/test/.rvm/patches/rbx/2.5.2/this_can_not_be_null.diff
++ patch -F 25 -p1 -N -f -i /home/test/.rvm/patches/rbx/2.5.2/this_can_not_be_null.diff
patching file vm/oop.hpp
[2017-01-02 04:49:01] __rvm_rm_rf
__rvm_rm_rf ()
__rvm_rm_rf_verbose "$@"
current path: /home/test
command(2): __rvm_rm_rf /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2
++ __rvm_rm_rf_verbose /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2
++ typeset target
++ target=/home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n 4.4.5(1)-release ]]
++ builtin shopt -s extglob
++ case "${target}" in
++ [[ -z /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2 ]]
++ [[ -d /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2 ]]
++ command rm -rf /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2
++ rm -rf /home/test/.rvm/src/rbx-2.5.2
++ true
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