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bpedman /
Last active October 4, 2017 19:36 — forked from cedricwalter/
Sonatype NEXUS 2 has a rest API :-) but NEXUS 3 has none/not ready, the following simulate curl/wget call

Fetching artifact programmatically through REST/API fro Nexus2/3

Nexus 2.x had a REST API to download artifacts like below based on some Maven GAV co-ordinates but this no longer works for Nexus 3.x

Nexus 2.x

Nexus 2.x had a REST API to download artifacts based on some Maven GAV co-ordinates

wget "http://local:8081/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?g=com.mycompany&a=my-app&v=LATEST" --content-disposition


bpedman / keybindings.json
Created December 9, 2015 18:07
Visual Studio Code - Eclipse Keybindings (Mac)
"key": "cmd+d",
"command": "editor.action.cutLines",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"key": "cmd+o",
"command": "workbench.action.gotoSymbol"
bpedman / git-clean-branches
Last active February 16, 2016 22:34
Clean up stale local git branches
# Cleans up stale local branches.
# Checks for local branches that used to have a remote branch
# but that branch no longer exists. If the branch has no local
# changes that have not been merged into a specific branch then
# the branch is deleted.
# Written by Mike Ensor (
# Copywrite 2012
# Use as needed, modify, have fun!
# This is intended to be used for Maven3 + Mac OSX
# Modified by Raman Gupta (
# - proper escaping of sed capture groups (needed for Linux?)
# - tabs replaced with four spaces for consistency across editors