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Last active September 22, 2017 16:02
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Implementation of basic technique for compression based on Huffman coding.
# This is a basic implementation of compression based on Huffman coding.
# My main source of reference to try and implement this was the Wikipedia page [1].
# Specifically the image there that explains the basic steps [2].
# I was initially tasked to implmenet this and was unable to at the time.
# About a week later, after doing other practice coding problems and reading some more
# docs I decided to try it again.
# This took a number of hours broken over 2 days. I tried to limit google searches to only
# Ruby docs and the wikipedia page to try and re-create the first time I was asked to do this.
# I did at one point come across an implementation on a github repo that used a Node class
# to create the nodes and traverse them. However for now I tried to continue with my script-like
# implementation. Possibly I can refactor and implement this as classes and in a better/easier way.
# Note:
# I did this in and then put it into a gist. I wish I had started a gist initially or a repo.
# The times will be off as I am attempting to show the basic steps I took when first creating and not
# the many changes I did.
# Links:
# 1.
# 2.
x = string.split("").map { |chr| { chr => string.split("").count(chr) } }.inject(:merge)
# Sort and convert to 2D array.
x = x.sort_by { |key, value| value }
# Collect the symbols to use as the dictionary.
@dictionary = { |arr| { arr[0] => "" } }.inject(:merge)
# Combine least 2 frequent letters, build tree inserting
# left/right leaf indications (bits), and re-sort until there's
# only 1 parent node.
while x.length > 1
new_val = [
(x[0][0] + x[1][0]),
(x[0][1] + x[1][1]),
x = x.sort_by { |key, value| value }
# Traverse the tree to build the dictionary to compress the
# text with.
# The left/right bits are always at index 2 and are always a string.
# Knowing this I can loop over the tree looking any array,
# checking if it's symbol includes the symbol being searched for,
# and if true add the bit to the end of the dictionary for that symbol.
# Note: This was the hardest part to figure out.
def loop(symbol, ar)
ar.each do |value|
if value.is_a?(Array) && value[0].include?(symbol) && value[2].is_a?(String)
# Get the bits.
@dictionary[symbol] += value[2]
# Recusivily dig deeper into the tree if I can.
if value.is_a?(Array)
loop(symbol, value)
# Start the search of the tree. Loop over each symbol
# in the dictionary until complete.
@dictionary.each do |key, value|
loop(key, x)
# Print out the final dictionary with bits populated.
puts @dictionary
# Encode the string.
encoded_string = []
string.chars.each do |chr|
encoded_string << @dictionary[chr]
encoded_string = encoded_string.join("")
# expected output from wikipedia page used to base entire compression from.
expected_output = "1000011101001000110010011101100111001001000111110010011111011111100010001111110100111001001011111011101000111111001"
puts "----------"
puts encoded_string
# This is not an ideal test, I know, but wouldn't let me add a real one.
if expected_output == encoded_string
puts "Test Passed!"
puts "Test Failed!"
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