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Created February 19, 2015 18:18
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Save bpander/e07077a147f8715e3cf8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/*jshint node:true, laxbreak:true */
'use strict';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var shouldMinify = (grunt.option('maps') || !grunt.option('dev'));
handlebars: {
compile: {
options: {
amd: ['handlebars'],
processName: function(filePath) {
return filePath.replace(/^src\/assets\/scripts\/templates\//, '').replace(/\.hbs$/, '');
files: {
'<%= env.DIR_SRC %>/assets/scripts/helpers/Templates.js': '<%= env.DIR_SRC %>/assets/scripts/templates/**/*.hbs'
// Copies static files for non-optimized builds
copy: {
buildScripts: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= env.DIR_SRC %>',
dest: '<%= env.DIR_DEST %>',
src: shouldMinify
? ['assets/scripts/config.js', 'assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js', 'assets/vendor/zeroclipboard/dist/', 'assets/vendor/zeroclipboard/dist/ZeroClipboard.swf']
: ['assets/scripts/**/*.js', 'assets/vendor/**/*.js', 'assets/vendor/zeroclipboard/dist/', 'assets/vendor/zeroclipboard/dist/ZeroClipboard.swf']
// RequireJS plugin that will use uglify2 to build and minify our
// JavaScript, templates and any other data we include in the require
// files.
requirejs: {
options: {
// Path of source scripts, relative to this build file
baseUrl: '<%= env.DIR_SRC %>/assets/scripts',
// Path of shared configuration file
mainConfigFile: '<%= env.DIR_SRC %>/assets/scripts/config.js',
// Whether to generate source maps for easier debugging of
// concatenated and minified code in the browser.
generateSourceMaps: grunt.option('maps'),
// Whether to preserve comments with a license. Not needed when,
// and oddly incompatible with, generating a source map.
preserveLicenseComments: grunt.option('no-maps'),
// Allow `'use strict';` be included in the RequireJS files
useStrict: true,
// Comments that start with //>> are build pragmas. Exmaple:
// //>>includeStart("isDev", pragmas.isDev);
// ... debugging code here ...
// //>>includeEnd("isDev");
pragmas: {
isProd: grunt.option('prod'),
isStage: grunt.option('stage'),
isDev: grunt.option('dev')
// Whether and how to optimize
optimize: shouldMinify ? 'uglify2' : 'none',
// Minification options
uglify2: {
output: {
beautify: false,
comments: false
compress: {
sequences: false,
global_defs: { // jshint ignore:line
DEBUG: false
warnings: false,
mangle: true
buildScripts: {
options: {
// Name of input script (.js extension inferred)
name: 'main',
// Destination path of final output
out: '<%= env.DIR_DEST %>/assets/scripts/main.js'
? [
: [
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