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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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react in lighttable
(ns lt.plugins.user
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[lt.object :as object]
[lt.objs.tabs :as tabs]
[lt.objs.command :as cmd])
(:require-macros [lt.macros :refer [defui behavior]]))
(defui react-panel [this]
[:h1 {:id "app-root"} "React + LightTable!"])
(defn el [name attr children]
(React/createElement name, attr, children))
(defn format-time [d]
(let [values [(.getHours d) (.getMinutes d) (.getSeconds d)]
zero-prefixed (map (partial str "0") values)
normalized (map #(.slice % -2) zero-prefixed)
joined (string/join ":" normalized )
(def label
(React/createClass #js {:displayName "myLabel"
:render (fn [] (this-as this
(el "h1" nil (str "React tick is: " (-> this .-props .-time)))))}))
;; Define an object prototype
(object/object* ::user.react-timer
:tags [:user.hello]
:behaviors [::on-close-timer-destroy]
:init (fn [this]
(react-panel this)))
(behavior ::on-close-timer-destroy
:triggers #{:close}
:reaction (fn [this]
(js/window.clearTimeout (:interval @this))
(object/raise this :destroy)))
(def react-timer (object/create ::user.react-timer))
(cmd/command {:command
:desc "User: Show time"
:exec (fn []
(tabs/add-or-focus! react-timer)
(let [app-root (.getElementById js/document "app-root")
label-inst (React/render (el label #js {:time (format-time (js/Date.))} [])
refresh-timer (fn []
(prn (format-time (js/Date.)))
(.setProps label-inst #js {:time (format-time (js/Date.))}))
interval (js/window.setInterval refresh-timer 1000)]
(object/merge! react-timer {:interval interval})))})
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brabadu commented Nov 18, 2014

  • Prevent Maximum recursion depth (set! *print-level* 5)
  • Add back ([{ pairing behavior [:app :lt.objs.settings/pair-keymap-diffs]

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