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Created January 29, 2024 10:51
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Accessing OpenAI API from R
api_key <- "sk-XXX" # Set your OpenAI API key (don't publish anywhere public!)
base_url_openai <- ""
openai_call <- function(prompt) {
request_url <- paste0(base_url_openai, "/chat/completions")
payload <- list(
model = "gpt-3.5-turbo", # Choose the model
messages = list(
list(role = "system", content = "You are an AI that does X..."),
list(role = "user", content = "prompt")
temperature = 0.7
response <- POST(
url = request_url,
add_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json",
"Authorization" = paste("Bearer", api_key)),
body = toJSON(payload, pretty = FALSE, auto_unbox = TRUE),
encode = "json"
content <- content(response, "text")
parsed_content <- fromJSON(content)
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