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Created February 27, 2020 00:26
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace PetApp
public class Pets
public List<Pet> petList = new List<Pet>();
//1. In the Pets class, "this:int petEl" is an indexer property based on the int "petEl".
public Pet this[int nPetEl]
Pet returnVal;
returnVal = (Pet)petList[nPetEl];
returnVal = null;
return (returnVal);
// if the index is less than the number of list elements
if (nPetEl < petList.Count)
// update the existing value at that index
petList[nPetEl] = value;
// add the value to the list
//2. In Pets, "Count:int:r" is a read-only property that returns (get's) petList.Count.
public int Count
return petList.Count;
//3. Pets.Add(pet:Pet) should call petList.Add(pet)
public void Add(Pet thePet)
//4. Pets.Remove(pet:Pet) should call petList.Remove(pet)
public void Remove(Pet thePet)
//5. Pets.RemoveAt(petEl:int) should call petList.RemoveAt(petEl)
public void RemoveAt(int petEl)
public abstract class Pet
private string name;
public int Age;
//6. Pet.Name is the readwrite property for the private name field. You will need to use that in your output to indicate which pet is responding.
public string Name
return name;
name = value;
public abstract void Eat();
public abstract void Play();
public abstract void GotoVet();
//7. If there is a 4th box for a class, then that is the list of required constructors.
public Pet() { }
public Pet(string theName, int theAge)
name = theName;
Age = theAge;
public interface ICat
void Eat();
void Play();
void Scratch();
void Purr();
public interface IDog
void Eat();
void Play();
void Bark();
void NeedWalk();
void GotoVet();
public class Cat : Pet, ICat
//8. The member methods in Dog and Cat should call Console.WriteLine() with the pet's name and a phrase that suggests the activity. (Be creative!).
public override void Eat()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} is eating fish.");
public override void Play()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} is playing with yarn!");
public void Purr()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} goes purrr...");
public void Scratch()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} is itching... scratch scratch.");
public override void GotoVet()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} went to the vet... Poor cat");
//I decided to call the Pet constructor to give it a name and age
public Cat() { }
public Cat(string theName, int theAge) : base(theName, theAge) { }
public class Dog : Pet, IDog
public string license;
//8. The member methods in Dog and Cat should call Console.WriteLine() with the pet's name and a phrase that suggests the activity. (Be creative!).
public override void Eat()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} is eating a bone.");
public override void Play()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} is playing fetch!");
public void Bark()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} goes BARK!!");
public void NeedWalk()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} needs a walk.");
public override void GotoVet()
Console.WriteLine($"{Name} went to the vet... Poor dog :( ");
//7. If there is a 4th box for a class, then that is the list of required constructors.
public Dog() { }
public Dog(string szLicense, string szName, int nAge) : base(szName, nAge)
license = szLicense;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//1. Create reference variables for the pets and interfaces:
Pet thisPet = null;
Dog dog = null;
Cat cat = null;
IDog iDog = null;
ICat iCat = null;
//2. Create the list of pets:
Pets pets = new Pets();
//3. Create the random number generator:
Random rand = new Random();
//List of cat names to randomly chose from
string[] catNames = new string[] { "Jake", "TC", "Filo", "Kono", "Casper" };
//List of dog names to randomly chose from
string[] dogNames = new string[] { "Dino", "Spark", "Buddy", "Buster", "Susan" };
//4. Implement a for() loop that iterates 50 times, and within the for() loop:
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
//a. 1 in 10 chance of adding an animal
if (rand.Next(1, 11) == 1)
// 50% chance of adding a dog
if (rand.Next(0, 2) == 0)
//Note that the Dog() object must be passed the 3 fields in the constructor.
dog = new Dog(
"DL" + rand.Next(4544, 9020), ////random license ID
dogNames[rand.Next(0, dogNames.Length)], //random name
rand.Next(4, 13)
pets.Add(dog); //random age
Console.WriteLine($"Adding a new dog named {dog.Name}. They are {dog.Age} years old with ID: {dog.license}.");
// else add a cat
cat = new Cat(
catNames[rand.Next(0, catNames.Length)], //random name
rand.Next(3, 9) //random age
Console.WriteLine($"Adding a new cat named {cat.Name}. They are {cat.Age} years old.");
//b. Else if it did not generate a 1 then set thisPet to a random pet from the pets List<> based on a random number between 0 and pets.Count.
//Note that if there were no pets added yet, this will return null.
//If null was returned, then continue to the top of the for() loop.
thisPet = pets[rand.Next(0, pets.Count)];
if (thisPet != null)
//c. If a valid pet was returned, set your interface variable (iDog or iCat) to thisPet (based on thisPet.GetType())
if (thisPet.GetType() == typeof(Cat))
iCat = (ICat)thisPet;
//Randomly call one of the member methods of the interface.
switch (rand.Next(0, 4))
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
Console.WriteLine("Ben messed up with the cat switch...");
else if (thisPet.GetType() == typeof(Dog))
iDog = (IDog)thisPet;
//Randomly call one of the member methods of the interface.
switch (rand.Next(0, 5))
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
Console.WriteLine("Ben messed up with the dog switch...");
Console.WriteLine("Ben, you messed up somehow.");
//ReadLine to keep the window open
Console.Write("\n\nPress ENTER to exit: ");
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