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Created June 19, 2013 20:03
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#include "space.h"
#include "shapes.h"
void Space::add_object(const Object& obj)
void Space::update(float dt)
accumulator += dt;
accumulator = glm::min(accumulator, 0.3f);
while (accumulator > timestep) {
accumulator -= timestep;
for (auto& object : objects) {
object.last_transform = object.transform;
void Space::render()
float alpha = accumulator / timestep;
for (const auto& object : objects) {
Transform t = Transform::lerp(object.last_transform, object.transform, alpha);
void Space::physics_step()
std::vector<ObjectPair> pairs;
// ### Pre collision ###
for (auto& object : objects) {
// Reset force
object.force = glm::vec2(0.0f);
// If the object is not infinitely heavy apply gravity
if (object.inv_mass != 0.0f)
object.force = timestep * gravity / object.inv_mass;
// ### Broad phase ###
// Update AABBs
for (auto& object : objects) {
object.aabb = object.shape->aabb(object.transform);
// Create pairs
for (auto it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) {
for (auto jt = it + 1; jt != objects.end(); ++jt) {
if (it->groups & jt->groups && t_AABB_AABB(it->aabb, jt->aabb))
pairs.push_back(ObjectPair(&*it, &*jt));
// ### Narrow phase ###
for (auto& pair : pairs) {
Manifold m(pair.A, pair.B);
// Test for collision (function table)
bool collided = c_shape_shape[m.A->shape->shape_id << 2 | m.B->shape->shape_id](&m);
if (collided) {
glm::vec2 relative_vel = m.B->velocity - m.A->velocity;
glm::vec2 normal = glm::normalize(m.normal);
float normal_vel = glm::dot(relative_vel, normal);
// Physics magic
float e = glm::min(m.A->material.restitution, m.B->material.restitution);
float j = -(1 + e) * normal_vel;
j /= m.A->inv_mass + m.B->inv_mass;
glm::vec2 impulse = j * normal;
m.A->velocity -= m.A->inv_mass * impulse;
m.B->velocity += m.B->inv_mass * impulse;
glm::vec2 correction = normal * glm::max(m.penetration, 0.0f) / (m.A->inv_mass + m.B->inv_mass) * 0.5f;
m.A->transform.position -= m.A->inv_mass * correction;
m.B->transform.position += m.B->inv_mass * correction;
// ### Integration ###
for (auto& object : objects) {
object.velocity += object.inv_mass * object.force * timestep;
object.transform.position += object.velocity * timestep;
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