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Created August 17, 2014 11:56
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Pandoc filter to convert spans with class 'small-caps'
# (and optionally ~~Strikeout~~) to SmallCaps.
# pandoc -F [-M strikeout2smallcaps] ARGUMENTS...
# Copyright 2014- Benct Philip Jonsson.
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# You can set the following options in the document metadata:
# ---
# strikeout2smallcaps: 1 # Boolean -- convert ~~Strikeout~~ to SmallCaps.
# ...
# or on the commandline:
# -M strikeout2smallcaps=1
# use 5.014;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
no warnings qw[ uninitialized numeric ];
use utf8; # No UTF-8 I/O with!
use autodie 2.12;
no indirect;
no autovivification; # Don't pullute the AST!
use JSON qw[ decode_json encode_json ];
use Data::Rmap qw[ rmap_hash cut ]; # Data structure traversal support.
# use List::MoreUtils qw[any];
use List::Util qw[any];
sub get_meta_option_strings {
my($doc, $keys, $prefix) = @_;
$keys = [$keys] unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $keys;
my $meta = $doc->[0]{unMeta};
my %option;
for my $key ( @$keys ) {
next OPTION unless exists $meta->{$prefix.$key};
my($value) = rmap_hash {
if ( $_->{t} =~ /\A(?:MetaString|Str)\z/ ) {
cut $_->{c};
elsif ( $_->{t} =~ /\ACode(?:Block)?\z/ ) {
cut $_->{c}[-1];
} $meta->{$prefix.$key};
$option{$key} = $value;
return \%option;
my $to_format = shift @ARGV;
my $doc = decode_json do { local $/; <>; };
my $strike2sc
= get_meta_option_strings( $doc, 'strikeout2smallcaps' )->{strikeout2smallcaps};
# Change elements in-place
rmap_hash {
if ( 'Span' eq $_->{t} ) {
my $classes = $_->{c}[-2][1];
return unless any { /\Asmall-caps\z/ } @$classes;
$_->{c} = $_->{c}[-1];
$_->{t} = 'SmallCaps';
elsif ( $strike2sc ) {
return unless 'Strikeout' eq $_->{t};
$_->{t} = 'SmallCaps';
return; # Nothing!
} $doc;
print {*STDOUT} encode_json $doc;
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