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Created October 9, 2013 16:17
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(ns atcoder.core
(:use [clojure.string :only (join split split-lines)])
(:require [ :as events]
[goog.dom :as dom]))
; don't fix me
(defn gen-args
(split-lines input))
(defn gen-temps
(map #(split % " ") args))
; start code section
(defn main [args]
(let [cnt (js/parseInt (first args))
as (gen-temps (rest args))]
(.log js/console
(apply str
(join " "
(loop [result [0 0 0 0 0 0] temps as i 0]
(if (= cnt i)
(let [temp (first temps)
M (temp 0)
m (temp 1)]
(recur [(if (>= M 35.0) (inc (result 0)) (result 0))
(if (and (>= M 30.0) (< M 35.0)) (inc (result 1)) (result 1))
(if (and (>= M 25.0) (< M 30.0)) (inc (result 2)) (result 2))
(if (>= m 25.0) (inc (result 3)) (result 3))
(if (and (>= M 0) (< m 0)) (inc (result 4)) (result 4))
(if (< M 0) (inc (result 5)) (result 5))]
(rest temps)
(inc i))))))))))
; don't fix me
(defn ^:export debug
(.. js/document
(getElementById "input")
; don't fix me
(set! *main-cli-fn*
(.. (js/require "fs")
(readFileSync "/dev/stdin" "utf8")))))
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