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Created July 31, 2023 19:17
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import htm from ""
// import { h, Fragment, render, createState, useState, useRef, useEffect } from ""
import { h, Fragment, render, createState, useState, useRef, useEffect, immutable } from "./kaiku.min.js"
const html = htm.bind(h)
function setupFormsDefaults() {
return {
settings: {
enabled: true,
alwaysEnabled: true,
id: "settings",
title: "Settings",
threads: Math.ceil(navigator.hardwareConcurrency / 2),
upscale: {
enabled: false,
id: "upscale",
title: "Upscale",
downscale: 1.0,
models: "data/models",
args: "",
setup: {
enabled: false,
id: "setup",
title: "Setup",
sureLimit: 0.06,
args: "",
ocr: {
enabled: false,
id: "ocr",
title: "OCR",
credentials: "data/gcp-credentials.json",
args: "",
const state = createState({
busy: false,
log: [],
progress: 0,
setupForms: setupFormsDefaults(),
infoForms: {
info: {
alwaysEnabled: true,
enabled: true,
id: "info",
title: "Info",
titleEn: "",
titleJp: "",
cover: "",
volume: 0,
chapters: {
alwaysEnabled: true,
enabled: true,
id: "chapters",
title: "Chapters",
chapters: [],
commands: [],
tab: "setup",
logState: "normal",
data: null,
pageState: {
jp: true,
en: false,
blur: true,
offset: 0,
imageFindId: null,
imageFindValue: null,
tooltipId: null,
tooltipChildren: null,
tooltipClass: null,
const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/ws")
let messageQueue = []
let messageReady = false
ws.addEventListener("open", () => {
messageReady = true
for (const msgStr of messageQueue) {
messageQueue = []
function sendMessage(msg) {
const msgStr = JSON.stringify(msg)
if (messageReady) {
} else {
useEffect(() => {
const settings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state.setupForms))
action: "settings",
ws.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
const msg = JSON.parse(
if (msg.type === "log") {
for (const typedLine of msg.log) {
const { type, line } = typedLine
if (type === "out") {
const m = line.match(/<(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%>/)
if (m) {
state.progress = parseFloat(m[1]) / 100
if (type === "exec-ok" || type === "exec-fail") {
state.progress = 0
if (state.log.length > 0) {
state.log[state.log.length - 1].className = `log-head--${type}`
if (type === "exec-ok") {
state.log[state.log.length - 1].show = false
if (type === "exec") {
if (state.log.length > 0) {
state.log[state.log.length - 1].show = false
state.log.push({ lines: [typedLine], show: true })
state.progress = 0
} else {
if (state.log.length === 0) {
state.log.push({ lines: ["--"], show: true })
state.log[state.log.length - 1].lines.push(typedLine)
} else if (msg.type === "clear-log") {
state.log = []
} else if (msg.type === "busy") {
state.busy = msg.busy
} else if (msg.type === "commands") {
state.commands = msg.commands
} else if (msg.type === "settings") {
state.setupForms = msg.settings
} else if (msg.type === "init") { =
function Form({ children, form }) {
const checkboxId = `enable-${}`
const alwaysEnabled = form.alwaysEnabled ?? false
const onEnableChange = (e) => {
form.enabled =
return html`
<div className=${{
"form": true,
"disabled": !form.enabled,
<h3 className="form-head">
${alwaysEnabled ? null : html`
<input type="checkbox"
className="form-head-check" />
<label className=${{
"form-head-name": true,
"disabled": !form.enabled,
}} for=${checkboxId}>${form.title}</label>
${form.enabled ? html`
<div className="form-content">
` : null}
function setTooltip(id, tooltip, tooltipClass) {
state.tooltipId = id
state.tooltipChildren = immutable(tooltip)
state.tooltipClass = tooltipClass ?? "form-tooltip"
function clearTooltip(id) {
if (state.tooltipId === id) {
state.tooltipId = null
state.tooltipChildren = null
state.tooltipClass = null
function InputLabel({ id, children, tooltip, className, tooltipClass }) {
return html`
className=${className ?? "form-label"}
onMouseover=${() => setTooltip(id, tooltip, tooltipClass)}
onMouseout=${() => clearTooltip(id)}
function NumberInput({ form, prop, label, integer, min, max, children, tooltipClass }) {
const id = `${}-${prop}`
const state = useState({
value: form[prop].toString(),
bad: false,
useEffect(() => {
state.value = form[prop].toString()
state.bad = false
const onInput = (e) => {
const valueString =
state.value = valueString
const value = valueString ? Number(valueString) : NaN
let ok = !isNaN(value)
if (integer !== undefined && !(Number.isSafeInteger(value))) ok = false
if (min !== undefined && !(value >= min)) ok = false
if (max !== undefined && !(value <= max)) ok = false
if (ok) {
form[prop] = value
state.bad = false
} else {
state.bad = true
return html`
<div className="form-input-parent" >
<${InputLabel} id=${id} tooltip=${children} tooltipClass=${tooltipClass}>${label}<//>
<input id=${id} type="text" className=${{
"form-input": true,
"bad": state.bad,
}} value=${state.value} onInput=${onInput} />
function TextInput({ form, prop, label, children, tooltipClass, labelClass, onPaste }) {
const id = `${}-${prop}`
const state = useState({
value: form[prop].toString(),
bad: false,
useEffect(() => {
state.value = form[prop].toString()
state.bad = false
const onInput = (e) => {
const value =
let ok = true
if (ok) {
form[prop] = value
state.bad = false
} else {
state.bad = true
return html`
<div className="form-input-parent">
<${InputLabel} id=${id} tooltip=${children} tooltipClass=${tooltipClass}>${label}<//>
<input id=${id} type="text" className=${{
"form-input": true,
"bad": state.bad,
}} value=${state.value} onInput=${onInput} onPaste=${onPaste} />
function ImageInput({ form, prop, label, children, tooltipClass, labelClass }) {
const id = `${}-${prop}`
const local = useState({
value: form[prop].toString(),
bad: false,
useEffect(() => {
local.value = form[prop].toString()
local.bad = false
useEffect(() => {
if (state.imageFindId === id && state.imageFindValue !== null) {
const value = state.imageFindValue
state.imageFindId = null
state.imageFindValue = null
form[prop] = value
local.value = value
local.bad = false
const onInput = (e) => {
const value =
let ok = true
if (ok) {
form[prop] = value
local.bad = false
} else {
local.bad = true
const onFind = () => {
if (state.imageFindId === id) {
state.imageFindId = null
} else {
state.imageFindId = id
const finding = state.imageFindId === id
return html`
<div className="form-input-parent">
<${InputLabel} className=${labelClass ?? "form-label"} id=${id} tooltip=${children} tooltipClass=${tooltipClass}>${label}<//>
<input id=${id} type="text" className=${{
"form-input": true,
"bad": local.bad,
}} value=${local.value} onInput=${onInput} />
<button onClick=${onFind} className="form-image-button">${finding ? "..." : "Select"}</button>
function ArgsInput({ form, children }) {
return html`
<${TextInput} form=${form} prop="args" label="Arguments" tooltipClass="form-tooltip form-tooltip-args">
<p>Extra command-line arguments passed directly.</p>
<p>Use POSIX syntax for quoting arguments even on Windows.</p>
${children ? html`<table className="form-tooltip-arg-table">${children}</table>` : null}
function Arg({ name, children }) {
return html`
<td className="form-tooltip-arg-name">${name}</td>
<td className="form-tooltip-arg-help">${children}</td>
function SettingsForm() {
const form = state.setupForms.settings
return html`
<${Form} form=${form}>
<${NumberInput} form=${form} prop="threads" label="Thread count" integer=true min=0>
<p>Number of threads to use for processing.</p>
<p>Use 1 to limit into a single thread for debugging.</p>
function UpscaleForm() {
const form = state.setupForms.upscale
return html`
<${Form} form=${form}>
<p className="form-info">
Upscale source images to 2x size.
<${NumberInput} form=${form} prop="downscale" label="Downscale" min=0.01 max=1>
<p>Downscale to apply after upscaling to 2x</p>
<p>Default of 1 results in twice the size of the source image, and for example value of 0.75 results in 1.5x upscaling from the original</p>
<${TextInput} form=${form} prop="models" label="Models">
<p>Path to model weights</p>
<${ArgsInput} form=${form}>
<${Arg} name="--tile-size">Size of the tiles used to process<//>
function SetupForm() {
const form = state.setupForms.setup
return html`
<${Form} form=${form}>
<p className="form-info">
Optically match Japanese pages to English ones.
<${NumberInput} form=${form} prop="sureLimit" label="Sure limit" min=0 max=1>
<p>Threshold for considering two images equal.</p>
<p>When matching EN to JP pages if two consecutive pages have error less than this value no other pages are considered.</p>
<p>Use 0 to disable and force exhaustive matching of pages.</p>
<${ArgsInput} form=${form}>
<${Arg} name="--skip-resize">Use cached resized images<//>
<${Arg} name="--error-limit value">Maximum error to accept a page<//>
<${Arg} name="--save-match">Save temporary match images<//>
function OcrForm() {
const form = state.setupForms.ocr
return html`
<${Form} form=${form}>
<p className="form-info">
Scan text from the Japanese pages and generate page information .json files.
<${TextInput} form=${form} prop="credentials" label="GCP Creds">
<p>Relative path to GCP credentials JSON file.</p>
<${ArgsInput} form=${form}>
<${Arg} name="--range begin:end">Proecss a range of pages<//>
<${Arg} name="--jdict path.json">Japanese dictionary .json<//>
<${Arg} name="--en-dicts path">English word list files<//>
<${Arg} name="--wanikani path.json">Wanikani subject file<//>
<${Arg} name="--unsafe-write">Write results unsafely<//>
function FormButtons() {
const onReset = () => {
state.setupForms = setupFormsDefaults()
const onExecute = () => {
state.progress = 0
action: "execute",
const onCancel = () => {
action: "cancel",
return html`
<div className="form-button-parent">
${!state.busy ? html`
<button className="form-button form-execute-button" onClick=${onExecute}>
` : html`
<button className="form-button form-cancel-button" onClick=${onCancel}>
<button className="form-button form-reset-button" onClick=${onReset}>
function TopForm() {
return html`
<div className="form-container">
<div className="form-top">
<${SettingsForm} />
<${UpscaleForm} />
<${SetupForm} />
<${OcrForm} />
<${FormButtons} />
function CommandArg({ cmd, space }) {
return html`
<span className="cmd-arg">
${, ix) => html`
${(space || ix > 0) ? html`<span className=${{
"cmd-indent": space && ix == 0,
}}>${ix > 0 ? " " : "\u00a0"}</span>` : null}<span className=${{
"cmd-part": true,
"cmd-argpart": space && ix == 0 && c.startsWith("-"),
"cmd-progpart": !space && ix == 0,
function CommandLine({ line }) {
return html`
<div className="cmd-line">
${, ix) => html`<${CommandArg} cmd=${c} space=${ix > 0} />`)}
function Commands() {
const className = ["sidebar", "commands"]
if (state.commands.length === 0) {
return html`
<div className=${className}>
${ => html`<${CommandLine} line=${cmd}/>`)}
function LogButton({ children, target }) {
const onClick = () => {
state.logState = target
return html`
<button className="log-menu-button" onClick=${onClick}>
function ProgressBar() {
return html`
<div className="log-menu">
${state.logState === "normal" ? html`
<${LogButton} target="max">\u2912<//>
<${LogButton} target="min">\u2913<//>
` : html`
<${LogButton} target="normal">${state.logState == "min" ? "\u2912" : "\u2913"}<//>
<div className="progress-bar">
<div className="progress-fill" style=${({
width: () => `${state.progress * 100}%`,
function LogCat({ cat, minimize }) {
const restRef = useRef()
const onClick = () => { = !
if (restRef.current) {
queueMicrotask(() => {
restRef.current.scrollTop = restRef.current.scrollHeight
const className = ["log-head"]
if (cat.className) {
if ( {
return html`
${!minimize ? html`
<div className=${className}><button className="log-button" onClick=${onClick}>${ ? "\u2013" : "+"}</button> ${cat.lines[0].line}</div>
${ ? html`<div ref=${restRef} className="log-rest">${, ix) => ix > 0 ?
html`<div className=${`log--${line.type}`}>${line.line}</div>` : null) }</div>` : null}
` : html`
<div className=${className}>${cat.lines[0].line}</div>
function Log() {
const className = ["log", `log-${state.logState}`]
if (state.logState === "min" && state.log.length > 0) {
return html`
<div className=${className}>
<${ProgressBar} />
<${LogCat} cat=${state.log[state.log.length - 1]} minimize=true />
} else {
return html`
<div className=${className}>
<${ProgressBar} />
${ => html`<${LogCat} cat=${cat} />`)}
function NavButton({ tab, name }) {
const onClick = () => { = tab
return html`
<button className=${{
"nav-button": true,
"nav-selected": === tab,
}} onClick=${onClick}>
function Nav() {
return html`
<nav className="nav-main">
<${NavButton} tab="setup" name="Setup" />
<${NavButton} tab="info" name="Info" />
function TopSetup() {
const horizontalClass = ["horizontal", `log-${state.logState}`]
return html`
<div className="top">
<${Nav} />
<div className=${horizontalClass}>
<${TopForm} />
<${Commands} />
<${Log} />
function InfoForm() {
const form =
return html`
<${Form} form=${form}>
<${TextInput} form=${form} prop="titleEn" label="Title (EN)">
<p>English title</p>
<${TextInput} form=${form} prop="titleJp" label="Title (JP)">
<p>Japanese title</p>
<${NumberInput} form=${form} prop="volume" label="Volume" integer=true min=0>
<p>Volume number in the series.</p>
<${ImageInput} form=${form} prop="cover" label="Cover">
<p>Relative path to the cover image.</p>
let chapterCounter = 0
function createChapter() {
return {
id: `chapter-${++chapterCounter}`,
titleEn: "",
titleJp: "",
page: "",
function Chapter({ chapter, index }) {
const form = chapter
const onRemove = () => {
const chaptersForm = state.infoForms.chapters
chaptersForm.chapters = chaptersForm.chapters.filter(
c => !==
const labelClass = "form-label form-chapter-label"
const onPaste = (e) => {
const paste = (e.clipboardData ?? window.clipboardData).getData("text")
const lines = paste.split("\n").map(l => l.trim()).filter(l => l !== "")
if (lines.length % 2 === 0 && lines.length > 0) {
const chapters = state.infoForms.chapters.chapters
const baseIndex = chapters.findIndex(c => ===
if (baseIndex >= 0) {
for (let srcI = 0; srcI < lines.length / 2; srcI++) {
const dstI = baseIndex + srcI
if (dstI >= chapters.length) {
const dst = chapters[dstI]
dst.titleEn = lines[srcI*2 + 0]
dst.titleJp = lines[srcI*2 + 1]
return html`
<div className="chapter">
<div className="chapter-head">
<span className="chapter-head-label">Chapter ${index+1}</span>
<button className="form-chapter-remove" onClick=${onRemove}>Remove</button>
<${TextInput} form=${form} labelClass=${labelClass} prop="titleEn" label="Title (EN)" onPaste=${onPaste}>
<p>English title</p>
<${TextInput} form=${form} labelClass=${labelClass} prop="titleJp" label="Title (JP)">
<p>Japanese title</p>
<${ImageInput} form=${form} labelClass=${labelClass} prop="page" label="Page">
<p>Page where the chapter starts.</p>
<p>Preferably a title page if the source material contains such.</p>
function ChaptersForm() {
const form = state.infoForms.chapters
const addChapter = () => {
return html`
<${Form} form=${form}>
<div className="form-chapters">
${,i) => html`<${Chapter} key=${} chapter=${c} index=${i} />`)}
<div className="form-chapter-add">
<button onClick=${addChapter}>Add</button>
function InfoFormButtons() {
const onSave = () => {
action: "save-info",
return html`
<div className="form-button-parent">
<button className="form-button form-save-button" onClick=${onSave}>
function InfoTopForm() {
return html`
<div className="form-container">
<div className="form-top form-info-top">
<${InfoForm} />
<${ChaptersForm} />
<${InfoFormButtons} />
function PageCheckbox({ id, label, tooltip }) {
const nsId = `page-check-${id}`
const onChange = (e) => {
state.pageState[id] =
return html`
<div className="page-input">
<input type="checkbox" id=${nsId} checked=${state.pageState[id]} onChange=${onChange} />
<label for=${nsId} className="page-input-label" title=${tooltip}>${label}</label>
function PageNumber({ id, label, tooltip }) {
const nsId = `page-number-${id}`
const onInput = (e) => {
const value =
if (value.match(/^-?[0-9]+$/)) {
state.pageState[id] = Number( | 0
return html`
<div className="page-input">
<input className="page-number" type="number" id=${nsId} value=${state.pageState[id]} onInput=${onInput} />
<label for=${nsId} className="page-input-label" title=${tooltip}>${label}</label>
function Page({ type, index, path }) {
const onClick = () => {
if (state.imageFindId !== null) {
state.imageFindValue = `${type}/${path}`
const imageClass = {
"page-image": true,
"page-blur": state.pageState.blur,
return html`
<div className="page">
<button className="page-button" onClick=${onClick}>
<img className=${imageClass} src=${`/src-img/${type}/${path}`} loading="lazy" />
<a href=${`/src/${type}/${path}`} title=${`${type}/${path}`}>
<div className="page-title">${type} ${state.pageState.offset + index}</div>
function Pages() {
return html`
<div className="sidebar pages-top">
<div className="pages-opts">
<${PageCheckbox} id="jp" label="JP" tooltip="Show Japanese pages" />
<${PageCheckbox} id="en" label="EN" tooltip="Show English pages" />
<${PageCheckbox} id="blur" label="Blur" tooltip="Blur pages (spoiler)" />
<${PageNumber} id="offset" label="Page offset" tooltip="Offset page numbers by a fixed value" />
<div className="pages">
${ ?, ix) => html`<${Page} path=${page} type="jp" index=${ix+1} />`) : null}
${state.pageState.en ?, ix) => html`<${Page} path=${page} type="en" index=${ix+1} />`) : null}
function TopInfo() {
const horizontalClass = ["horizontal", `log-${state.logState}`]
return html`
<div className="top">
<${Nav} />
<div className=${horizontalClass}>
<${InfoTopForm} />
<${Pages} />
<${Log} />
function TooltipPortal() {
if (state.tooltipId === null) return null
const target = document.getElementById(state.tooltipId)
if (!target) return null
const rect = target.getBoundingClientRect()
const x = rect.right + 8
const y = - 8
return html`
<div className=${state.tooltipClass} style=${{
left: `${x}px`,
top: `${y}px`,
const tabs = {
setup: TopSetup,
info: TopInfo,
function Top() {
const Tab = tabs[]
return html`
<${TooltipPortal} />
<${Tab} />
const root = document.querySelector("#kaiku-root")
render(html`<${Top}/>`, root)
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