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Created February 19, 2015 23:27
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Rounding values
# Rounds a number
# If nearest == pivot, the rounding will always go up.
# Default behaviour:
# round(0) # 10
# round(1) # 10
# round(9) # 10
# round(10) # 20
# round(19) # 20
# round(20) # 30
# round(99) # 100
# round(100) # 200
# round(101) # 200
# round(999) # 1000
# round(1000) # 2000
def round(num, nearest = nil, pivot = nil)
negative = num < 0 # record if the number is negative
num = -num if negative # make the number positive
precision = Math.log10(num).to_i rescue 1 # are we dealing with 10's, 100's, 1000's...
precision = 1 if precision == 0 # the lowest value we want to round to is 10
nearest ||= 10**precision # the rounding value
pivot ||= nearest # the value that will cause us to round up/down
# NOTE: if pivot == nearest, the rounding will always go up
result = (num + pivot) / nearest * nearest # perform the rounding
negative ? -result : result # make number negative, if required
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