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Created August 1, 2013 22:27
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Bowen Yu's solution to UVa 10261 - Ferry Loading
// default headers
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// macros
#define FORST(X,S,T) for(int X=(S); X<=(T); X++)
#define RFORST(X,S,T) for(int X=(S); X>=(T); X--)
#define FOR(X,XB) for(int X=0; X<(XB); X++)
#define RFOR(X,XB) for(int X=(XB)-1; X>=0; X--)
#define FORSTL(X,C) for(X=C.begin();X!=C.end();X++)
#define RFORSTL(X,C) for(X=C.rbegin();X!=C.rend();X++)
#define SQR(X) ((X)*(X))
#define MID(X,Y) (((X)+(Y))/2)
#define MIN(X,Y) (X=min((X),(Y)))
#define MAX(X,Y) (X=max((X),(Y)))
#define FILL(X,V) memset(X,V,sizeof(X))
#define FILE_R(X) freopen(X, "r", stdin)
#define FILE_W(X) freopen(X, "w", stdout)
#define ERREQ(X,Y) (fabs((X)-(Y))<EPS)
#define DBGL cout << "here" << endl;
#define INITLISTS {L=0; FILL(adj,-1);}
#define SZ(X) (int)sizeof(X)
const double PI = acos(-1.0);
const double EPS = 1E-9;
const int INF = (int)1E9;
typedef long long LL;
typedef vector<int> VI;
#define MAXN 100005
// the stuffs above are my contest template, used for speedup in contest :)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// actual solution below
// memo table that stores the decision we make for each car, -1 for "no solution" states
int pre[205][10005];
// dp table
bool dp[2][10005];
// the length of each car, used to recover our solution from pre[][] matrix
int carlen[205];
// the answer(decisions) for each car, 0:port 1:starboard
bool answer[205];
int main(){
int caseNum;
scanf("%d", &caseNum); // get the number of cases
FOR(caseId, caseNum){
int L;
scanf("%d", &L); // get the length of the ferry
L *= 100; // centimeters from meters
FILL(dp[0], false); // initialize dp table to "no solution" state
dp[0][0] = true; // initially, 0 length at both sides is feasible
FILL(pre, -1); // solution memo is initialized to "no solution"
bool done = false; // are we done with this case?
int i = 0; // for enumerating car id
int N = 0; // how many cars we can load
int sumlen = 0; // sum of car length we've considered so far
int t=0, pt; // we use space saving trick here
int lastlen = 0; // record feasible length at port side for the last loaded car
int curlen;
scanf("%d", &curlen); // get the current car length
if(curlen==0) break;
if(done==true) continue;
// if we reach here, it means we are not done yet with this case
pt = t; t ^= 1; // swap dp table (space saving trick)
carlen[++i] = curlen; // increment car id, store the car length
sumlen += curlen; // add the length to the length sum
FILL(dp[t], false); // initialize a new row of dp table
bool canload = false; // can we load this car?
FORST(len, 0, L){ // enumerate all the possible lengths at port side
if(dp[pt][len]==false) continue;// there is no solution for this state, ignore
// is it ok if we put the car on the port side?
if(len+curlen<=L && sumlen-(len+curlen)<=L){ // port side ok && starboard side ok
dp[t][len+curlen] = true;
pre[i][len+curlen] = 0; // record out decision, recall: 0 means we put the i-th car at port side
lastlen = len+curlen;
canload = true;
// is it ok if we put the car on the port side?
if(sumlen-len<=L){ // starboard side ok (len<=L is trivial so we do not write it explicitly)
dp[t][len] = true;
pre[i][len] = 1; // record out decision, recall: 1 means we put the i-th car at starboard side
lastlen = len;
canload = true;
if(!canload) done = true; // if we cannot load this car, we are done
else N = i; // store how many cars we have successfully loaded
printf("%d\n", N); // print the number of cars we load
RFORST(i, N, 1){ // iterate reversely from the last car to the first
if(pre[i][lastlen]==0){ // this car is loaded at port
lastlen -= carlen[i]; // decrease the port side length
answer[i] = 0;
}else if(pre[i][lastlen]==1){ // this car is loaded at starboard
answer[i] = 1;
FORST(i, 1, N){ // print the solutions
if(answer[i]==0) puts("port");
else if(answer[i]==1) puts("starboard");
if(caseId<caseNum-1) printf("\n"); // print an empty line between consecutive cases
return 0;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
//BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("input")); // for local testing from input file
int caseNum = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); // get the test case
for(int caseId=0; caseId<caseNum; caseId++){
in.readLine(); // read the empty line before each test case
int L = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
L *= 100; // get the ferry length, and convert from meters to centimeters
boolean [][] dp = new boolean [2][L+1]; // allocate dp table with space saving trick, note the off-by-one, as length can be [0, L] including L+1 values
Arrays.fill(dp[0], false); // initialize dp table to "no solution" state
dp[0][0] = true; // initially, 0 length at both sides is feasible
int [][] pre = new int [205][L+1]; // allocate solution memo, note the off-by-one also
int [] carlen = new int [205]; // the length of each car, used to recover our solution from pre[][] matrix
boolean done = false; // are we done with this case?
int t=0, pt; // space saving trick
int i = 0; // current car id
int N = 0; // how many cars can we load
int sumlen = 0; // sum of car length we've considered so far
int lastlen = 0; // record feasible length at port side for the last loaded car
int curlen = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); // get the current car length
if(curlen==0) break; // get a 0-length, terminate the case
if(done==true) continue;// a previous car cannot be loaded already, so we directly ignore the following car
pt = t; t ^= 1; // swap dp table (space saving trick)
carlen[++i] = curlen; // increment car id, store the car length
sumlen += curlen; // add the length to the length sum
Arrays.fill(dp[t], false); // initialize a new row of dp table
boolean canload = false; // can we load this car?
for(int len=0; len<=L; len++){ // enumerate all the possible lengths at port side
if(dp[pt][len]==false) continue; // there is no solution for this state, ignore
// is it ok if we put the car on the port side?
if(len+curlen<=L && sumlen-(len+curlen)<=L){ // port side ok && starboard side ok
dp[t][len+curlen] = true;
pre[i][len+curlen] = 0; // record out decision, recall: 0 means we put the i-th car at port side
lastlen = len+curlen;
canload = true;
// is it ok if we put the car on the port side?
if(sumlen-len<=L){ // starboard side ok (len<=L is trivial so we do not write it explicitly)
dp[t][len] = true;
pre[i][len] = 1; // record out decision, recall: 1 means we put the i-th car at starboard side
lastlen = len;
canload = true;
if(!canload) done = true; // if we cannot load this car, we are done
else N = i; // store how many cars we have successfully loaded
System.out.println(N); // print the number of cars we load
int [] answer = new int [N+1]; // allocate the answer (decision) array, note the off-by-one, cars are numbered from 1 to N
for(i=N; i>=0; i--){ // iterate reversely from the last car to the first, and write to the answer table
if(pre[i][lastlen]==0){ // this car is loaded at port
lastlen -= carlen[i]; // decrease the port side length
answer[i] = 0;
}else if(pre[i][lastlen]==1){ // this car is loaded at starboard
answer[i] = 1;
for(i=1; i<=N; i++){ // print the solutions
if(answer[i]==0) System.out.println("port");
else if(answer[i]==1) System.out.println("starboard");
if(caseId<caseNum-1) System.out.println(""); // print an empty line between consecutive cases
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