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Last active April 8, 2016 11:12
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Pandoc filters (pl and py) to collect all figures and tables at a specified place in a document
#!/usr/bin/env perl
Pandoc filter which emulate the LaTeX endfloat package by extracting all
elements which would be LaTeX floats (figures and tables) from a
document and putting them in div with the id "figures" or "tables"
respectively. You must mark the points in the document where you want
the floats to go with a paragraph containing *only* the text
"FiguresHere" or "TablesHere" -- exactly as written here in CamelCase --
or you will lose the floats! If there are several paragraphs with the
sentinel texts only the one first found will be replaced with a div
containing the figures/tables.
Additionally a paragraph with the text "[Figure %d about here.]" or
"[Table %d about here.]" is inserted into the document where the
figure/table used to be, with "%d" being the number of figures/tables
found so far; thus it is not and cannot be guaranteed to be the same
number as LaTeX would have assigned!
Reference: <>
This filter requires perl interpreter and the
JSON::MaybeXS and Data::Rmap modules to run.
Most operating systems other than Windows come with perl already installed.
If you are on Windows I recommend downloading and installing
Strawberry Perl: <>.
If/once you have perl installed run the following commands:
cpan App::cpanminus
cpanm JSON::MaybeXS Data::Rmap
Then run pandoc with the filter:
use utf8; # so literals and identifiers can be in UTF-8
use strict; # quote strings, declare variables
use warnings; # on by default
use JSON::MaybeXS qw[ decode_json encode_json ];
use Data::Rmap qw[ rmap_hash ];
my $format = shift @ARGV;
my $json = do { local $/; <>; };
my $doc = decode_json( $json );
my %floats = ( #
figures => [],
saw_figures => 0,
tables => [],
saw_tables => 0,
rmap_hash {
return unless exists $_->{t} and exists $_->{c};
my $elem = $_;
if ( 'Para' eq $elem->{t} ) {
return unless 1 == @{ $elem->{c} };
if ( 'Image' eq $elem->{c}[0]{t} ) {
return unless $elem->{c}[0]{c}[-1][1] =~ /^fig\:/;
push @{ $floats{figures} }, $elem;
my $count = @{ $floats{figures} };
$_ = +{
t => 'Para',
c => [ +{ t => 'Str', c => "[Figure $count about here.]" } ],
elsif ( 'Str' eq $elem->{c}[0]{t} ) {
return unless $elem->{c}[0]{c} =~ /^(Figures|Tables)Here$/;
my $id = lc "collected-$1";
$_ = +{ t => 'Div', c => [ [ $id, [], [] ], $floats{$id} ], };
elsif ( 'Table' eq $elem->{t} ) {
push @{ $floats{tables} }, $elem;
my $count = @{ $floats{tables} };
$_ = +{
t => 'Para',
c => [ +{ t => 'Str', c => "[Table $count about here.]" } ],
print encode_json( $doc );
#!/usr/bin/env python
Pandoc filter which emulate the LaTeX endfloat package by extracting all
elements which would be LaTeX floats (figures and tables) from a
document and putting them in div with the id "figures" or "tables"
respectively. You must mark the points in the document where you want
the floats to go with a paragraph containing *only* the text
"FiguresHere" or "TablesHere" -- exactly as written here in CamelCase --
or you will lose the floats! If there are several paragraphs with the
sentinel texts only the one first found will be replaced with a div
containing the figures/tables.
Additionally a paragraph with the text "[Figure %d about here.]" or
"[Table %d about here.]" is inserted into the document where the
figure/table used to be, with "%d" being the number of figures/tables
found so far; thus it is not and cannot be guaranteed to be the same
number as LaTeX would have assigned!
Reference: <>
This filter requires the pandocfilters module to be installed. You can
clone or download it from GitHub (with instructions for installing and
how to use filters): or install
from PyPI::
pip install pandocfilters
If you have an earlier version installed you may need to do::
pip install -U pandocfilters
from pandocfilters import toJSONFilter, Div, Image, Para, Str, Table
floats = {
'figures': [],
'saw_figures': None,
'tables': [],
'saw_tables': None
def collect_floats(eltype, eldata, fmt, meta):
global floats
if eltype == 'Para':
if len(eldata) != 1:
return None
elem = eldata[0];
if elem['t'] == 'Image':
if elem['c'][-1][1].startswith('fig:'): # title
filler = "[Figure %d about here.]" % len(floats['figures'])
return Para([Str(filler)])
elif elem['t'] == 'Str':
text = elem['c']
if elem['c'] == 'FiguresHere':
if floats['saw_figures']:
return None
floats['saw_figures'] = True
key = 'figures'
elif elem['c'] == 'TablesHere':
if floats['saw_tables']:
return None
floats['saw_tables'] = True
key = 'tables'
return None
return [Div(['collected-' + key , [], []], floats[key])]
elif eltype == 'Table':
filler = "[Table %d about here.]" % len(floats['tables'])
return Para([Str(filler)])
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
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rkrug commented Jan 27, 2016

I upgraded to the newest pandoc and this is not working anymore.

pandoc --verbose --bibliography=ASMOptim.bib --filter pandoc-citeproc
--filter ASMOptim.pandoc.tex -o
ASMOptim_0.2.0...docx #
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/rainerkrug/bin/", line 76, in
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 63,
in toJSONFilter
    altered = walk(doc, action, format, doc[0]['unMeta'])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 31,
in walk
    array.append(walk(item, action, format, meta))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 22,
in walk
    res = action(item['t'], item['c'], format, meta)
  File "/Users/rainerkrug/bin/", line 50, in
    if elem['c'][1][1].startswith('fig:'): # title
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'startswith'
pandoc: Error running filter
Filter returned error status 1

I have no idea where to look - if you could take a look and possibly make
it compatible with pandoc 1.16?

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