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Created October 10, 2017 13:56
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JSON Node Visitor
from itertools import repeat
from collections import Mapping, Sequence, deque, namedtuple
from treecrawler._compat import string_type, text_type, binary_type
DONT_ITER_TYPES = string_type, text_type, binary_type
Node = namedtuple('Node', ['keys', 'val'])
def get_children(node, element_char, mappings=True, sequences=False,
"""Return the children of this Node as a list of Nodes."""
items = []
if isinstance(node.val, dont_iter):
# ignore string types
elif isinstance(node.val, Mapping) and mappings:
# node is like a dictionary
items = node.val.items()
elif isinstance(node.val, Sequence) and sequences:
# node is like a list
if element_char:
items = zip(repeat(element_char), node.val)
items = enumerate(node.val)
return [Node(node.keys + [k], v) for k, v in items]
def node_visitor(d, process_node, visit_arrays=True, element_char=None):
"""Call process_node funct for every node in tree and yield results.
d (obj):
Data to traverse (the tree)
process_node (funct):
Accepts a parent Node and list of child Nodes as args. Example:
lambda parent, children: '.'.join(map(str, parent.keys))
visit_arrays (bool):
Visit the elements in arrays?
element_char (str):
Replaces sequence index numbers with this character when set;
if not visit_arrays then ignore this option.
first_node = Node(keys=[], val=d)
to_crawl = deque([first_node])
while to_crawl:
node = to_crawl.popleft()
children, type = get_children(node, element_char, visit_arrays)
yield process_node(node, children)
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