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Last active July 23, 2021 15:34
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Force internalisation of quizz courses in iadvize AppNorth Academy
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let courseId = window.location.href.split("/")[4];
const englishCourses = {
"9tjjinyy" : "Asynchronous conversations" ,
"qrhqavpu": "Take care of your Customer Satisfaction" ,
"tcyl8aef": "The art of chatting",
"dackkuga": "💡 Get onboard : Key features to know",
"fx5szeh2": "How to deal with visitors on Covid-19",
"6rinxles": "Meet ibbü experts",
"sxc0wakt": "Optimize conversion with mobile visitors",
"xldserbb": "Your new conversation panel",
"qzrtkawd": "Beta Collaborative training",
"dackkuga": "💡 Get onboard : Key features to know",
"zfzo9xam": "Snooze for all",
"dxto8jix": "Samsung",
"aitzmsl6": "bPatra - My tailor is Rich"
$(document).ready(function() {
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window.hack_translated = false;
let courseID = window.location.href.split("/")[4];
function $iFrame(selector){
var iFrame = $('#quiz-embed');
return $(selector, iFrame.contents())
function translateSummary(){
let summary = $iFrame("p.quiz-summary__text--charcoal").html();
summary = summary.split(" ");
// ["You", "scored", "0%", "with", "0", "of", "2", "questions", "answered", "correctly."]
// Vous avez obtenu un score de 30% en répondant correctement à 3 sur 10. Vous pouvez consulter la synthèse de vos réponses ci-dessous.
// ["Vous", "avez", "obtenu", "un", "score", "de", "30%", "en", "repondant", "correctement", a, 3, sur, 10]
let translatedSummary = `You scored ${summary[10]} by answering correctly to ${summary[15]} out of ${summary[17]} You can see the summary of your answers below.`;
function translateProgression(){
let progression = $iFrame(".uk-article .uk-article-meta").html();
progression = progression.replace("sur", "on");
$iFrame(".uk-article .uk-article-meta").html(progression);
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if ($iFrame("p.quiz-summary__text--charcoal").length) {
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observer.observe(body, config);
function translateContent() {
if (!window.hack_translated) {
translateSummary(); //translated the summary
}catch(ex){console.log("Error localizing summary")}
translateProgression(); // translate the progression: e.g. 1 on 10
}catch(ex){console.log("Error localizing progression")}
$iFrame("").html("You have completed this questionnaire"); // translate subheader
}catch(ex){console.log("Error localizing sub header")}
// Do not localize the "see all your answers"
$iFrame(".quiz-summary__learner-answer").html("Your answer")
}catch(ex){console.log("Error hiding trainling sentence")}
window.hack_translated = true;
$(window).bind("load", function() {
if (englishCourses[courseID]) {
console.log("start localization");
if ($iFrame("p.quiz-summary__text--charcoal")) {
setTimeout(translateContent, 1000);
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