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Created July 21, 2014 12:02
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Individual presentation
My name is Boyang, it sounds somewhat like young boy, in case it helps. I intern with CIB tech, SCPP team, or Securities core processing platform. I also serve as class lead for technology interns.
***So we have 5 minutes to summarize 10 weeks’ worth of experience. It is way too short, especially when it's so special. I'll give my best shot.***
To summarize, the internship to me is new. New is the keyword here. Back in school I knew Computer Science and only Computer Science, and I was good at it. But I didn’t know much about teamwork, collaboration and leadership. But by now I've tried and learned so many new things and I've done things that I had never imagined that I would have ever done. Examples.
1. Once I walked across to the other side of the floor, grabbed someone and ask "I heard there is this Janus support team sits somewhere around. Do you have any idea where they are or perhaps someone whom I can talk to?" I wouldn't do that in the past because I was shy and, reluctant to seek help from strangers.
2. And there was another occasion where I was trying to get in touch with a Product Owner based in the US. I've been sending emails but no response. So one day I stayed back, tried to message on OC first with no luck. So I called. It didn't get through. I called again. This time he picked up and said he's in the middle of a discussion so he can't attend to me. But I insisted and said "Can we have a quick conversation after your discussion finishes because we've said that we would touch base on this for weeks and it hasn’t happened". He agreed. So we had this session that helped navigate development direction a long way.
3. Thirdly, I serve as class lead for Technology interns. We organize talks and events, gather feedback from interns and escalate when there is a need. This is the first serious leadership role that I've ever taken up. I didn’t do a good job at the start, but I was able to do better by consulting my fellow class leads, Rachel, Yong Sheng, Arundhati and Archit.
With these examples, one question is often asked in our firm: what is the business value added? Well, there are some. I worked on and released a utility, for which I worked with the Product Owner. The utility is called LRI Report Viewer and it’s used to search and filter LRI or liquidity risk infrastructure report extracts and it reduces the elapsed time from 12-24 hrs to less than 10 minutes. It’s currently being used to real solve production issues.
However, I feel that the real value-add is on myself. I've grown to become a better team player. I've grown to be more ready to collaborate and call for help. I've become more ready to lead and to take the responsibility of leading. My horizons are broadened, and I'm grateful of that.
Now let me talk about the people. Prior to my joining, I was expecting an investment bank to have a gloomier atmosphere, but it's not the case. It's lively and welcoming. The openness is ubiquitous. You can look up literally anyone in phonebook or message the person on OC. ***There is even a "search someone by name sounds like" feature. Kudos to the development team and that is just amazing.***
Like I mentioned, I'm part of CIB Tech, SCPP team and the feature team Avengers. Excellent team, I love my teammates. They are smart, capable and friendly. Some have in-depth knowledge in their specific domains and some have a broad understanding of the business and the organization. They taught me a lot. We get along so well that we have futsal session on Saturday and Cricket session on Sunday. Yes Cricket. Cricket rules, among others, are some of the things they taught me. ***So for the first time in my life I played Cricket.*** Let's talk about my project teammates. Alfred, always cheerful, plays badminton very well. Vincent, always serious. Huiwen, produces the best meeting minutes in the world. And Nishant and Prathna, I'd like to make this confession that I really like you guys. You are not only technically advanced, but also interesting people. We had so much fun talking, sometimes near midnight, in office. I just feel lucky to have had the chance to work with you. I can go on and extend this to all the colleagues I worked with, but the point is made. The people here are good, and I love interacting with them.
So I've talked about 1. How I learned new things, and 2. How I made great relationships with great people. Considering these two, and putting appraisal ratings and recruitment decisions aside, the internship is already rewarding. I'd like to extend my gratitude to Ash, who’s been taking care of us; Lex, our CDP mentor who despite being so busy still spend a lot of time with us and gave valuable advices; Class Captains, Jesus, Anand, Dave, Charlotte, Laura, Amol, Wei Yang, and all who helped make the internship a reality.
Now, dear panelists, allow me to remind you that you are supposed to hear fresh ideas from fresh minds here. So here/this is my idea. I might get a return offer. I might not. But the invest that’s gone into me will not go wasted. The time that is spend and the bonds that were forged will not go wasted, because somehow, the dots will connect, and the lines will extend, and they will meet somewhere. Thank you.
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