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Created November 20, 2014 04:16
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Translates a Stata gph file into other formats (and makes a no title version)
*! converts a *.gph file to another format
* Required globals: dir_base
program gph2fmt
args file fmt
graph use "${dir_base}/fig/gph/`file'", name(toexport)
local temp=regexm("`file'","(.+)\.gph")
local file_name_base=regexs(1)
graph export "${dir_base}/fig/`fmt'/`file_name_base'.`fmt'", replace
gr_edit .title.draw_view.setstyle, style(no)
graph export "${dir_base}/fig/`fmt'/notitle/`file_name_base'_notitle.`fmt'", replace
graph drop toexport
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