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Discuss constraining PLL generated clocks in modern STA tools. #sta #pll

STA PLL Timing

Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) is used to compensate delay in its feedback path, which can be used for different purposes. The most frequent uses are to compensate the clock tree delay/depth or to compensate the IO delay (or both).

A decade ago, accounting for the compensation in STA timing used to be a haedache. See P. Zimmer. Working with PLLs in PrimeTime – avoiding the phase locked oops, SNUG San Jose 2005,

Presently, EDA vendors provide methods to identify a PLL cell and its feedback path, hence letting STA engines to account for the compensation themselves.

PLL Timing Model

The timing model has to achieve the following:

  • Identify a cell is indeed a PLL.
  • Identify the critical pin functions (i.e. the reference clock input, feedback input and PLL clock output) that create the compensation loop.
  • Identify PLL internal delay (from the reference input to the clock output).

Here is an example we will be using:

cell(xpll) {
    is_pll_cell : true;

    pin( REFCLK ) {
        direction : input;
        is_pll_reference_pin : true;

    pin( FBKCLK ) {
        direction : input;
        is_pll_feedback_pin : true;

    pin (PLLCLK) {
        direction : output;
        is_pll_output_pin : true;
        timing() {
            related_pin: "REFCLK";
            timing_sense: positive_unate;
            cell_fall(scalar) { values("1.5"); }
            cell_rise(scalar) { values("1.5"); }
            fall_transition(scalar) { values("0.1"); }
            rise_transition(scalar) { values("0.1"); }

PLL Example Circuit

Let us consider the following circuit:

module circ_pll(clk);

wire clkref, clkpll;
wire cts1, clkfb;
wire a, b, c;

bufx4 buf1( .A(clk), .Y(clkref) );

xpll pll( .REFCLK(clkref), .FBKCLK(clkfb), .PLLCLK(clkpll) );

bufx4 buf1( .A(clkpll), .Y(cts1) );
bufx4 buf1( .A(cts1), .Y(clkfb) );

dffrx1 FF1( .CK(clkref), .RB(1'b1), .D(a), .Q(b) );
dffrx1 FF2( .CK(clkfb), .RB(1'b1), .D(b), .Q(c) );
dffrx1 FF2a( .CK(cts1), .RB(1'b1), .D(b), .Q() );
dffrx1 FF3( .CK(clkref), .RB(1'b1), .D(c), .Q() );

create_clock -name CLK -period 10 clk
create_generated_clock -name PLLCLK -multiply_by 1 -source pll/REFCLK  pll/PLLCLK

Startpoint: FF2 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by PLLCLK)
Endpoint: FF3 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK)
Last common pin: buf1/Y
Path Group: CLK
Path Type: max

Point                                                   Incr       Path
clock PLLCLK (rise edge)                                0.00       0.00
clock CLK (source latency)                              0.00       0.00
clk (in)                                                0.00       0.00 r
buf1/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00       1.00 r
pll/PLLCLK (xpll) (gclock source)                       1.50       2.50 r
buf2/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00       3.50 r
buf3/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00       4.50 r
FF2/CK (dffrx1)                                         0.00       4.50 r
FF2/Q (dffrx1)                                          3.00       7.50 r
FF3/D (dffrx1)                                          0.00       7.50 r
data arrival time                                                  7.50

clock CLK (rise edge)                                  10.00      10.00
clock source latency                                    0.00      10.00
clk (in)                                                0.00      10.00 r
buf1/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00      11.00 r
FF3/CK (dffrx1)                                         0.00      11.00 r
clock reconvergence pessimism                           0.00      11.00
library setup time                                     -0.70      10.30
data required time                                                10.30
data required time                                                10.30
data arrival time                                                 -7.50
slack (MET)                                                        2.80

create_generated_clock -name PLLCLK -multiply_by 1 -source pll/REFCLK  pll/PLLCLK -pll_output pll/PLLCLK -pll_feedback pll/FBKCLK

Startpoint: FF2 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by PLLCLK)
Endpoint: FF3 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK)
Last common pin: clk
Path Group: CLK
Path Type: max

Point                                                   Incr       Path
clock PLLCLK (rise edge)                                0.00       0.00
clock CLK (source latency)                              0.00       0.00
clk (in)                                                0.00       0.00 r
buf1/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00       1.00 r
pll/PLLCLK (xpll) (gclock source)                      -2.00 H    -1.00 r
buf2/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00       0.00 r
buf3/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00       1.00 r
FF2/CK (dffrx1)                                         0.00       1.00 r
FF2/Q (dffrx1) <-                                       3.00       4.00 r
FF3/D (dffrx1)                                          0.00       4.00 r
data arrival time                                                  4.00

clock CLK (rise edge)                                  10.00      10.00
clock source latency                                    0.00      10.00
clk (in)                                                0.00      10.00 r
buf1/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00      11.00 r
FF3/CK (dffrx1)                                         0.00      11.00 r
clock reconvergence pessimism                           0.00      11.00
library setup time                                     -0.70      10.30
data required time                                                10.30
data required time                                                10.30
data arrival time                                                 -4.00
slack (MET)                                                        6.30

Startpoint: FF1 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK)
Endpoint: FF2a (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by PLLCLK)
Last common pin: clk
Path Group: PLLCLK
Path Type: max

Point                                                   Incr       Path
clock CLK (rise edge)                                   0.00       0.00
clock source latency                                    0.00       0.00
clk (in)                                                0.00       0.00 r
buf1/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00       1.00 r
FF1/CK (dffrx1)                                         0.00       1.00 r
FF1/Q (dffrx1)                                          3.00       4.00 r
FF2a/D (dffrx1)                                         0.00       4.00 r
data arrival time                                                  4.00

clock PLLCLK (rise edge)                               10.00      10.00
clock CLK (source latency)                              0.00      10.00
clk (in)                                                0.00      10.00 r
buf1/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00      11.00 r
pll/PLLCLK (xpll) (gclock source)                      -2.00 H     9.00 r
buf2/Y (bufx4)                                          1.00      10.00 r
FF2a/CK (dffrx1)                                        0.00      10.00 r
clock reconvergence pessimism                           0.00      10.00
library setup time                                     -0.70       9.30
data required time                                                 9.30
data required time                                                 9.30
data arrival time                                                 -4.00
slack (MET)                                                        5.30

Path 1: MET Setup Check with Pin FF3/CK 
Endpoint:   FF3/D (v) checked with  leading edge of 'CLK'
Beginpoint: FF2/Q (v) triggered by  leading edge of 'PLLCLK'
Path Groups: {CLK}
Other End Arrival Time          1.000
- Setup                         0.700
+ Phase Shift                  10.000
= Required Time                10.300
- Arrival Time                  7.500
= Slack Time                    2.800
     Clock Rise Edge                      0.000
     = Beginpoint Arrival Time            0.000
     Timing Path:
      Instance  Arc                   Cell    Delay  Arrival  Required  Generated Clock  
                                                     Time     Time      Adjustment  
      -         clk ^                 -       -      0.000    2.800     -  
      buf1      A ^ -> Y ^            bufx4   1.000  1.000    3.800     -  
      pll       REFCLK ^ -> PLLCLK ^  xpll    1.500  2.500    5.300     PLLCLK Adj. = 0.000  
      buf2      A ^ -> Y ^            bufx4   1.000  3.500    6.300     -  
      buf3      A ^ -> Y ^            bufx4   1.000  4.500    7.300     -  
      FF2       CK ^ -> Q v           dffrx1  3.000  7.500    10.300    -  
      FF3       D v                   dffrx1  0.000  7.500    10.300    -  
     Clock Rise Edge                      0.000
     = Beginpoint Arrival Time            0.000
     Other End Path:
      Instance  Arc         Cell    Delay  Arrival  Required  Generated Clock  
                                           Time     Time      Adjustment  
      -         clk ^       -       -      0.000    -2.800    -  
      buf1      A ^ -> Y ^  bufx4   1.000  1.000    -1.800    -  
      FF3       CK ^        dffrx1  0.000  1.000    -1.800    -  

set_pll_timing [get_cells pll] -reference_pin REFCLK -feedback_pin FBKCLK -output_pin PLLCLK -output_clock [get_clock PLLCLK]

Path 1: MET Setup Check with Pin FF3/CK 
Endpoint:   FF3/D (v) checked with  leading edge of 'CLK'
Beginpoint: FF2/Q (v) triggered by  leading edge of 'PLLCLK'
Path Groups: {CLK}
Other End Arrival Time          1.000
- Setup                         0.700
+ Phase Shift                  10.000
= Required Time                10.300
- Arrival Time                  4.000
= Slack Time                    6.300
     Clock Rise Edge                      0.000
     = Beginpoint Arrival Time            0.000
     Timing Path:
      Instance  Arc          Cell    Delay  Arrival  Required  Generated Clock  
                                            Time     Time      Adjustment  
      -         clk ^        -       -      0.000    6.300     -  
      buf1      A ^ -> Y ^   bufx4   1.000  1.000    7.300     -  
      pll       PLLCLK ^     -       -      -1.000   5.300     PLLCLK Pll Adj. = -2.000  
      buf2      A ^ -> Y ^   bufx4   1.000  0.000    6.300     -  
      buf3      A ^ -> Y ^   bufx4   1.000  1.000    7.300     -  
      FF2       CK ^ -> Q v  dffrx1  3.000  4.000    10.300    -  
      FF3       D v          dffrx1  0.000  4.000    10.300    -  
     Clock Rise Edge                      0.000
     = Beginpoint Arrival Time            0.000
     Other End Path:
      Instance  Arc         Cell    Delay  Arrival  Required  Generated Clock  
                                           Time     Time      Adjustment  
      -         clk ^       -       -      0.000    -6.300    -  
      buf1      A ^ -> Y ^  bufx4   1.000  1.000    -5.300    -  
      FF3       CK ^        dffrx1  0.000  1.000    -5.300    -  
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