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Created June 14, 2016 13:21
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  • Save br2490/cfb3fc580025e3ca8266406c23f0caad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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benjamin@IMATS-BROSNER:~/ISLANDORA_7x$ cd islandora_vagrant/
benjamin@IMATS-BROSNER:~/ISLANDORA_7x/islandora_vagrant$ ls
build configs LICENSE scripts Vagrantfile
benjamin@IMATS-BROSNER:~/ISLANDORA_7x/islandora_vagrant$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Box 'islandora/islandora-base' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
default: Box Provider: virtualbox
default: Box Version: >= 0
==> default: Loading metadata for box 'islandora/islandora-base'
default: URL:
==> default: Adding box 'islandora/islandora-base' (v1.0.2) for provider: virtualbox
default: Downloading:
==> default: Successfully added box 'islandora/islandora-base' (v1.0.2) for 'virtualbox'!
==> default: Importing base box 'islandora/islandora-base'...
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Checking if box 'islandora/islandora-base' is up to date...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: Islandora 7.x-1.x Development VM
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
default: Adapter 1: nat
==> default: Forwarding ports...
default: 8080 (guest) => 8080 (host) (adapter 1)
default: 3306 (guest) => 3306 (host) (adapter 1)
default: 8000 (guest) => 8000 (host) (adapter 1)
default: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1)
==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
default: SSH address:
default: SSH username: vagrant
default: SSH auth method: private key
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...
default: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
default: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
default: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
default: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
default: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
default: your host and reload your VM.
default: Guest Additions Version: 4.3.36
default: VirtualBox Version: 5.0
==> default: Setting hostname...
==> default: Mounting shared folders...
default: /vagrant => /home/benjamin/ISLANDORA_7x/islandora_vagrant
==> default: Running provisioner: shell...
default: Running: /tmp/
==> default: Installing all Islandora Foundation modules
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_altmetrics'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_bagit'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_batch'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_book_batch'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_bookmark'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_checksum'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_checksum_checker'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_fits'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_importer'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_internet_archive_bookreader'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_jwplayer'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_marcxml'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_newspaper_batch'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_oai'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_ocr'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_openseadragon'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_paged_content'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_pathauto'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_pdfjs'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_premis'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_populator'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_scholar'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_simple_workflow'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solr_facet_pages'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solr_metadata'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solr_search'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solr_views'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_audio'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_book'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_collection'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_compound'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_disk_image'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_entities'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_image'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_large_image'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_newspaper'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_pdf'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_video'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_solution_pack_web_archive'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_usage_stats'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_videojs'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_xacml_editor'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_xml_forms'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_form_fieldpanel'...
==> default: Cloning into 'islandora_xmlsitemap'...
==> default: Cloning into 'objective_forms'...
==> default: Cloning into 'php_lib'...
==> default: Cloning into 'tuque'...
==> default: Cloning into 'BagItPHP'...
==> default: Cloning into 'citeproc-php'...
==> default: The following extensions will be enabled: php_lib, islandora, objective_forms
==> default: Do you really want to continue? (y/n):
==> default: y
==> default: islandora was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: objective_forms was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: php_lib was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora: Successfully installed. Top-level Collection. [status]
==> default: The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_solr, islandora_solr_metadata, islandora_solr_facet_pages, islandora_solr_views
==> default: Do you really want to continue? (y/n):
==> default: y
==> default: islandora_solr was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_solr_facet_pages was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_solr_metadata was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_solr_views was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: Islandora Solr configuration page. [status]
==> default: The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_basic_collection, islandora_pdf, islandora_audio, islandora_book, islandora_compound_object, islandora_disk_image, islandora_entities, islandora_entities_csv_import, islandora_basic_image, islandora_large_image, islandora_newspaper, islandora_video, islandora_web_archive, islandora_paged_content, islandora_bookmark
==> default: Do you really want to continue? (y/n):
==> default: y
==> default: islandora_audio was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_basic_collection was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_basic_image was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_book was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_bookmark was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_compound_object was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_disk_image was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_entities was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_entities_csv_import was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_large_image was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_newspaper was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_paged_content was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_pdf was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_video was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_web_archive was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_audio: Successfully installed. Islandora Audio Content [status]
==> default: Model.
==> default: islandora_audio: Successfully installed. Audio Collection. [status]
==> default: islandora_basic_collection: Successfully installed. Islandora [status]
==> default: Collection Content Model.
==> default: islandora_basic_image: Successfully installed. Islandora Basic Image [status]
==> default: Content Model.
==> default: islandora_basic_image: Successfully installed. Basic Image [status]
==> default: Collection.
==> default: islandora_book: Successfully installed. Islandora Page Content Model. [status]
==> default: islandora_book: Successfully installed. Islandora Internet Archive [status]
==> default: Book Content Model.
==> default: islandora_book: Successfully installed. Book Collection. [status]
==> default: islandora_compound_object: Successfully installed. Islandora Compound [status]
==> default: Object Content Model.
==> default: islandora_compound_object: Successfully installed. Compound [status]
==> default: Collection.
==> default: islandora_disk_image: Successfully installed. Islandora Disk Image [status]
==> default: Content Model.
==> default: islandora_disk_image: Successfully installed. Disk Image Collection. [status]
==> default: Configuration 'Scholar' installed. [status]
==> default: Configuration 'Department' installed. [status]
==> default: islandora_entities: Successfully installed. Islandora Entity Content [status]
==> default: Model.
==> default: islandora_entities: Successfully installed. Islandora Place Content [status]
==> default: Model.
==> default: islandora_entities: Successfully installed. Islandora Person Content [status]
==> default: Model.
==> default: islandora_entities: Successfully installed. Islandora Event Content [status]
==> default: Model.
==> default: islandora_entities: Successfully installed. Islandora Organization [status]
==> default: Content Model.
==> default: islandora_entities: Successfully installed. Entity Collection. [status]
==> default: islandora_large_image: Successfully installed. Islandora Large Image [status]
==> default: Content Model.
==> default: islandora_large_image: Successfully installed. Large Image [status]
==> default: Collection.
==> default: islandora_newspaper: Successfully installed. Islandora Newspaper [status]
==> default: Content Model.
==> default: islandora_newspaper: Successfully installed. Islandora Newspaper [status]
==> default: Issue Content Model.
==> default: islandora_newspaper: Successfully installed. Islandora Newspaper Page [status]
==> default: Content Model.
==> default: islandora_newspaper: Successfully installed. Newspaper Collection. [status]
==> default: islandora_pdf: Successfully installed. Islandora PDF Content Model. [status]
==> default: islandora_pdf: Successfully installed. PDF Collection. [status]
==> default: islandora_video: Successfully installed. Islandora Video Content [status]
==> default: Model.
==> default: islandora_video: Successfully installed. Video Collection. [status]
==> default: islandora_web_archive: Successfully installed. Islandora Web ARChive [status]
==> default: Content Model.
==> default: islandora_web_archive: Successfully installed. Web ARChive [status]
==> default: Collection.
==> default: The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_premis, islandora_checksum, islandora_checksum_checker
==> default: Do you really want to continue? (y/n):
==> default: y
==> default: islandora_checksum was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_checksum_checker was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_premis was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_book_batch, islandora_pathauto, islandora_pdfjs, islandora_videojs, islandora_jwplayer, islandora_batch
==> default: Do you really want to continue? (y/n):
==> default: y
==> default: islandora_batch was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_book_batch was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_jwplayer was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_pathauto was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_pdfjs was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_videojs was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: jquery_update is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: islandora_basic_image is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: islandora_compound_object is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: The following projects have unmet dependencies: [ok]
==> default: islandora_scholar_embargo requires rules
==> default: Would you like to download them? (y/n):
==> default: y
==> default: Project rules (7.x-2.9) downloaded to [success]
==> default: /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/rules.
==> default: Project rules contains 4 modules: rules_admin, rules_scheduler, rules_i18n, rules.
==> default: jquery_update is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: islandora_basic_image is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: islandora_compound_object is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: No release history was found for the requested project [warning]
==> default: (entity_token).
==> default: The following projects have unmet dependencies: [ok]
==> default: islandora_scholar_embargo requires entity
==> default: Would you like to download them? (y/n):
==> default: y
==> default: Project entity (7.x-1.7) downloaded to [success]
==> default: /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/entity.
==> default: Project entity contains 2 modules: entity, entity_token.
==> default: jquery_update is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: islandora_basic_image is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: islandora_compound_object is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: The following extensions will be enabled: xml_forms, xml_form_builder, xml_schema_api, xml_form_elements, xml_form_api, zip_importer, islandora_bibliography, islandora_google_scholar, islandora_scholar_embargo, islandora_solr_config, citation_exporter, doi_importer, endnotexml_importer, pmid_importer, ris_importer, islandora_importer, citeproc, csl, entity, entity_token, rules, islandora_xacml_api, bibutils, islandora_scholar, islandora_doi, islandora_endnotexml, islandora_pmid, islandora_ris
==> default: Do you really want to continue? (y/n):
==> default: y
==> default: bibutils was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: citation_exporter was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: citeproc was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: csl was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: doi_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: endnotexml_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: entity was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: entity_token was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_bibliography was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_doi was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_endnotexml was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_google_scholar was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_pmid was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_ris was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_scholar was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_scholar_embargo was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_solr_config was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_xacml_api was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: pmid_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: ris_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: xml_forms was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: xml_form_api was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: xml_form_builder was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: xml_form_elements was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: xml_schema_api was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: zip_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: rules was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_scholar: Successfully installed. Citation Content Model. [status]
==> default: islandora_scholar: Successfully installed. Thesis Content Model. [status]
==> default: islandora_scholar: Successfully installed. Citations. [status]
==> default: colorbox was not found. [warning]
==> default: The following projects provide some or all of the extensions not [ok]
==> default: found:
==> default: colorbox
==> default: Would you like to download them? (y/n):
==> default: y
==> default: islandora_xacml_api is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: Would you like to download them? (y/n): y
==> default: The following projects have unmet dependencies: [ok]
==> default: islandora_internet_archive_bookreader requires colorbox
==> default: islandora_usage_stats requires views_data_export
==> default: Project colorbox (7.x-2.12) downloaded to [success]
==> default: /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/colorbox.
==> default: Project views_data_export (7.x-3.0-beta9) downloaded to [success]
==> default: /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views_data_export.
==> default: islandora_xacml_api is already enabled. [ok]
==> default: Colorbox plugin has been installed in sites/all/libraries [success]
==> default: The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_fits, islandora_ocr, islandora_oai, islandora_marcxml, islandora_simple_workflow, islandora_xacml_editor, islandora_xmlsitemap, colorbox, islandora_internet_archive_bookreader, islandora_bagit, islandora_batch_report, islandora_usage_stats, islandora_form_fieldpanel, islandora_altmetrics, islandora_populator, islandora_newspaper_batch, xmlsitemap_custom, views_data_export
==> default: Do you really want to continue? (y/n):
==> default: y
==> default: colorbox was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_altmetrics was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_bagit was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_batch_report was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_fits was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_form_fieldpanel was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_internet_archive_bookreader was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_marcxml was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_newspaper_batch was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_oai was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_ocr was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_populator was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_simple_workflow was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_usage_stats was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_xacml_editor was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: islandora_xmlsitemap was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: views_data_export was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: xmlsitemap_custom was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: Note: Enabling the Islandora OCR module only enables support for OCR. [warning]
==> default: It does NOT automatically add OCR functionality to modules whose OCR
==> default: settings are disabled by default. Please check the OCR settings in
==> default: the administration pages for any OCR-compatible Solution Packs.
==> default: Running provisioner: shell...
default: Running: /tmp/
==> default: Installing all Islandora Foundation module's required libraries
==> default: 'drush' cache was cleared [success]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.43 root directory at /var/www/drupal [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [notice]
==> default: Executing: wget --version
==> default: Executing: wget -q --timeout=30 -O /tmp/download_fileyJ3fzu
==> default: Mime type for is application/zip [notice]
==> default: Executing: unzip -d .
==> default: Video.js plugin has been installed in [success]
==> default: /var/www/drupal/sites/all/libraries
==> default: Command dispatch complete [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.43 root directory at /var/www/drupal [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [notice]
==> default: Executing: wget --version
==> default: Executing: wget -q --timeout=30 -O /tmp/download_filefeUjyW
==> default: Mime type for is application/zip [notice]
==> default: Executing: unzip -d /var/www/drupal/sites/all/libraries/pdfjs
==> default: PDF.js plugin has been installed in [success]
==> default: /var/www/drupal/sites/all/libraries
==> default: Command dispatch complete [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.43 root directory at /var/www/drupal [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [notice]
==> default: Executing: wget --version
==> default: Executing: wget -q --timeout=30 -O /tmp/download_fileSvK3oz
==> default: Mime type for is application/zip [notice]
==> default: Executing: unzip -d .
==> default: Internet Archive Bookreader plugin has been installed in [success]
==> default: /var/www/drupal/sites/all/libraries
==> default: Command dispatch complete [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.43 root directory at /var/www/drupal [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [notice]
==> default: Executing: wget --version
==> default: Executing: wget -q --timeout=30 -O /tmp/download_fileJVMz5p
==> default: A existing Colorbox plugin was deleted from sites/all/libraries [notice]
==> default: Mime type for is application/zip [notice]
==> default: Executing: unzip -d .
==> default: Colorbox plugin has been installed in sites/all/libraries [success]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.43 root directory at /var/www/drupal [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [notice]
==> default: Executing: wget --version
==> default: Executing: wget -q --timeout=30 -O /tmp/download_fileGssH15
==> default: Mime type for is application/zip [notice]
==> default: Executing: unzip -d .
==> default: Openseadragon plugin has been installed in [success]
==> default: /var/www/drupal/sites/all/libraries
==> default: Command dispatch complete [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal 7.43 root directory at /var/www/drupal [notice]
==> default: Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [notice]
==> default: The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_openseadragon
==> default: Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
==> default: WD system: islandora_openseadragon module installed. [info]
==> default: WD system: islandora_openseadragon module enabled. [info]
==> default: islandora_openseadragon was enabled successfully. [ok]
==> default: Command dispatch complete [notice]
==> default: Running provisioner: shell...
default: Running: /tmp/
==> default: * Stopping Tomcat servlet engine tomcat7
==> default: ...done.
==> default: * Starting Tomcat servlet engine tomcat7
==> default: ...done.
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