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Created April 26, 2017 00:38
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Slugify tokens
import re
from collections import Counter
from unidecode import unidecode
from toolz import curry, pipe
WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'\s+')
NONALPHANUM = re.compile(r'[^\w_-]')
def trim(names, chars=None):
return [i.strip(chars) for i in names]
def lowercase(names):
return [i.lower() for i in names]
def deaccent(names):
"""Remove accents from characters."""
return [unidecode(i) for i in names]
def sub(pattern, repl, names, count=0, flags=0):
"""Replace characters that match regular expression."""
regex = re.compile(pattern, flags=flags)
return [regex.sub(repl, i, count=count) for i in names]
def replace(old, new, names, count=-1):
"""Replace characters that match string."""
return [i.replace(old, new, count) for i in names]
def whitespace(repl, names):
"""Replace whitespace."""
return sub(WHITESPACE, repl, names)
def nonalphanums(repl, names):
"""Replace non-alphanumeric charaters."""
return sub(NONALPHANUM, repl, names)
def numdups(names, fmt='{name}-{number}'):
"""Enumerate duplicate names."""
duplicate = {k: v for k, v in Counter(names).items() if v > 1}
for name, count in duplicate.items():
for num in range(1, count + 1):
idx = names.index(name)
names[idx] = fmt.format(name=name, number=num)
return names
def as_dict(original_names, names):
"""Map slugs to original names {slug-name: orig-name, ...}"""
return dict(zip(names, original_names))
def slugify(names):
return pipe(names, deaccent, trim, lowercase, whitespace('_'),
nonalphanums(''), numdups)
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