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Last active January 1, 2022 16:22
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Proposed formal syntax for Extensible Data Notation
(* Syntax of Extensible Data Notation --
This grammar is written in slightly extended version of Wirth Syntax
Notation. A description is appended to the end of this document. *)
(* start *)
elements = { s element }.
element = nil | boolean | symbol | keyword | number | character
| string
| "{" s { element s element s } "}"
| "#{" elements s "}"
| "[" elements s "]"
| "(" elements s ")"
| "#" tagSymbol s element.
(* White space is allowed between elements, but not always required.
For example: {}{} parses as two empty maps. "MeaningOfLife"42 parses as a
String followed by an integer. However, a:b parses as a single symbol, not
as the symbol 'a' followed by the keyword ':b'. *)
(* white space *)
s = { whitespace | comment | discardedElement }.
(* white space may occur here. *)
whitespace = " " | HT | LF | CR | ",".
comment = ";" { commentContent } LF.
(* states that
only \newline (i.e. LF) terminates comments. *)
commentContent = U+1 | … | U+9 | U+B | … | MaxCodePoint.
(* all characters except NUL, LF. *)
discardedElement = "#_" s element.
(* This implies that in "#_ #_ 2 1", the second #_ causes 2 to be
discarded, while the first #_ causes 1 to be discarded. The result
is that this example might as well be whitespace as far as edn
is concerned. *)
HT = U+9.
LF = U+A.
CR = U+D.
MaxCodePoint = U+10FFFF.
(* symbols *)
symbol = "/" | [name "/"] name.
tagSymbol = letter [ name "/" ] name.
"tag symbols must begin with an alphabetic character" *)
keyword = ":" [name "/"] name.
(* says :/ is not a valid
keyword *)
name = nameStart1 { nameConstituent }
| nameStart2 [ letter { nameConstituent } ].
nameStart1 = "!" | "*" | "?" | "_" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "=" | letter.
nameStart2 = "." | "-" | "+".
nameConstituent = nameStart1 | nameStart2 | digit | "#" | ":".
letter = "a" | … | "z" | "A" | … | "Z".
digit = "0" | nonZeroDigit.
nonZeroDigit = "1" | … | "9".
(* "true", "false" and "nil" look like symbols, but are not parsed as such. *)
boolean = "true" | "false".
nil = "nil".
(* numbers *)
number = integer | float.
integer = [ "+" | "-" ] cardinal [ "N" ].
(* We do not allow supurfluous leading zeros in integers, though allows them. clojure.core/read and clojure.edn/read both
allow leading zeros here but interpret the remaining digits in
base 8! See also issue 33.
edn-java allows leading zeros, but gives them no special
meaning. *)
float = [ "+" | "-" ] cardinal ((frac [exp] ["M"]) | (exp ["M"]) | "M").
(* This syntax for float disagrees with the formal syntax from the spec:, but does so in
order to comply with "In addition, a floating-point number may have the
suffix M to indicate that exact precision is desired."
The grammar in does not allow leading zeros in the
integer and exponent portions of a float. clojure.core/read,
clojure.edn/read and edn-java all accept leading zeros in these
cases. See issue 33.*)
frac = "." { digit }.
(* The fractional portion can consist of only a "." not followed by any
digits. This is consistent with the current spec and with the behavior
of clojure.core/read and clojure.edn/read *)
exp = ("E" | "e") ["+" | "-"] cardinal.
cardinal = digit | nonZeroDigit { digit }.
(* characters *)
character = "\" (characterName | printableCharacter).
characterName = "newline" | "space" | "tab" | "return"
| "backspace" | "formfeed".
(* The specification only mentions the first four explicity;
Backspace and formfeed are included for symmetry with string
and because clojure.edn/read and clojure.core/read support them. *)
printableCharacter = "!" | … | "~" | U+A1 | … | MaxCodePoint.
(* all code points except high and low control characters.
This is sloppy. There are probably other Unicode code points that
we don't want to use in character literals because they have no
printed representation or perform some control function. *)
(* strings *)
string = """" {stringChar | "\" stringEscape} """".
stringChar = U+1 | … | "!" | "#" | … | "[" | "]" | … | MaxCodePoint.
(* all code points except NUL, " and \ *)
stringEscape = """" | "b" | "t" | "n" | "f" | "r" | "\".
(* edn-format/edn only mentions "Standard C/Java escape characters \t \r \n
are supported", but clearly \\ and \" must be included. \b \f are included
because they are supported by Java. \' is excluded despite being supported
by Java because Clojure rejects \'. *)
Wirth Syntax Notation
| "[" EXPRESSION "]"
| "(" EXPRESSION ")"
| "{" EXPRESSION "}" .
IDENTIFIER = letter { letter } .
LITERAL = """" character { character } """" .
An Extension to WSN to Represent Unicode Codepoints
Edn's syntax is specified in terms of unicode code points, the first
128 of which are identical to US-ASCII. (Edn is always serialized as
UTF-8, which can represent the full set of unicode code points.)
For the purposes of this grammar, we'll use the following extension to
represent a unicode code point:
HexDigit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
| "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F".
CodePoint = "U+" HexDigit { HexDigit }.
For example: NUL is written as U+0, " " can be written as U+20 and
"~" can be written as U+7F.
To represent large contiguous subsets of the unicode codepoints, we
use an elipsis as follows:
HexDigit = "0" | … | "9" | "A" | … | "F".
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