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OCV and timing derating #sta

OCV and Timing Derating


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Timing derating means adding an extra margin to STA analysis to accommodate variation in timing parameters of gates (as they were characterized in a timing library). Timing libraries are characterized for a particular operating condition representing a combination of process, voltage and temperature (a PVT for short).

However, the real operating condition will certainly differ from the one used for STA (e.g. voltage level will fluctuate, voltage level will drop over power distribution network and in response to current draw peaks, manufacturing process fluctuates in a fab, parameters change wafer to wafer, etc.). The implied variation of operating conditions has a global and a local component.

The global variation is countered running STA analysis at the corner conditions that form a bounding "box" of where the real silicon is to operate. Despite accounting for worst case and best case shifts in operating conditions, every chip will suffer from local variations (a.k.a. on-chip variation or OCV), meaning that some gates will be little faster, some little slower, some will see slightly higher temperature, or slightly lower voltage.

To account for the local variation, designers add extra margin to make sure the performance of the chip stays on the safe side. The simplest means to scale (or de-rate) the timing from a gate library to yield more pessimistic timing. Hence the term timing derating.


The examples in this text were used with PrimeTime S-2021.06-SP5 and Tempus 21.14.

Example circuit.

Flat OCV Margins

The easiest way to scale down STA timing is using a fixed scaling factor to affect the timing paths so that slow paths become slower and fast paths to become faster. And that is what the set_timing_derate -early|-late SDC command does. Default STA setting is such that all paths have scaling factor of 1.0 (shown by PrimeTime report_timing -derate). To make slow or late paths 10% slower, we use set_timing_derate -late 1.1. Note that the late path for the setup check is the data path and for the hold check the clock path:

pt_shell>                                                                   pt_shell> set_timing_derate -late 1.1
pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type max -from FF1 -to FF2 -nosplit \        pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type max -from FF1 -to FF2 -nosplit \
            -derate                                                                     -derate

Last common pin: clk                                                        Last common pin: CKBUF2/Q
Path Group: CLK                                                             Path Group: CLK
Path Type: max                                                              Path Type: max

Point                             Derate   Incr      Path                   Point                             Derate   Incr      Path
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000                    clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000
clock network delay (propagated)         5.000     5.000                    clock network delay (propagated)         5.500     5.500
FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)                     0.000     5.000 r                  FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)                     0.000     5.500 r
FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-           1.000   3.000     8.000 f                  FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-           1.100   3.300     8.800 f
BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                1.000   0.000     8.000 f                  BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                1.100   0.000     8.800 f
BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                1.000   1.000     9.000 f                  BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                1.100   1.100     9.900 f
...                                                                         ...
FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)              1.000   0.000    12.000 f                  FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)              1.100   0.000    13.200 f
data arrival time                                 12.000                    data arrival time                                 13.200

clock CLK (rise edge)                   10.000    10.000                    clock CLK (rise edge)                   10.000    10.000
clock network delay (propagated)         5.000    15.000                    clock network delay (propagated)         5.000    15.000
clock reconvergence pessimism            0.000    15.000                    clock reconvergence pessimism            0.200    15.200
clock uncertainty                       -0.500    14.500                    clock uncertainty                       -0.500    14.700
FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)                              14.500 r                  FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)                              14.700 r
library setup time               1.000  -0.400    14.100                    library setup time               1.000  -0.400    14.300
data required time                                14.100                    data required time                                14.300
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
data required time                                14.100                    data required time                                14.300
data arrival time                                -12.000                    data arrival time                                -13.200
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
slack (MET)                                        2.100                    slack (MET)                                        1.100

                                                                            pt_shell> set_timing_derate -late 1.1
pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type min -from FF1 -to FF2 -nosplit \        pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type min -from FF1 -to FF2 -nosplit \
            -derate -path_type full_clock                                             -derate -path_type full_clock

Last common pin: clk                                                        Last common pin: CKBUF2/Q
Path Group: CLK                                                             Path Group: CLK
Path Type: min                                                              Path Type: min

Point                             Derate   Incr      Path                   Point                             Derate   Incr      Path
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000                    clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000
clock source latency                     0.000     0.000                    clock source latency                     0.000     0.000
clk (in)                                 0.000     0.000 r                  clk (in)                                 0.000     0.000 r
CKBUF1/A (bufx10_d)              1.000   0.000     0.000 r                  CKBUF1/A (bufx10_d)              1.000   0.000     0.000 r
CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              1.000   1.000     1.000 r                  CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              1.000   1.000     1.000 r
...                                                                         ...
FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)             1.000   0.000     5.000 r                  FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)             1.000   0.000     5.000 r
FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-           1.000   2.000     7.000 r                  FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-           1.000   2.000     7.000 r
BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                1.000   0.000     7.000 r                  BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                1.000   0.000     7.000 r
BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                1.000   1.000     8.000 r                  BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                1.000   1.000     8.000 r
...                                                                         ...
FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)              1.000   0.000    11.000 r                  FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)              1.000   0.000    11.000 r
data arrival time                                 11.000                    data arrival time                                 11.000

clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000                    clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000
clock source latency                     0.000     0.000                    clock source latency                     0.000     0.000
clk (in)                                 0.000     0.000 r                  clk (in)                                 0.000     0.000 r
CKBUF1/A (bufx10_d)              1.000   0.000     0.000 r                  CKBUF1/A (bufx10_d)              1.100   0.000     0.000 r
CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              1.000   1.000     1.000 r                  CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              1.100   1.100     1.100 r
...                                                                         ...
FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)             1.000   0.000     5.000 r                  FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)             1.100   0.000     5.500 r
clock reconvergence pessimism            0.000     5.000                    clock reconvergence pessimism           -0.200     5.300
clock uncertainty                        0.500     5.500                    clock uncertainty                        0.500     5.800
library hold time                1.000   0.300     5.800                    library hold time                1.000   0.300     6.100
data required time                                 5.800                    data required time                                 6.100
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
data required time                                 5.800                    data required time                                 6.100
data arrival time                                -11.000                    data arrival time                                -11.000
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
slack (MET)                                        5.200                    slack (MET)                                        4.900

There are few things to note in the above example:

  • Only the late path is scaled (i.e. the data path for max timing and capture clock path for min timing).
  • (Clock) cells that appear in both the late and early path scale in only in the late path (see the min path timing which has used the -path_type full_clock option). The STA tool shall remove clock reconvergence pessimism (CRP) to counter this effect, so it either adds or reduces the capture clock path the difference on the common clock path segment.
  • Slack reduction (due to being 10% more pessimistic) is more pronounced for the setup timing than for the hold timing. As we will see in the next example, the impact reverses for early derate so that hold timing is impacted more and setup timing less.

To also scale the early path, we would need a second instance of set_timing_derate. However, as the early path is the fast one, we need to scale it down to make it faster. Hence set_timing_derate -early 0.9 is for 10% margin. Reports below show the early derate vs. the default no-scaling baseline:

pt_shell>                                                                   pt_shell> set_timing_derate -early 0.9
pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type max -from FF1 -to FF2 -nosplit \        pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type max -from FF1 -to FF2 -nosplit \
            -derate                                                                     -derate

Last common pin: clk                                                        Last common pin: CKBUF2/Q
Path Group: CLK                                                             Path Group: CLK
Path Type: max                                                              Path Type: max

Point                             Derate   Incr      Path                   Point                             Derate   Incr      Path
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000                    clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000
clock network delay (propagated)         5.000     5.000                    clock network delay (propagated)         5.000     5.000
FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)                     0.000     5.000 r                  FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)                     0.000     5.000 r
FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-           1.000   3.000     8.000 f                  FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-           1.000   3.000     8.000 f
BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                1.000   0.000     8.000 f                  BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                1.000   0.000     8.000 f
BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                1.000   1.000     9.000 f                  BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                1.000   1.000     9.000 f
...                                                                         ...
FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)              1.000   0.000    12.000 f                  FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)              1.000   0.000    12.000 f
data arrival time                                 12.000                    data arrival time                                 12.000

clock CLK (rise edge)                   10.000    10.000                    clock CLK (rise edge)                   10.000    10.000
clock network delay (propagated)         5.000    15.000                    clock network delay (propagated)         4.500    14.500
clock reconvergence pessimism            0.000    15.000                    clock reconvergence pessimism            0.200    14.700
clock uncertainty                       -0.500    14.500                    clock uncertainty                       -0.500    14.200
FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)                              14.500 r                  FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)                              14.200 r
library setup time               1.000  -0.400    14.100                    library setup time               1.000  -0.400    13.800
data required time                                14.100                    data required time                                13.800
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
data required time                                14.100                    data required time                                13.800
data arrival time                                -12.000                    data arrival time                                -12.000
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
slack (MET)                                        2.100                    slack (MET)                                        1.800

                                                                            pt_shell> set_timing_derate -early 0.9
pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type min -from FF1 -to FF2 -nosplit \        pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type min -from FF1 -to FF2 -nosplit \
            -derate -path_type full_clock                                             -derate -path_type full_clock

Last common pin: clk                                                        Last common pin: CKBUF2/Q
Path Group: CLK                                                             Path Group: CLK
Path Type: min                                                              Path Type: min

Point                             Derate   Incr      Path                   Point                             Derate   Incr      Path
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000                    clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000
clock source latency                     0.000     0.000                    clock source latency                     0.000     0.000
clk (in)                                 0.000     0.000 r                  clk (in)                                 0.000     0.000 r
CKBUF1/A (bufx10_d)              1.000   0.000     0.000 r                  CKBUF1/A (bufx10_d)              0.900   0.000     0.000 r
CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              1.000   1.000     1.000 r                  CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              0.900   0.900     0.900 r
...                                                                         ...
FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)             1.000   0.000     5.000 r                  FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)             0.900   0.000     4.500 r
FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-           1.000   2.000     7.000 r                  FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-           0.900   1.800     6.300 r
BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                1.000   0.000     7.000 r                  BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                0.900   0.000     6.300 r
BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                1.000   1.000     8.000 r                  BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                0.900   0.900     7.200 r
...                                                                         ...
FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)              1.000   0.000    11.000 r                  FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)              0.900   0.000     9.900 r
data arrival time                                 11.000                    data arrival time                                  9.900

clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000                    clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000
clock source latency                     0.000     0.000                    clock source latency                     0.000     0.000
clk (in)                                 0.000     0.000 r                  clk (in)                                 0.000     0.000 r
CKBUF1/A (bufx10_d)              1.000   0.000     0.000 r                  CKBUF1/A (bufx10_d)              1.000   0.000     0.000 r
CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              1.000   1.000     1.000 r                  CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              1.000   1.000     1.000 r
...                                                                         ...
FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)             1.000   0.000     5.000 r                  FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)             1.000   0.000     5.000 r
clock reconvergence pessimism            0.000     5.000                    clock reconvergence pessimism           -0.200     4.800
clock uncertainty                        0.500     5.500                    clock uncertainty                        0.500     5.300
library hold time                1.000   0.300     5.800                    library hold time                1.000   0.300     5.600
data required time                                 5.800                    data required time                                 5.600
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
data required time                                 5.800                    data required time                                 5.600
data arrival time                                -11.000                    data arrival time                                 -9.900
-----------------------------------------------------------                 -----------------------------------------------------------
slack (MET)                                        5.200                    slack (MET)                                        4.300

OCV Tuning

The idea of timing derating is intuitive, but gets more complex in real applications. Different IPs may need to be scaled differently, just by the fact that some do have timing margins already incorporated. Certain IP instances may need tighter or more relaxed margins. Nets may derate differently than cell delays. Different cell timing parameters may scale differently (e.g. setup/hold vs. cell delay). Some timing derates should be applied incrementally, which is better done as additive margins than multiplicative scale factors.

STA engines support these case through various set_timing_derate options. Yet there are slight differences how they do or how they prioritize or combine derate factors targeting the same instance through derates associated with different design objects (i.e. instances vs. libraries vs. design).

Flat Deratings (PrimeTime)

PrimeTime can set timing derates for different design objects and uses the more specific derate wins precedence method. Hence a derate applied to the design object (i.e. without specifying a libcell or an instance) applies to all instances. This may be preceded by a more specific derate set to a libcell. That may be further preceded by a derate set for a particular instance. For example:

pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.2 [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.3 [get_cells INV2]

pt_shell> report_timing_derate
                                  ----- Clock ------                  ------ Data ------
                                Rise              Fall              Rise              Fall
                           Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late
 design: circ
   Net delay static          --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
   Net delay dynamic         --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
   Cell delay                --     1.100      --     1.100      --     1.100      --     1.100
   Cell check                --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --

 cell (leaf): INV2
   Cell delay                --     1.300      --     1.300      --     1.300      --     1.300

 lib_cell: testlib01/invx05_d
   Cell delay                --     1.200      --     1.200      --     1.200      --     1.200

pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type max -derate -nosplit

  Point                                            Derate   Incr      Path
  clock CLK (rise edge)                                   0.000     0.000
  clock network delay (propagated)                        5.700     5.700
  FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)                                    0.000     5.700 r
  FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d)                             1.100   3.300     9.000 f
  BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                               1.000   0.000     9.000 f
  BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                               1.100   1.100    10.100 f   <--- all cells are derated by at least the global 1.1 factor
  INV2/A (invx05_d)                               1.000   0.000    10.100 f
  INV2/Q (invx05_d)                               1.300   1.300    11.400 r   <--- INV2 cell is specifically derated by 1.3 factor
  INV3/A (invx05_d)                               1.000   0.000    11.400 r
  INV3/Q (invx05_d)                               1.200   1.200    12.600 f   <--- all other invx05_d cells are derated by 1.2 factor
  BUF4/A (bufx10_d)                               1.000   0.000    12.600 f
  BUF4/Q (bufx10_d)                               1.100   1.100    13.700 f
  FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)                             1.000   0.000    13.700 f
  data arrival time                                                13.700

  clock CLK (rise edge)                                  10.000    10.000
  clock network delay (propagated)                        5.000    15.000
  clock reconvergence pessimism                           0.200    15.200
  clock uncertainty                                      -0.500    14.700
  FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)                                             14.700 r
  library setup time                              1.000  -0.400    14.300
  data required time                                               14.300
  data required time                                               14.300
  data arrival time                                               -13.700
  slack (MET)                                                       0.600

Following the scale factors, we can define incremental adjustments through set_timing_derate -incremental. Notice that the incremental derates are not reported in report_timing_derate but only with report_timing_derate -incremental:

pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01 -increment
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -increment [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.03 -increment [get_cells INV3]

pt_shell> report_timing_derate
                                  ----- Clock ------                  ------ Data ------
                                Rise              Fall              Rise              Fall
                           Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late
 design: circ
   Net delay static          --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
   Net delay dynamic         --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
   Cell delay                --     1.100      --     1.100      --     1.100      --     1.100
   Cell check                --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --

 cell (leaf): INV2
   Cell delay                --     1.300      --     1.300      --     1.300      --     1.300

 lib_cell: testlib01/invx05_d
   Cell delay                --     1.200      --     1.200      --     1.200      --     1.200

pt_shell> report_timing_derate -increment
                                  ----- Clock ------                  ------ Data ------
                                Rise              Fall              Rise              Fall
                           Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late
 design: circ
   Net delay static          --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
   Net delay dynamic         --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
   Cell delay                --     0.010      --     0.010      --     0.010      --     0.010
   Cell check                --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --

 cell (leaf): INV3
   Cell delay                --     0.030      --     0.030      --     0.030      --     0.030

 lib_cell: testlib01/invx05_d
   Cell delay                --     0.020      --     0.020      --     0.020      --     0.020

pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type max -derate -nosplit

  Point                                            Derate   Incr      Path
  clock CLK (rise edge)                                   0.000     0.000
  clock network delay (propagated)                        5.770     5.770
  FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)                                    0.000     5.770 r
  FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d)                             1.110   3.330     9.100 f   <--- all cells have scale factor increased by at least 0.01
  BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                               1.000   0.000     9.100 f
  BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                               1.110   1.110    10.210 f
  INV2/A (invx05_d)                               1.000   0.000    10.210 f
  INV2/Q (invx05_d)                               1.320   1.320    11.530 r   <--- invx05_d cells have scale factor increased by at least 0.02
  INV3/A (invx05_d)                               1.000   0.000    11.530 r        (note that INV2 has unique scale factor of 1.3)
  INV3/Q (invx05_d)                               1.230   1.230    12.760 f   <--- INV3 has its scale factor specifically increased by 0.03
  BUF4/A (bufx10_d)                               1.000   0.000    12.760 f        (note that INV3 has a scale factor of 1.2 default factor of
  BUF4/Q (bufx10_d)                               1.110   1.110    13.870 f        invx05_d cells)
  FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)                             1.000   0.000    13.870 f
  data arrival time                                                13.870

  clock CLK (rise edge)                                  10.000    10.000
  clock network delay (propagated)                        5.000    15.000
  clock reconvergence pessimism                           0.220    15.220
  clock uncertainty                                      -0.500    14.720
  FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)                                             14.720 r
  library setup time                              1.000  -0.400    14.320
  data required time                                               14.320
  data required time                                               14.320
  data arrival time                                               -13.870
  slack (MET)                                                       0.450

Note that using set_timing_derate -increment again is not incremental to the already existing increment. It actually overrides the previous increment. It is indeed the same for the scale factor, too; a new set_derate_timing overrides the last one. See the examples below.

It implies that PrimeTime actually maintains the timing derate as two separate components, a scale factor and an incremental margin. The total derate is then total_derate = scale_factor + margin. The scale factor is set instantly through set_timing_derate and the margin through set_timing_derate -incremental. Hence if the total derate is composed of multiple components, users need to come up with sub-totals for both the scale factor and the margin (or can come up with the total itself and use only either the scale factor or the margin).

pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late -0.01 -increment
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late -0.02 -increment [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late -0.03 -increment [get_cells INV3]

pt_shell> report_timing_derate -increment
                                  ----- Clock ------                  ------ Data ------
                                Rise              Fall              Rise              Fall
                           Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late
 design: circ
   Net delay static          --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
   Net delay dynamic         --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
   Cell delay                --    -0.010      --    -0.010      --    -0.010      --    -0.010
   Cell check                --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --

 cell (leaf): INV3
   Cell delay                --    -0.030      --    -0.030      --    -0.030      --    -0.030

 lib_cell: testlib01/invx05_d
   Cell delay                --    -0.020      --    -0.020      --    -0.020      --    -0.020

In the scale factor overrides, notice that we have not overridden INV2 scale factor, which then remained at its last value of 1.3 despite the new global and libcell derates. This is in line with the expected precedence of more specific derate applies:

pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.9
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.8 [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.7 [get_cells INV3]

pt_shell> report_timing_derate
                                  ----- Clock ------                  ------ Data ------
                                Rise              Fall              Rise              Fall
                           Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late
 design: circ
   Net delay static          --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
   Net delay dynamic         --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
   Cell delay                --     0.900      --     0.900      --     0.900      --     0.900
   Cell check                --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --

 cell (leaf): INV2
   Cell delay                --     1.300      --     1.300      --     1.300      --     1.300

 cell (leaf): INV3
   Cell delay                --     0.700      --     0.700      --     0.700      --     0.700

 lib_cell: testlib01/invx05_d
   Cell delay                --     0.800      --     0.800      --     0.800      --     0.800

The new timing after derate updates then looks like follows:

pt_shell> report_timing -delay_type max -derate -nosplit

  Point                                            Derate   Incr      Path
  clock CLK (rise edge)                                   0.000     0.000
  clock network delay (propagated)                        4.230     4.230
  FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)                                    0.000     4.230 r
  FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d)                             0.890   2.670     6.900 f
  BUF1/A (bufx10_d)                               1.000   0.000     6.900 f
  BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)                               0.890   0.890     7.790 f
  INV2/A (invx05_d)                               1.000   0.000     7.790 f
  INV2/Q (invx05_d)                               1.280   1.280     9.070 r
  INV3/A (invx05_d)                               1.000   0.000     9.070 r
  INV3/Q (invx05_d)                               0.670   0.670     9.740 f
  BUF4/A (bufx10_d)                               1.000   0.000     9.740 f
  BUF4/Q (bufx10_d)                               0.890   0.890    10.630 f
  FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)                             1.000   0.000    10.630 f
  data arrival time                                                10.630

  clock CLK (rise edge)                                  10.000    10.000
  clock network delay (propagated)                        5.000    15.000
  clock reconvergence pessimism                           0.000    15.000
  clock uncertainty                                      -0.500    14.500
  FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)                                             14.500 r
  library setup time                              1.000  -0.400    14.100
  data required time                                               14.100
  data required time                                               14.100
  data arrival time                                               -10.630
  slack (MET)                                                       3.470

Flat Deratings (Tempus)

Tempus takes a slightly different approach. It maintains a single derate scale factor set by set_timing_derate. Users can incrementally update this scale factor by a multiplicative factor (set_timing_derate -multiply) or additive increment (set_timing_derate -add). There can be as many incremental updates as one likes:

@tempus 3> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1
@tempus 4> report_timing_derate
                        -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                            Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                        Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell Delay                  --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100
Net Delay Static            --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --

@tempus 5> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1 -multiply
@tempus 6> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1 -multiply
@tempus 7> report_timing_derate
                        -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
Cell Delay                  --     1.331        --     1.331        --     1.331        --     1.331
Net Delay Static            --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --

@tempus 8> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01 -add
@tempus 9> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01 -add
@tempus 10> report_timing_derate
                        -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
Cell Delay                  --     1.351        --     1.351        --     1.351        --     1.351
Net Delay Static            --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --

@tempus 11> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1 -multiply
@tempus 12> report_timing_derate
                        -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
Cell Delay                  --     1.486        --     1.486        --     1.486        --     1.486
Net Delay Static            --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --

@tempus 13> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1
@tempus 14> report_timing_derate
                        -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
Cell Delay                  --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100
Net Delay Static            --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --

Tempus honors similar derate precence like PrimeTime in the sense that more specific derate for a particular design object applies. However, there are certain quirks that are unxepected from user perspective and make the overal derate specification more intricate.

The intuitive derate precednce with decreasing priority is as follows:

  • Specific instance/cell object.
  • Library cell object.
  • Design object.
@tempus 15> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1
@tempus 16> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.2 [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus 17> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.3 [get_cells INV2]

@tempus 18> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell Delay                  --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100
Net Delay Static            --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --

Cell (leaf): INV2
 Cell Delay                 --     1.300        --     1.300        --     1.300        --     1.300

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200
Input_switching             --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --

@tempus 19> report_timing -late

                       Capture       Launch
         Clock Edge:+   10.000        0.000
        Src Latency:+    0.000        0.000
        Net Latency:+    5.000 (P)    5.700 (P)
            Arrival:=   15.000        5.700

              Setup:-    0.400
        Uncertainty:-    0.500
        Cppr Adjust:+    0.200
      Required Time:=   14.300
       Launch Clock:=    5.700
          Data Path:+    8.000
              Slack:=    0.600

# Pin     Cell          Load  Trans    Incr  Total    Delay  Arrival
#                       (pf)   (ns)   Delay  Derate    (ns)     (ns)
  FF1/CK  (arrival)    0.005  0.201       -  -            -    5.700
  FF1/Q   dffprqx05_d  0.003  0.201   0.000   1.100   3.300    9.000
  BUF1/Q  bufx10_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.100   1.100   10.100
  INV2/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.300   1.300   11.400
  INV3/Q  invx05_d     0.003  0.201   0.000   1.200   1.200   12.600
  BUF4/Q  bufx10_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.100   1.100   13.700
  FF2/D   dffprqx05_d  0.005  0.301   0.000   1.000   0.000   13.700

The quirky behavior is tied to the incremental derate specification, whether through -multiply or -add. The behaviour is similar for both and so showing only the -add option in the example that follows. Effect of the incremental derate specs is as follows:

  • Inc. derate of cell/instance objects affects only that target objects.
  • Inc. derate of library cell objects affects existing derates of those library cells and of any specific cells/instances (that use those library cells).
  • Inc. derate of design object affects all existing derates.
@tempus> reset_timing_derate
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.2 [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.3 [get_cells INV2]

@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell Delay                  --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100

Cell (leaf): INV2
 Cell Delay                 --     1.300        --     1.300        --     1.300        --     1.300

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200

######## Notice the following affects *all* objects.
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01 -add
@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
Cell Delay                  --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110

Cell (leaf): INV2
 Cell Delay                 --     1.310        --     1.310        --     1.310        --     1.310

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.210        --     1.210        --     1.210        --     1.210

######## Notice the following affects library and instance objects.
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -add [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
Cell Delay                  --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110

Cell (leaf): INV2
 Cell Delay                 --     1.330        --     1.330        --     1.330        --     1.330

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.230        --     1.230        --     1.230        --     1.230

######## Finally the following affects only target instance objects.
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.03 -add [get_cells INV3]
@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
Cell Delay                  --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110

Cell (leaf): INV2
 Cell Delay                 --     1.330        --     1.330        --     1.330 <--+   --     1.330
Cell (leaf): INV3                                                                   |
 Cell Delay                 --     1.260        --     1.260 <--+   --     1.260    |   --     1.260
                                                                |                   |
LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d                                 |                   |
 Cell_delay                 --     1.230 <--+   --     1.230    |   --     1.230    |   --     1.230
                                            |                   |                   |
                                            |                   |                   +-- Total additive increment of 0.01+0.02.
                                            |                   +-- Total additive increment of 0.01+0.02+0.03.
                                            +-- Total additive increment of 0.01+0.02.

The unfortunate result is that the order of these incremental derate specification matters; not just relative to themselves (i.e. -multiply vs. -add, which is expected) but relative to the global ones, too (which may be unexpected). For example:

######## Reference case.
@tempus> reset_timing_derate
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.2 [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.3 [get_cells INV2]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01 -add
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -add [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.03 -add [get_cells INV3]
@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell Delay                  --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110

Cell (leaf): INV2
 Cell Delay                 --     1.330        --     1.330        --     1.330        --     1.330

Cell (leaf): INV3
 Cell Delay                 --     1.260        --     1.260        --     1.260        --     1.260

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.230        --     1.230        --     1.230        --     1.230

######## Notice the reverse order of incremental derates (which makes no difference)
@tempus> reset_timing_derate
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.2 [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.3 [get_cells INV2]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.03 -add [get_cells INV3]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -add [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01 -add
@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell Delay                  --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110

Cell (leaf): INV2
 Cell Delay                 --     1.330        --     1.330        --     1.330        --     1.330

Cell (leaf): INV3
 Cell Delay                 --     1.260        --     1.260        --     1.260        --     1.260

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.230        --     1.230        --     1.230        --     1.230

######## Notice a different order of global and incremental derates (and hence different ending derates).
@tempus> reset_timing_derate
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01 -add
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.2 [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -add [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.3 [get_cells INV2]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.03 -add [get_cells INV3]
@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell Delay                  --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110        --     1.110

Cell (leaf): INV2
 Cell Delay                 --     1.300        --     1.300        --     1.300        --     1.300

Cell (leaf): INV3
 Cell Delay                 --     1.250        --     1.250        --     1.250        --     1.250

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.220        --     1.220        --     1.220        --     1.220

There is, however, more to that quirkiness to keep in mind and that is that the incremental derates affect only derates **existing* in that moment*. This then yields different results between resetting derates through reset_timing_derate (which makes all derates undefined) and setting derates to 1.0 (which makes derates defined). Hence for example:

######## Reference.
@tempus> reset_timing_derate; # removes all existing derates (which is different than setting them to 1.0)
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01 -add
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -add [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.03 -add [get_cells INV3]
@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell Delay                  --     1.010        --     1.010        --     1.010        --     1.010

Cell (leaf): INV3
 Cell Delay                 --     1.050        --     1.050        --     1.050        --     1.050

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.020        --     1.020        --     1.020        --     1.020

######## Notice the reverse order of incremental derates (which makes a difference now)
@tempus> reset_timing_derate; # removes all existing derates (which is different than setting them to 1.0)
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.03 -add [get_cells INV3]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -add [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01 -add
@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell Delay                  --     1.010        --     1.010        --     1.010        --     1.010

Cell (leaf): INV3
 Cell Delay                 --     1.060        --     1.060        --     1.060        --     1.060

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.030        --     1.030        --     1.030        --     1.030

In recent versions, Tempus added -incerement option that supposedly brings it closer to how e.g. PrimeTime keeps derate settings. This is what the help message says:

-increment # incrementally add the derate value to total derate value in all (OCV/AOCV/SOCV) mode

So the expectation is that -increment is like -add but does not accumulate. The following is what it then looks like in the reference case. The results are almost like in PrimeTime, except the -increment option is not supported at the design/global level. Yet it is obvious that Tempus now keeps the deratings as a separate scaling factor and an additive margin, and that new set_timing_derate -increment replaces the existing one (rather than accumulating like in the -add case).

######## Reference.
@tempus> reset_timing_derate
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.1
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.2 [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.3 [get_cells INV2]

@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01 -increment
**ERROR: (TCLCMD-1022):     -incremental_adjust/-increment options must be specified to instance or library cell objects.
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -increment [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.03 -increment [get_cells INV3]

@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell Delay                  --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100

Cell (leaf): INV2
 Cell Delay                 --     1.300        --     1.300        --     1.300        --     1.300

Cell (leaf): INV3
 Cell Delay                 --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200
 Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.030     0.000     0.030     0.000     0.030     0.000     0.030

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200
 Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020

######## Another `-increment` replaces the previous one.
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.025 -increment [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.035 -increment [get_cells INV3]
@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell Delay                  --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100        --     1.100

Cell (leaf): INV2
 Cell Delay                 --     1.300        --     1.300        --     1.300        --     1.300

Cell (leaf): INV3
 Cell Delay                 --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200
 Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.035     0.000     0.035     0.000     0.035     0.000     0.035

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200        --     1.200
 Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.025     0.000     0.025     0.000     0.025     0.000     0.025

######## Also works when scaling factors are undefined.
@tempus> reset_timing_derate

@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -increment [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.03 -increment [get_cells INV3]

@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
Cell (leaf): INV3
 Cell Delay                 --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --
 Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.030     0.000     0.030     0.000     0.030     0.000     0.030

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --
 Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020

There seems to be some unexpected side effects with -increment (that look more like a bug than a feature):

  • One problem is interaction between the seperate -increment margin and the Cadence legacy incremental derates (such as -add as in the exmaple below). The problem is that different order of derate application yields a different total derate. This is exposed when -add <libcell> follows the -increment derates. Changing the order of -add vs. increment, or squeezing a different derate in between yields the expected results.

    @tempus> reset_timing_derate
    @tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.022 -increment [get_cells INV3]
    @tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.033 -increment [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
                             -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                                  Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                             Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
    Cell (leaf): INV3
     Cell Delay                 --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --
     Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.022     0.000     0.022     0.000     0.022     0.000     0.022
    LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
     Cell_delay                 --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --
     Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.033     0.000     0.033     0.000     0.033     0.000     0.033
    ######## `-add <libcell>` yields double-counting the new derate into a specific cell derate
    @tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.015 -add [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
    @tempus> report_timing_derate
                             -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
    Cell (leaf): INV3
     Cell Delay                 --     1.030        --     1.030        --     1.030        --     1.030
     Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.022     0.000     0.022     0.000     0.022     0.000     0.022
    LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
     Cell_delay                 --     1.015        --     1.015        --     1.015        --     1.015
     Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.033     0.000     0.033     0.000     0.033     0.000     0.033
    ######## `-add <cell>` updates only the specific cell as expected
    @tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01  -add [get_cells INV3]
    @tempus> report_timing_derate
                             -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
    Cell (leaf): INV3
     Cell Delay                 --     1.040        --     1.040        --     1.040        --     1.040
     Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.022     0.000     0.022     0.000     0.022     0.000     0.022
    LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
     Cell_delay                 --     1.015        --     1.015        --     1.015        --     1.015
     Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.033     0.000     0.033     0.000     0.033     0.000     0.033
    • The other inconvenience is that the -increment part of the total derate is not reported in the user_derate field of report_timing (and neither in a separate field, such as incr_derate).

      @tempus> reset_timing_derate
      @tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.01  -add [get_lib_cells */bufx10_d]
      @tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.005 -add [get_cells BUF1]
      @tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -increment [get_lib_cells */bufx10_d]
      @tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.03 -increment [get_cells BUF1]
      @tempus> report_timing_derate
                               -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                                    Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                               Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
      Cell (leaf): BUF1
       Cell Delay                 --     1.015        --     1.015        --     1.015        --     1.015
       Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.030     0.000     0.030     0.000     0.030     0.000     0.030
      LibraryCell: testlib01/bufx10_d
       Cell_delay                 --     1.010        --     1.010        --     1.010        --     1.010
       Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020
      @tempus> report_timing
      # Pin     Cell          Load  Trans    Incr   Delay  Arrival  User    Total
      #                       (pf)   (ns)   Delay    (ns)     (ns)  Derate  Derate
        FF1/CK  (arrival)    0.005  0.201       -       -    5.090  -       -
        FF1/Q   dffprqx05_d  0.003  0.201   0.000   3.000    8.090   1.000   1.000
        BUF1/Q  bufx10_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.045    9.135   1.015   1.045  <-- 0.015 from `-add <libcell> + <cell>` + 0.030 from `-increment <cell>`
        INV2/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.000   10.135   1.000   1.000
        INV3/Q  invx05_d     0.003  0.201   0.000   1.000   11.135   1.000   1.000
        BUF4/Q  bufx10_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.030   12.165   1.010   1.030  <-- 0.01 from `-add <libcell>` + 0.02 from `-increment <libcell>`
        FF2/D   dffprqx05_d  0.005  0.301   0.000   0.000   12.165   1.000   1.000

Flat Deratings (Summary and Recommendation)

As noted above, flat OCV timing derating can range from a simple, global scale factor to a complex combination of scale factors and incremental margins set on different design objects. When the flat derates are to be used across different tools, users must be very careful about differences in how those tools interpret the derate commands and manage the derate settings internally.

The following list gives summary of key aspects in major STA tools:

  • Synopsys PrimeTime
    • Internally represents the derate settings by two components, a scale factor and an incremental margin. The former is reported by report_timing_derate, the latter by report_timing_derate -increment.
    • Total derate is a scale factor derived by summing the two components together.
    • Generally supports two commands, set_timing_derate <scale_factor> and set_timing_derate -increment <margin>.
    • Both derate commands are instant and do not accumulate. That is, applying the command multiple times makes the latter occurrence replace any former one(s).
    • Derate settings can be applied to different design objects. If cell instance is subject to multiple derate settings (for different objects such as cell and library cell), the more specific (in terms of the object identification) setting applies.
  • Cadence Tempus
    • Internally represents the derate settings as a scale factor. The setting can be done instantly through set_timing_derate <scale_factor>.
    • Settings can be applied to different design objects and like in PrimeTime, the more specific derate settings applies.
    • Provides additional commands to incrementally alter the scale factor setting, set_timing_derate -multiply <factor> and set_timing_derate -add <margin>.
      • These incremental derates accumulate and hence order of their application matters.
      • The incremental effect is on every design object that can be affected by the incremental settings and has an existing derate setting already defined. For example, a design-level incremental derate would also alter existing derate settings of a library cell and of a cell/instance; a library cell incremental derate would also affect an existing cell/instance derate (that qualifies for the library cell pattern).
    • Recent tool versions also support set_timing_derate -increment with the semantics of PrimeTime. The only difference is that this command is supported only for library cell and cell/instance objects.

Here is some guidance that would hopefully lead to more consistent results (at least for Synopsys and Cadence tools):

  • Mind the differences among tools. Always report the final derate factors and review the report against the intended derate settings.
  • Whenever possible, compile the total derate factors for individual design object groups and apply through the instant set_timing_derate <scale_factor>. This would have consistent effect in all tools.
  • When need to use incremental margins (e.g. in combination with AOCV, see later), express all derate settings as incremental margins (to the default scale factor of 1.0). This is mainly to avoid exploiting differences among tools.
  • When using -add or -multiply options in Cadence tools:
    • Turn the derate settings such that you would not mix those options. That is, all set_timing_derate commands would use either -add or -multiply.
    • Order the incremental derate commands from the most generic to the most specific. This would help to avoid "double counting" (i.e. a more generic incremental setting affecting a more specific incremental setting).
    • Avoid mixing instant derate commands and incremental derate commands. This will help to avoid "double counting".
  • Prefer using -increment to any of -add, -multiply. This is possible in recent Cadence tools. Mind that Cadence tools support only library cell and cell/instance objects with this option.

Advanced OCV (AOCV)

One size fits all works neither for humans nor for timing derate. A fixed flat OCV derate turns either overly pessimistic or sometimes pessimistic/sometimes optimistic as the technology node scales down. SPICE statistical simulation shows that the process local variation effects (per gate) decrease as the length of timing path increases. That is, the local variation effect for long paths averages out.

The next evolution step is to come up with look-up tables that would identify a derate factor based on the number of cells (a.k.a. stages) in the timing path. This look-up table would be compiled from results of statistical SPICE simulation (a.k.a. Monte Carlo simulations) for cells in a series of increasing length and put into a side file that would be used along with the traditional timing library. This approach is called advanced OCV (AOCV) or stage-based OCV (SBOCV). The side file with scaling factor look-up tables would look like follows:

object_type:   lib_cell
delay_type:    cell
rf_type:       rise
derate_type:   late
object_spec:   testlib01/bufx10_d
depth:         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
distance:      0
// Here the derate is only an example and comes from `1 - 1/(10*depth)` calculation.
table:         1.1 1.05 1.033 1.025 1.020 1.017 1.014 1.013


Please note the derate factors for particular stages as we will be refering to it from timing reports.

STA analysis session with AOCV is not much different; it only needs to load the AOCV side file and turn on the advanced analysis:

# Synopsys PrimeTime                                        # Cadence Tempus (stylus/CUI)
# -------------------------------                           # -------------------------------

                                                            # enable on AOCV
                                                            set_db timing_analysis_aocv true;
                                                            read_libs -aocv ...; # AOCV side file

# usual session commands                                    # usual session commands
set link_path ...; # Liberty timing library                 read_libs ...; # Liberty timing library
read_verilog ...; # netlist                                 read_netlist ...; # netlist
link                                                        init_design

# enable on AOCV
set_app_var timing_aocvm_enable_analysis true;
read_aocvm ...; # AOCV side file

# usual timing analysis                                     # usual timing analysis
report_timing ...                                           report_timing ...

We can test the AOCV flow with the example data. Notice in the prepared AOCV library that not all cells have AOCV tables defined. This is intentitional to see differences between cells with and without AOCV models when combining AOCV and OCV.

AOCV (PrimeTime)

To see that the AOCV side file was used, use the report_aocvm, which prints a summary of annotating AOCV tables. To see more details, use the -list_annotated option. The command is then use for reporting derate details for a particular timing path.

pt_shell> report_aocvm

AOCV Table Set                :       *Default*

             |           | Fully     | Partially | Not       |
             | Total     | annotated | annotated | annotated |
  Leaf cells |        14 |         8 |         0 |         6 |
  Nets       |        16 |         0 |         0 |        16 |
             |        30 |         8 |         0 |        22 |
pt_shell> report_timing -from FF1 -to FF2 -derate -nosplit -path_type full_clock_expanded

Last common pin: CKBUF2/Q
Path Group: CLK
Path Type: max

Point                             Derate   Incr      Path
clock CLK (rise edge)                    0.000     0.000
clock source latency                     0.000     0.000
clk (in)                                 0.000     0.000 r
CKBUF1/A (bufx10_d)              1.000   0.000     0.000 r
CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              1.017   1.017     1.017 r    <--- 1.017 late scaling factor due to 6 cells in the launch clock path
...                                                                (CKBUF1-2, CKBUF3a1-3, FF1)
FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)             1.000   0.000     5.047 r
FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-           1.025   3.075     8.122 f    <--- 1.025 as AOCV table for dffprqx05_d ending at 4 stages
INV3/A (invx05_d)                1.000   0.000    10.135 r    <--- no derate due to no AOCV table for invx05_d
INV3/Q (invx05_d)                1.000   1.000    11.135 f
BUF4/A (bufx10_d)                1.000   0.000    11.135 f
BUF4/Q (bufx10_d)                1.013   1.013    12.148 f    <--- 1.013 derate due to 8 cells in data path since the common clock point
FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)              1.000   0.000    12.148 f         (CKBUF3a1-3, FF1, BUF1, INV1-2, BUF2)
data arrival time                                 12.148

clock CLK (rise edge)                   10.000    10.000
clock source latency                     0.000    10.000
clk (in)                                 0.000    10.000 r
CKBUF1/A (bufx10_d)              1.000   0.000    10.000 r
CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              0.980   0.980    10.980 r    <--- 0.980 early factor as there are 5 cells in the capture clock path
...                                                                (CKBUF1-2, CKBUF3b1-3)
CKBUF3b1/A (bufx10_d)            1.000   0.000    11.960 r
CKBUF3b1/Q (bufx10_d)            0.967   0.967    12.927 r    <--- 0.967 as there are 3 cells in capture clock from the common clock point
CKINV3b2/A (invx05_d)            1.000   0.000    12.927 r
CKINV3b2/Q (invx05_d)            1.000   1.000    13.927 f
CKINV3b3/A (invx05_d)            1.000   0.000    13.927 f
CKINV3b3/Q (invx05_d)            1.000   1.000    14.927 r
FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)             1.000   0.000    14.927 r
clock reconvergence pessimism            0.074    15.001
clock uncertainty                       -0.500    14.501
library setup time               1.000  -0.400    14.101
data required time                                14.101
data required time                                14.101
data arrival time                                -12.148
slack (MET)                                        1.953

Derate Summary Report
total derate : required time                            0.073
total derate : arrival time                            -0.148
total derate : slack                                    0.221

slack (with derating applied) (MET)                     1.953
clock reconvergence pessimism (due to derating)        -0.074
slack (with no derating) (MET)                          2.100

######## actuals for CKBUF2 stage count
pt_shell> report_aocvm [get_timing_arc -from CKBUF1/A -to CKBUF1/Q]

From pin: CKBUF1/A
To pin:   CKBUF1/Q
Arc type: cell (clock network)

AOCVM arc metrics      Launch           Capture
Distance                   --                --
Depth                    6.00              5.00

AOCVM arc derates      Launch           Capture
Early rise             0.9830            0.9800
Early fall             0.9830            0.9800
Late rise              1.0170            1.0200
Late fall              1.0170            1.0200

From pin: CKBUF1/A
To pin:   CKBUF1/Q
Arc type: cell (data network)

AOCVM arc metrics      Launch
Distance                   --
Depth                    5.00

AOCVM arc derates      Launch
Early rise             0.9800
Early fall             0.9800
Late rise              1.0200
Late fall              1.0200

######## actuals for FF1 stage count
pt_shell> report_aocvm [get_timing_arc -from FF1/CK -to FF1/Q]

From pin: FF1/CK
To pin:   FF1/Q
Arc type: cell (data network)

AOCVM arc metrics      Launch
Distance                   --
Depth                    8.00

AOCVM arc derates      Launch
Early rise             0.9750
Early fall             0.9750
Late rise              1.0250
Late fall              1.0250

######## actuals for BUF1 derates
pt_shell> report_aocvm [get_timing_arc -from BUF1/A -to BUF1/Q]

From pin: BUF1/A
To pin:   BUF1/Q
Arc type: cell (data network)

AOCVM arc metrics      Launch
Distance                   --
Depth                    8.00

AOCVM arc derates      Launch
Early rise             0.9880
Early fall             0.9880
Late rise              1.0130
Late fall              1.0130

AOCV (Tempus)

Tempus results are consistent with those of PrimeTime. The advantage in Tempus report_timing is larger set of reported fileds, so one can see the number of AOCV stages and the implied derate directly in a timing report. The reported fields can be set either globally through set_db timing_report_fields <list> or temporarily through report_timing -fileds <list>.

There are slight differences (compared to PrimeTime) in how Tempus counts AOCV stages, such as for the clock path to FF1/CK. In some cases, the reported stage count seems wrong and does not correspond to the actual AOCV derate, e.g. CKBUF2 in both the data and clock path. As the differences (to PrimeTime) were only in the common clock path, they do not account for differences in timing thanks to CPPR removal/adjustment.

Hence in our example Tempus yields the same timing result as in PrimeTime.

@tempus> set_db timing_report_fields [concat [get_db timing_report_fields] stage_count aocv_derate]

@tempus> report_timing -late  -path_type full_clock -from FF1 -to FF2

              Group: CLK
         Startpoint: (R) FF1/CK
              Clock: (R) CLK
           Endpoint: (F) FF2/D
              Clock: (R) CLK

                       Capture       Launch
         Clock Edge:+   10.000        0.000
        Src Latency:+    0.000        0.000
        Net Latency:+    4.927 (P)    5.053 (P)
            Arrival:=   14.927        5.053

              Setup:-    0.400
        Uncertainty:-    0.500
        Cppr Adjust:+    0.080
      Required Time:=   14.107
       Launch Clock:=    5.053
          Data Path:+    7.101
              Slack:=    1.953
     Timing Path:

# Pin         Cell          Load  Trans    Incr   Delay  Arrival  User    Total   Aocv    Aocv
#                           (pf)   (ns)   Delay    (ns)     (ns)  Derate  Derate  Stage   Derate
#                                                                                 Count
  clk         (arrival)    0.003  0.003   0.000   0.000    0.000  -       -        5.000  -
  CKBUF1/Q    bufx10_d     0.003  0.003   0.000   1.020    1.020   1.000   1.020   5.000   1.020  <-- Tempus does not count FF1 as a stage, hence 5 (instead of 6 in PrimeTime)
  CKBUF2/Q    bufx10_d     0.006  0.201   0.000   1.020    2.040   1.000   1.020   8.000   1.020  <-- Tempus reports 8 stages but counts 5 (i.e. as for CKBUF1, which is correct)
  CKBUF3a1/Q  bufx10_d     0.005  0.201   0.000   1.013    3.053   1.000   1.013   8.000   1.013
  CKINV3a2/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.201   0.000   1.000    4.053   1.000   1.000   8.000   1.000
  CKINV3a3/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.000    5.053   1.000   1.000   8.000   1.000
  FF1/Q       dffprqx05_d  0.003  0.201   0.000   3.075    8.128   1.000   1.025   8.000   1.025
  BUF1/Q      bufx10_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.013    9.141   1.000   1.013   8.000   1.013  <-- 8 stages as in PrimeTime
  INV2/Q      invx05_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.000   10.141   1.000   1.000   8.000   1.000
  INV3/Q      invx05_d     0.003  0.201   0.000   1.000   11.141   1.000   1.000   8.000   1.000
  BUF4/Q      bufx10_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.013   12.154   1.000   1.013   8.000   1.013
  FF2/D       dffprqx05_d  0.005  0.301   0.000   0.000   12.154   1.000   1.000   8.000   1.000
     Other End Path:

# Pin         Cell          Load  Trans    Incr   Delay  Arrival  User    Total   Aocv    Aocv
#                           (pf)   (ns)   Delay    (ns)     (ns)  Derate  Derate  Stage   Derate
#                                                                                 Count
  clk         (arrival)    0.003  0.003   0.000   0.000   10.000  -       -        5.000  -
  CKBUF1/Q    bufx10_d     0.003  0.003   0.000   0.980   10.980   1.000   0.980   5.000   0.980  <-- 5 stages as in PrimeTime
  CKBUF2/Q    bufx10_d     0.006  0.201   0.000   0.980   11.960   1.000   0.980   3.000   0.980  <-- Tempus reports 3 stages but counts 5 (i.e. as for CKBUF1, which is correct)
  CKBUF3b1/Q  bufx10_d     0.005  0.201   0.000   0.967   12.927   1.000   0.967   3.000   0.967  <-- 3 stages as in PrimeTime
  CKINV3b2/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.201   0.000   1.000   13.927   1.000   1.000   3.000   1.000
  CKINV3b3/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.301   0.000   1.000   14.927   1.000   1.000   3.000   1.000
  FF2/CK      dffprqx05_d  0.005  0.201   0.000   0.000   14.927   1.000   1.000   3.000   1.000

######## actuals for CKBUF2 stage count and derates
@tempus> foreach t {early late} { \
  foreach a {data launch_clock capture_clock} { \
    puts "aocv_stage_count_${a}_${t} = [get_db [get_arcs -from CKBUF2/A -to CKBUF2/Q] .aocv_stage_count_${a}_${t}]"; \
  } \
aocv_stage_count_data_early = 5.0
aocv_stage_count_launch_clock_early = 5.0
aocv_stage_count_capture_clock_early = 5.0
aocv_stage_count_data_late = no_value
aocv_stage_count_launch_clock_late = 5.0
aocv_stage_count_capture_clock_late = 5.0

@tempus> foreach t {early late} { \
  foreach a {data launch_clock capture_clock} { \
    foreach e {rise fall} { \
      puts "aocv_derate_${a}_${t}_${e} = [get_db [get_arcs -from CKBUF2/A -to CKBUF2/Q] .aocv_derate_${a}_${t}_${e}]"; \
    } \
  } \
aocv_derate_data_early_rise = 0.98
aocv_derate_data_early_fall = 0.98
aocv_derate_launch_clock_early_rise = 0.98
aocv_derate_launch_clock_early_fall = 0.98
aocv_derate_capture_clock_early_rise = 0.98
aocv_derate_capture_clock_early_fall = 0.98
aocv_derate_data_late_rise = 1.02
aocv_derate_data_late_fall = 1.02
aocv_derate_launch_clock_late_rise = 1.02
aocv_derate_launch_clock_late_fall = 1.02
aocv_derate_capture_clock_late_rise = 1.02
aocv_derate_capture_clock_late_fall = 1.02

######## actuals for FF1 stage count and derates
@tempus> foreach t {early late} { \
  foreach a {data launch_clock capture_clock} { \
    puts "aocv_stage_count_${a}_${t} = [get_db [get_arcs -from FF1/CK -to FF1/Q] .aocv_stage_count_${a}_${t}]"; \
  } \
aocv_stage_count_data_early = 8.0
aocv_stage_count_launch_clock_early = 8.0
aocv_stage_count_capture_clock_early = no_value
aocv_stage_count_data_late = no_value
aocv_stage_count_launch_clock_late = 8.0
aocv_stage_count_capture_clock_late = no_value

@tempus> foreach t {early late} { \
  foreach a {data launch_clock capture_clock} { \
    foreach e {rise fall} { \
      puts "aocv_derate_${a}_${t}_${e} = [get_db [get_arcs -from FF1/CK -to FF1/Q] .aocv_derate_${a}_${t}_${e}]"; \
    } \
  } \
aocv_derate_data_early_rise = 0.975
aocv_derate_data_early_fall = 0.975
aocv_derate_launch_clock_early_rise = 0.975
aocv_derate_launch_clock_early_fall = 0.975
aocv_derate_capture_clock_early_rise = 1.0
aocv_derate_capture_clock_early_fall = 1.0
aocv_derate_data_late_rise = 1.025
aocv_derate_data_late_fall = 1.025
aocv_derate_launch_clock_late_rise = 1.025
aocv_derate_launch_clock_late_fall = 1.025
aocv_derate_capture_clock_late_rise = 1.0
aocv_derate_capture_clock_late_fall = 1.0

######## actuals for BUF1 derates (early & late reported separately)
@tempus> report_delay_calculation -from BUF1/A -to BUF1/Q -min

From pin   : BUF1/A
To Pin     : BUF1/Q
Cell       : bufx10_d
Library    : testlib01
Arc sense  : positive unate
Delay type : cell delay

                         Rise         Fall
Input transition time  : 0.200600 ns 0.300800 ns
Cell delay             : 0.999900 ns 0.999900 ns
Timing Derate          : 0.988000    0.988000
Derated Cell delay     : 0.987900 ns 0.987900 ns
Output transition time : 0.200600 ns 0.300800 ns

@tempus> report_delay_calculation -from BUF1/A -to BUF1/Q -max

From pin   : BUF1/A
To Pin     : BUF1/Q
Cell       : bufx10_d
Library    : testlib01
Arc sense  : positive unate
Delay type : cell delay

                         Rise         Fall
Input transition time  : 0.200600 ns 0.300800 ns
Cell delay             : 1.000000 ns 1.000000 ns
Timing Derate          : 1.013000    1.013000
Derated Cell delay     : 1.013000 ns 1.013000 ns
Output transition time : 0.200600 ns 0.300800 ns


As AOCV models only process variation, users still need to somehow account for variation components from voltage and temperature. Hence some reduced flat OCV margins are typically used along with AOCV tables.

While the principle is simple and intuitive, the practice is little harder. The flat OCV component still comes from set_timing_derate but STA tools may differ in how they combine it with AOCV.

AOCV and OCV (PrimeTime)

PrimeTime follows these rules:

  • PT keeps the OCV margin as two components, a multiplicative scale factor (set_timing_derate) plus an additive margin (set_timing_derate -incremental). FLat-only total derate formula is then <total derate> = <flat scaling> + <flat add margin>.

  • In AOCV flow:

    • The OCV additive margin component is always added.

    • The OCV multiplicative scale component is applied differently to cells with and without AOCV model. Cells with AOCV models are only affected by set_timing_derate -aocvm_guardband. Cells with no AOCV model are only affected by set_timing_derate.

      This makes sense as a larger scale factor is to be used for cells with no AOCV tables.

    • OCV selection precedence rules apply as in flat-only OCV flow.

    • Hence the total OCV derate formula becomes like this:

      • cells w/- AOCV model: <total derate> = <AOCV derate> * <flat aocvm_guardband scaling> + <flat add margin>
      • cells w/o AOCV model: <total derate> = <flat scaling> + <flat add margin>

The following example shows combining OCV and AOCV timing without using -aocvm_guardband; that is, the library AOCV is with no scaling. The example shows various combinations, with BUF1 having AOCV model and OCV scaling and incremental margin, FF1 having AOCV model but no OCV derates, and INV2 having only OCV scaling and incremental margin.

pt_shell> reset_timing_derate

pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.01            [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -increment [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]

pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.015            [get_lib_cells */bufx10_d]
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.025 -increment [get_lib_cells */bufx10_d]

pt_shell> report_timing_derate
                                ----- Clock ------                  ------ Data ------
                                Rise              Fall              Rise              Fall
                        Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late
lib_cell: testlib01/bufx10_d
Cell delay                --     1.015      --     1.015      --     1.015      --     1.015

lib_cell: testlib01/invx05_d
Cell delay                --     1.010      --     1.010      --     1.010      --     1.010

pt_shell> report_timing_derate -increment
lib_cell: testlib01/bufx10_d
Cell delay                --     0.025      --     0.025      --     0.025      --     0.025

lib_cell: testlib01/invx05_d
Cell delay                --     0.020      --     0.020      --     0.020      --     0.020

pt_shell> report_aocvm [get_timing_arc -from BUF1/A -to BUF1/Q]
  AOCVM arc derates      Launch
  Early rise             0.9880
  Early fall             0.9880
  Late rise              1.0130
  Late fall              1.0130

pt_shell> report_timing -from FF1 -to FF2 -derate -nosplit -path_type full_clock_expanded

  Startpoint: FF1 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK)
  Endpoint: FF2 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLK)
  Last common pin: CKBUF2/Q
  Path Group: CLK
  Path Type: max

  Point                           Derate   Incr      Path     aocv_derate  aocv_scaling   flat_scaling flat_inc
  clock CLK (rise edge)                  0.000     0.000
  clock source latency                   0.000     0.000
  clk (in)                               0.000     0.000 r
  CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)            1.042   1.042     1.042 r
  CKBUF2/Q (bufx10_d)            1.042   1.042     2.084 r    1.017                        1.015       0.025      <--- 1.017 + 0.025 = 1.042
  FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)           1.000   0.000     5.182 r
  FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-         1.025   3.075     8.257 f    1.025
  BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              1.038   1.038     9.295 f    1.013                        1.015       0.025      <--- 1.013 + 0.025 = 1.038
  INV2/Q (invx05_d)              1.030   1.030    10.325 r    n/a                          1.010       0.020      <--- 1.010 + 0.020 = 1.030
  FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)            1.000   0.000    12.393 f
  data arrival time                               12.393

  clock CLK (rise edge)                 10.000    10.000
  clock source latency                   0.000    10.000
  clk (in)                               0.000    10.000 r
  CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)            0.980   0.980    10.980 r
  CKBUF2/Q (bufx10_d)            0.980   0.980    11.960 r
  CKBUF3b1/Q (bufx10_d)          0.967   0.967    12.927 r
  CKINV3b2/Q (invx05_d)          1.000   1.000    13.927 f
  CKINV3b3/Q (invx05_d)          1.000   1.000    14.927 r
  FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)           1.000   0.000    14.927 r
  clock reconvergence pessimism          0.124    15.051
  clock uncertainty                     -0.500    14.551
  library setup time             1.000  -0.400    14.151
  data required time                              14.151
  data required time                              14.151
  data arrival time                              -12.393
  slack (MET)                                      1.758

  Derate Summary Report
  total derate : required time                            0.073
  total derate : arrival time                            -0.393
  total derate : slack                                    0.466

  slack (with derating applied) (MET)                     1.758
  clock reconvergence pessimism (due to derating)        -0.124
  slack (with no derating) (MET)                          2.100

When adding -aocvm_guardband, all cells with an AOCV model are scaled accordingly:

pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.02   -aocvm_guardband  [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
pt_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.025  -aocvm_guardband  [get_lib_cells */bufx10_d]

pt_shell> report_timing_derate -aocvm_guardband
                                  ----- Clock ------                  ------ Data ------
                                Rise              Fall              Rise              Fall
                           Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late    Early     Late
 lib_cell: testlib01/bufx10_d
   Cell delay                --     1.025      --     1.025      --     1.025      --     1.025

 lib_cell: testlib01/invx05_d
   Cell delay                --     1.020      --     1.020      --     1.020      --     1.020

# Note that AOCV scaling shows up immediately in the reported aocv derating.
pt_shell> report_aocvm [get_timing_arc -from BUF1/A -to BUF1/Q]
  AOCVM arc derates      Launch
  Early rise             0.9880
  Early fall             0.9880
  Late rise              1.0383
  Late fall              1.0383

pt_shell> report_timing -from FF1 -to FF2 -derate -nosplit -path_type full_clock_expanded -significant_digits 5

  Point                           Derate     Incr        Path       aocv_derate  aocv_scaling   flat_scaling flat_inc
  CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)            1.05725   1.05725     1.05725 r    ...
  CKBUF2/Q (bufx10_d)            1.05725   1.05726     2.11451 r    1.017        1.015           1.015       0.025      <--- 1.017*1.015 + 0.025 = 1.057255
  FF1/CK (dffprqx05_d)           1.00000   0.00000     5.22771 r
  FF1/Q (dffprqx05_d) <-         1.02500   3.07500     8.30270 f    1.025
  BUF1/Q (bufx10_d)              1.05319   1.05319     9.35590 f    1.013        1.015           1.015       0.025      <--- 1.013*1.015 + 0.025 = 1.053195
  INV2/Q (invx05_d)              1.03000   1.03000    10.38590 r    n/a          1.010           1.010       0.020      <--- 1.010 + 0.020 = 1.030
  FF2/D (dffprqx05_d)            1.00000   0.00000    12.46910 f
  data arrival time                                   12.46910

  clock CLK (rise edge)                   10.00000    10.00000
  clock source latency                     0.00000    10.00000
  clk (in)                                 0.00000    10.00000 r
  CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)            0.98000   0.98000    10.98000 r
  CKBUF1/Q (bufx10_d)            0.98000   0.98000    10.98000 r
  CKBUF2/Q (bufx10_d)            0.98000   0.98000    11.96000 r
  CKBUF3b1/Q (bufx10_d)          0.96700   0.96700    12.92700 r
  CKINV3b2/Q (invx05_d)          1.00000   1.00000    13.92700 f
  CKINV3b3/Q (invx05_d)          1.00000   1.00000    14.92700 r
  FF2/CK (dffprqx05_d)           1.00000   0.00000    14.92700 r
  clock reconvergence pessimism            0.15451    15.08151
  clock uncertainty                       -0.50000    14.58151
  library setup time             1.00000  -0.40000    14.18151
  data required time                                  14.18151
  data required time                                  14.18151
  data arrival time                                  -12.46910
  slack (MET)                                          1.71242

AOCV and OCV (Tempus)

Tempus follows these rules:

  • Tempus keeps a single flat OCV multiplicative scaling factor. This scaling factor can be set instantly by set_timing_derate or incrementally by subsequent calls to set_timing_derate -add|-multiply. The total derate formula is simply <total derate> = <flat scaling>.
  • Recent versions of Tempus allow incremental additive margin that is maintained separately to the scaling factor (see Flat Deratings (Tempus)). This then affects how OCV gets combined with AOCV!
  • In AOCV flow:
    • The OCV flat derate scaling factor is applied either multiplicatively (default) or, when the timing_aocv_derate_mode root attribute set to aocv_additive, as an additive margin.
    • Tempus makes no distinction between cells with and without AOCV models. The same flat OCV scaling factor is used, following the OCV selection precedence rules (like in PrimeTime).
    • If -increment is used (in recent Tempus versions), the incremental additive margin is added to the product of AOCV derate and flat OCV scaling factor.
    • Hence the total OCV derate formula (note that <flat add margin> is an additive margin set through set_timing_derate -incremental):
      • timing_aocv_derate_mode==aocv_multiplicative: <total derate> = <aocv_derate> * <flat scaling> + <flat add margin>.
      • timing_aocv_derate_mode==aocv_additive: <total derate> = <aocv_derate> + (<flat scaling> - 1.0) + <flat add margin>.

The following example shows the timing for the aocv_multiplicative. Notice that the results are the same as in PrimeTime, except differences in AOCV stage count (and hence AOCV and total derate) for CKBUF1 and CKBUF2. The difference gets compensated, though, through CRPR removal.

@tempus> reset_timing_derate

@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 1.01            [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.02 -increment [get_lib_cells */invx05_d]

# the following yields same as `-cell_delay -late 1.015` without `-add`
@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.015  -add      [get_lib_cells */bufx10_d]

@tempus> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -late 0.025 -increment [get_lib_cells */bufx10_d]

@tempus> report_timing_derate
                         -------------Clock-----------------    ---------------Data-----------------
                              Rise                Fall                Rise                Fall
                         Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late      Early     Late
LibraryCell: testlib01/bufx10_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.015        --     1.015        --     1.015        --     1.015
 Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.025     0.000     0.025     0.000     0.025     0.000     0.025
Input_switching             --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --

LibraryCell: testlib01/invx05_d
 Cell_delay                 --     1.010        --     1.010        --     1.010        --     1.010
 Incremental_adjust      0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020     0.000     0.020

@tempus> get_db timing_aocv_derate_mode

@tempus> report_timing -late  -path_type full_clock -from FF1 -to FF2
Path 1: MET (1.71242 ns) Setup Check with Pin FF2/CK->D
              Group: CLK
         Startpoint: (R) FF1/CK
              Clock: (R) CLK
           Endpoint: (F) FF2/D
              Clock: (R) CLK

                        Capture        Launch
         Clock Edge:+  10.00000       0.00000
        Src Latency:+   0.00000       0.00000
        Net Latency:+   4.92700 (P)   5.23380 (P)
            Arrival:=  14.92700       5.23380

              Setup:-   0.40000
        Uncertainty:-   0.50000
        Cppr Adjust:+   0.16060
      Required Time:=  14.18760
       Launch Clock:=   5.23380
          Data Path:+   7.24139
              Slack:=   1.71242
     Timing Path:

# Pin         Cell          Load    Trans      Incr     Delay    Arrival  User    Total   Aocv      Aocv
#                           (pf)     (ns)     Delay      (ns)       (ns)  Derate  Derate  Stage     Derate
#                                                                                         Count
  clk         (arrival)    0.003  0.00300   0.00000   0.00000    0.00000  -       -        5.00000  -
  CKBUF1/Q    bufx10_d     0.003  0.00300   0.00000   1.06030    1.06030   1.015   1.060   5.00000   1.020
  CKBUF2/Q    bufx10_d     0.006  0.20060   0.00000   1.06030    2.12060   1.015   1.060   8.00000   1.020     <-- 1.02 * 1.015 + 0.025 = 1.06030
  CKBUF3a1/Q  bufx10_d     0.005  0.20060   0.00000   1.05319    3.17379   1.015   1.053   8.00000   1.013
  CKINV3a2/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.20060   0.00000   1.03000    4.20379   1.010   1.030   8.00000   1.000
  CKINV3a3/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.30080   0.00000   1.03000    5.23380   1.010   1.030   8.00000   1.000
  FF1/Q       dffprqx05_d  0.003  0.20060   0.00000   3.07500    8.30879   1.000   1.025   8.00000   1.025
  BUF1/Q      bufx10_d     0.005  0.30080   0.00000   1.05319    9.36199   1.015   1.053   8.00000   1.013     <-- 1.013 * 1.015 + 0.025 = 1.053195
  INV2/Q      invx05_d     0.005  0.30080   0.00000   1.03000   10.39199   1.010   1.030   8.00000   1.000
  INV3/Q      invx05_d     0.003  0.20060   0.00000   1.03000   11.42199   1.010   1.030   8.00000   1.000
  BUF4/Q      bufx10_d     0.005  0.30080   0.00000   1.05319   12.47518   1.015   1.053   8.00000   1.013
  FF2/D       dffprqx05_d  0.005  0.30080   0.00000   0.00000   12.47518   1.000   1.000   8.00000   1.000
     Other End Path:

# Pin         Cell          Load    Trans      Incr     Delay    Arrival  User    Total   Aocv      Aocv
#                           (pf)     (ns)     Delay      (ns)       (ns)  Derate  Derate  Stage     Derate
#                                                                                         Count
  clk         (arrival)    0.003  0.00300   0.00000   0.00000   10.00000  -       -        5.00000  -
  CKBUF1/Q    bufx10_d     0.003  0.00300   0.00000   0.98000   10.98000   1.000   0.980   5.00000   0.980
  CKBUF2/Q    bufx10_d     0.006  0.20060   0.00000   0.98000   11.96000   1.000   0.980   3.00000   0.980
  CKBUF3b1/Q  bufx10_d     0.005  0.20060   0.00000   0.96700   12.92700   1.000   0.967   3.00000   0.967
  CKINV3b2/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.20060   0.00000   1.00000   13.92700   1.000   1.000   3.00000   1.000
  CKINV3b3/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.30080   0.00000   1.00000   14.92700   1.000   1.000   3.00000   1.000
  FF2/CK      dffprqx05_d  0.005  0.20060   0.00000   0.00000   14.92700   1.000   1.000   3.00000   1.000

Difference between timing_aocv_derate_mode can be fairly small if the derates are meaningfully sized. Using the preceding setup, here is an example of aocv_multiplicative and aocv_additive for calculating cell_delay of BUF1:

@tempus> set_db timing_aocv_derate_mode aocv_multiplicative
@tempus> report_delay_calculation -from BUF1/A -to BUF1/Q

From pin   : BUF1/A
To Pin     : BUF1/Q
Cell       : bufx10_d
Library    : testlib01
Arc sense  : positive unate
Delay type : cell delay

                         Rise         Fall
Input transition time  : 0.200600 ns 0.300800 ns
Cell delay             : 0.999900 ns 0.999900 ns
Timing Derate          : 1.053195    1.053195
Derated Cell delay     : 1.053100 ns 1.053100 ns
Output transition time : 0.200600 ns 0.300800 ns

@tempus> set_db timing_aocv_derate_mode aocv_additive
@tempus> report_delay_calculation -from BUF1/A -to BUF1/Q
                         Rise         Fall
Input transition time  : 0.200600 ns 0.300800 ns
Cell delay             : 0.999900 ns 0.999900 ns
Timing Derate          : 1.053000    1.053000
Derated Cell delay     : 1.052900 ns 1.052900 ns
Output transition time : 0.200600 ns 0.300800 ns

When using aocv_additive, the full path timing looks like follows and, as expected, yields somewhat different slack:

@tempus> set_db timing_aocv_derate_mode aocv_additive
@tempus> report_timing -late  -path_type full_clock -from FF1 -to FF2
              Group: CLK
         Startpoint: (R) FF1/CK
              Clock: (R) CLK
           Endpoint: (F) FF2/D
              Clock: (R) CLK

                        Capture        Launch
         Clock Edge:+  10.00000       0.00000
        Src Latency:+   0.00000       0.00000
        Net Latency:+   4.92700 (P)   5.23300 (P)
            Arrival:=  14.92700       5.23300

              Setup:-   0.40000
        Uncertainty:-   0.50000
        Cppr Adjust:+   0.16000
      Required Time:=  14.18700
       Launch Clock:=   5.23300
          Data Path:+   7.24100
              Slack:=   1.71300
     Timing Path:

# Pin         Cell          Load    Trans      Incr     Delay    Arrival  User    Total   Aocv      Aocv
#                           (pf)     (ns)     Delay      (ns)       (ns)  Derate  Derate  Stage     Derate
#                                                                                         Count
  clk         (arrival)    0.003  0.00300   0.00000   0.00000    0.00000  -       -        5.00000  -
  CKBUF1/Q    bufx10_d     0.003  0.00300   0.00000   1.06000    1.06000   1.015   1.060   5.00000   1.020
  CKBUF2/Q    bufx10_d     0.006  0.20060   0.00000   1.06000    2.12000   1.015   1.060   8.00000   1.020
  CKBUF3a1/Q  bufx10_d     0.005  0.20060   0.00000   1.05300    3.17300   1.015   1.053   8.00000   1.013
  CKINV3a2/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.20060   0.00000   1.03000    4.20300   1.010   1.030   8.00000   1.000
  CKINV3a3/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.30080   0.00000   1.03000    5.23300   1.010   1.030   8.00000   1.000
  FF1/Q       dffprqx05_d  0.003  0.20060   0.00000   3.07500    8.30800   1.000   1.025   8.00000   1.025
  BUF1/Q      bufx10_d     0.005  0.30080   0.00000   1.05300    9.36100   1.015   1.053   8.00000   1.013
  INV2/Q      invx05_d     0.005  0.30080   0.00000   1.03000   10.39100   1.010   1.030   8.00000   1.000
  INV3/Q      invx05_d     0.003  0.20060   0.00000   1.03000   11.42100   1.010   1.030   8.00000   1.000
  BUF4/Q      bufx10_d     0.005  0.30080   0.00000   1.05300   12.47400   1.015   1.053   8.00000   1.013
  FF2/D       dffprqx05_d  0.005  0.30080   0.00000   0.00000   12.47400   1.000   1.000   8.00000   1.000
     Other End Path:

# Pin         Cell          Load    Trans      Incr     Delay    Arrival  User    Total   Aocv      Aocv
#                           (pf)     (ns)     Delay      (ns)       (ns)  Derate  Derate  Stage     Derate
#                                                                                         Count
  clk         (arrival)    0.003  0.00300   0.00000   0.00000   10.00000  -       -        5.00000  -
  CKBUF1/Q    bufx10_d     0.003  0.00300   0.00000   0.98000   10.98000   1.000   0.980   5.00000   0.980
  CKBUF2/Q    bufx10_d     0.006  0.20060   0.00000   0.98000   11.96000   1.000   0.980   3.00000   0.980
  CKBUF3b1/Q  bufx10_d     0.005  0.20060   0.00000   0.96700   12.92700   1.000   0.967   3.00000   0.967
  CKINV3b2/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.20060   0.00000   1.00000   13.92700   1.000   1.000   3.00000   1.000
  CKINV3b3/Q  invx05_d     0.005  0.30080   0.00000   1.00000   14.92700   1.000   1.000   3.00000   1.000
  FF2/CK      dffprqx05_d  0.005  0.20060   0.00000   0.00000   14.92700   1.000   1.000   3.00000   1.000

AOCV and OCV (Summary and Recommendation)

As AOCV models only local process variation of transistors/gates, other local variations (V, T, RC) still need to be modeled by flat OCV. Hence combining the two margining methods. This is nothing else then enabling the AOCV flow in the STA tool and specifying alongside flat OCV margins.

The following lists key aspects of combining AOCV and OCV deratings:

  • Synopsys PrimeTime
    • PrimeTime maintains two derating components, a (multiplicative) scaling factor and an additive margin. This is consistent with flat OCV deratings.
    • PrimeTime differentiates between cells with and without AOCV models by separating the multiplicative scaling factor.
      • For cells without AOCV, it uses the flat scaling defined by set_timing_derate <factor>.
      • For cells with AOCV, it uses the aocv scaling defined by set_timing_derate -aocvm_gaurdband <factor>.
    • The flat add margin is always applied.
    • The total timing derate is then:
      • w/o AOCV: <total derate> = 1.0 * <flat scaling> + <flat add margin>
      • w/- AOCV: <total derate> = <aocv derate> * <aocv scaling> + <flat add margin>
  • Cadence Tempus
    • Tempus maintains a single (multiplicative) scaling factor. This scaling factor is used independent if the cell has an AOCV model or not.
      • Users can select if the scaling factor is to be applied multiplicatively or additively. This setting is global and defaults to multiplicative.
    • Tempus versions that support set_timing_derate -increment also maintain a separate flat add margin.
    • The total timing derate is then (based on timing_aocv_derate_mode, for cells without AOCV <aocv_derate>=1.0):
      • aocv_multiplicative scaling: <total derate> = <aocv derate> * <flat scaling> [+ <flat add margin>]
      • aocv_additive scaling: <total derate> = <aocv derate> * (<flat scaling> - 1) [+ <flat add margin>]

Some recommendations for yielding consistent analysis results across tools:

  • Follow the recommendations for flat OCVs.

  • Use separate scaling factors for cells with and without AOCV models. Typically only standard cells come with AOCV models. Those cells that do tend to have lower flat OCV margins anyway.

    Separating to w/- and w/o AOCV is really only for PrimeTime to know when to use the -aocvm_guardband option. A conservative approach may be to always apply both set_timing_derate and set_timing_derate -aocvm_guardband with the same factor as the two factors do not interfere with one another.

  • Avoid using incremental margins; at all if possible. The only incremental margins that yield consistent results is set_timing_derate -increment.

Some more practical considerations:

  • It may happen that a worst-case AOCV PVT (i.e. with largest margins) may not alias with a worst-case Liberty/timing PVT. This may shift the combined worst-case away from just the Liberty-only one or may call for sign-off at more potentially worst-case corners.

    One inconvenience that may kick in is that some tools may not use/honor (A)OCV at all phases or may optimize at only single PVT.

Statistical OCV (SOCV)

AOCV stops to fairly model OCV effects as technology nodes scale further. First they scale only cell delays and do not anyhow address timing constraints (e.g. setup/hold times). AOCV factors are simple 1D tables and hence do not capture variation in input slew or cell loading.

The next OCV evolution step is statistical OCV (SOCV), where potentially every timing parameter is represented by its mean value (i.e. the 2D tables from good old timing library) and statistical distribution parameters (such as sigma) as either 1D or 2D tables. STA tool than does "simple" statistical calculations to compute the cumulative statistical effect of propagating an input distribution through a series of cells in the timing path. This yields more accurate (and still computationally affordable) OCV modeling than the other OCV methods. This approach also allows to model distributions "skewed" and "tilted" from the typical normal one.

SOCV details are not covered in this text.


While OCV is not a complicated matter, using it across different tools with consistent results may quickly turn a nightmare in a complex derate setups and it is generally recommended to minimize the use of incremental derates.

Timing Derate References

[StaBasics]Brabec, Tomas. Static Timing Analysis Basics. On-line.
create_clock -name CLK -period 10 clk
set_clock_uncertainty 0.5 CLK
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
module testcirc(clk, d, q);
input clk;
input d;
output q;
wire ck1, ck2, ck3a1, ckn3a2, ck3a3, ck3b1, ckn3b2, ck3b3;
wire q_ff1, q_ff2, q_ff3, q_ff4, q_ff5;
/* clock tree */
bufx10_d CKBUF1( .A(clk), .Q(ck1) );
bufx10_d CKBUF2( .A(ck1), .Q(ck2) );
bufx10_d CKBUF3a1( .A(ck2), .Q(ck3a1) );
invx05_d CKINV3a2( .A(ck3a1), .Q(ckn3a2) );
invx05_d CKINV3a3( .A(ckn3a2), .Q(ck3a3) );
bufx10_d CKBUF3b1( .A(ck2), .Q(ck3b1) );
invx05_d CKINV3b2( .A(ck3b1), .Q(ckn3b2) );
invx05_d CKINV3b3( .A(ckn3b2), .Q(ck3b3) );
dffprqx05_d FF1( .CK(ck3a3), .RN(1'b1), .D(d), .Q(q_ff1) );
bufx10_d BUF1( .A(q_ff1), .Q(q_ff2) );
invx05_d INV2( .A(q_ff2), .Q(q_ff3) );
invx05_d INV3( .A(q_ff3), .Q(q_ff4) );
bufx10_d BUF4( .A(q_ff4), .Q(q_ff5) );
dffprqx05_d FF2( .CK(ck3b3), .RN(1'b1), .D(q_ff5), .Q(q) );
version: 1.0
// ----------------------------------
// bufx05_d
// ----------------------------------
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: rise
derate_type: early
object_spec: testlib01/bufx05_d
depth: 1 2 3 4
distance: 0
table: 0.9 0.95 0.967 0.975
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: rise
derate_type: late
object_spec: testlib01/bufx05_d
depth: 1 2 3 4
distance: 0
table: 1.1 1.05 1.033 1.025
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: fall
derate_type: early
object_spec: testlib01/bufx05_d
depth: 1 2 3 4
distance: 0
table: 0.9 0.95 0.967 0.975
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: fall
derate_type: late
object_spec: testlib01/bufx05_d
depth: 1 2 3 4
distance: 0
table: 1.1 1.05 1.033 1.025
// ----------------------------------
// bufx10_d
// ----------------------------------
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: rise
derate_type: early
object_spec: testlib01/bufx10_d
depth: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
distance: 0
table: 0.9 0.95 0.967 0.975 0.980 0.983 0.986 0.988
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: rise
derate_type: late
object_spec: testlib01/bufx10_d
depth: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
distance: 0
table: 1.1 1.05 1.033 1.025 1.020 1.017 1.014 1.013
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: fall
derate_type: early
object_spec: testlib01/bufx10_d
depth: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
distance: 0
table: 0.9 0.95 0.967 0.975 0.980 0.983 0.986 0.988
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: fall
derate_type: late
object_spec: testlib01/bufx10_d
depth: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
distance: 0
table: 1.1 1.05 1.033 1.025 1.020 1.017 1.014 1.013
// ----------------------------------
// dffprqx05_d
// ----------------------------------
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: rise
derate_type: early
object_spec: testlib01/dffprqx05_d
depth: 1 2 3 4
distance: 0
table: 0.9 0.95 0.967 0.975
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: rise
derate_type: late
object_spec: testlib01/dffprqx05_d
depth: 1 2 3 4
distance: 0
table: 1.1 1.05 1.033 1.025
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: fall
derate_type: early
object_spec: testlib01/dffprqx05_d
depth: 1 2 3 4
distance: 0
table: 0.9 0.95 0.967 0.975
object_type: lib_cell
delay_type: cell
rf_type: fall
derate_type: late
object_spec: testlib01/dffprqx05_d
depth: 1 2 3 4
distance: 0
table: 1.1 1.05 1.033 1.025
library ("testlib01") {
/* General Attributes */
technology (cmos) ;
delay_model : table_lookup ;
/* Units Attributes */
time_unit : "1ns" ;
leakage_power_unit : "1nW" ;
voltage_unit : "1V" ;
current_unit : "1uA" ;
pulling_resistance_unit : "1ohm" ;
capacitive_load_unit (1,pf) ;
/* Operation Conditions */
nom_process : 1;
nom_temperature : 25;
nom_voltage : 1.8;
define (process_corner,operating_conditions,string) ;
operating_conditions (typ_1p8v_25c) {
process_corner : "tc" ;
process : 1 ;
voltage : 1.8 ;
temperature : 25 ;
tree_type : balanced_tree ;
default_operating_conditions : typ_1p8v_25c ;
/* Threshold Definitions */
slew_lower_threshold_pct_fall : 20.0 ;
slew_lower_threshold_pct_rise : 20.0 ;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_fall : 80.0 ;
slew_upper_threshold_pct_rise : 80.0 ;
slew_derate_from_library : 1.0 ;
input_threshold_pct_fall : 60.0 ;
input_threshold_pct_rise : 40.0 ;
output_threshold_pct_fall : 60.0 ;
output_threshold_pct_rise : 40.0 ;
default_leakage_power_density : 0.0 ;
default_cell_leakage_power : 0.0 ;
/* Default Pin Attributes */
default_inout_pin_cap : 1.0 ;
default_input_pin_cap : 1.0 ;
default_output_pin_cap : 0.0 ;
default_fanout_load : 1.0 ;
default_max_transition : 5.0 ;
cell(bufx05_d) {
pin (Q) {
direction : output ;
max_capacitance : 0.15 ;
function : "A" ;
timing () {
related_pin : "A" ;
timing_type : combinational ;
timing_sense : positive_unate ;
cell_fall(scalar) { values("2.0"); }
cell_rise(scalar) { values("1.0"); }
fall_transition(scalar) { values("0.3"); }
rise_transition(scalar) { values("0.2"); }
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.005 ;
cell(bufx10_d) {
pin (Q) {
direction : output ;
max_capacitance : 0.2 ;
function : "A" ;
timing () {
related_pin : "A" ;
timing_type : combinational ;
timing_sense : positive_unate ;
cell_fall(scalar) { values("1.0"); }
cell_rise(scalar) { values("1.0"); }
fall_transition(scalar) { values("0.3"); }
rise_transition(scalar) { values("0.2"); }
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.003 ;
cell(invx05_d) {
pin (Q) {
direction : output ;
max_capacitance : 0.15 ;
function : "(!A)" ;
timing () {
related_pin : "A" ;
timing_type : combinational ;
timing_sense : negative_unate ;
cell_fall(scalar) { values("1.0"); }
cell_rise(scalar) { values("1.0"); }
fall_transition(scalar) { values("0.3"); }
rise_transition(scalar) { values("0.2"); }
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.005 ;
cell(nand2x05_d) {
pin (Q) {
direction : output ;
max_capacitance : 0.2 ;
function : "(!(A&B))" ;
timing () {
related_pin : "A" ;
timing_type : combinational ;
timing_sense : negative_unate ;
cell_fall(scalar) { values("2.0"); }
cell_rise(scalar) { values("1.0"); }
fall_transition(scalar) { values("0.2"); }
rise_transition(scalar) { values("0.1"); }
timing () {
related_pin : "B" ;
timing_type : combinational ;
timing_sense : negative_unate ;
cell_fall(scalar) { values("2.5"); }
cell_rise(scalar) { values("1.5"); }
fall_transition(scalar) { values("0.2"); }
rise_transition(scalar) { values("0.1"); }
pin (A) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.005 ;
pin (B) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.005 ;
cell(dffprqx05_d) {
ff ("IQ" , "IQN") {
next_state : "D" ;
clocked_on : "CK" ;
clear : "(!RN)" ;
pin (Q) {
direction : output ;
max_capacitance : 0.15 ;
function : "IQ" ;
timing () {
related_pin : "CK" ;
timing_type : rising_edge ;
cell_fall(scalar) { values("3"); }
cell_rise(scalar) { values("2"); }
fall_transition(scalar) { values("0.3"); }
rise_transition(scalar) { values("0.2"); }
timing () {
related_pin : "RN" ;
when : "!CK" ;
sdf_cond : "CK==1'b0" ;
timing_type : clear ;
timing_sense : positive_unate ;
cell_fall(scalar) { values("1.0"); }
fall_transition(scalar) { values("0.1"); }
timing () {
related_pin : "RN" ;
when : "CK" ;
sdf_cond : "CK==1'b1" ;
timing_type : clear ;
timing_sense : positive_unate ;
cell_fall(scalar) { values("1.0"); }
fall_transition(scalar) { values("0.1"); }
pin (CK) {
direction : input ;
clock : true ;
capacitance : 0.005 ;
timing () {
related_pin : "CK" ;
when : "RN" ;
sdf_cond : "ENABLE0_RN === 1'b1" ;
timing_type : min_pulse_width ;
fall_constraint(scalar) { values("2.0"); }
rise_constraint(scalar) { values("2.0"); }
pin (D) {
direction : input ;
nextstate_type : data ;
capacitance : 0.005 ;
timing () {
related_pin : "CK" ;
when : "RN" ;
sdf_cond : "ENABLE1_RN === 1'b1" ;
timing_type : hold_rising ;
fall_constraint(scalar) { values("0.3"); }
rise_constraint(scalar) { values("0.3"); }
timing () {
related_pin : "CK" ;
when : "RN" ;
sdf_cond : "ENABLE1_RN === 1'b1" ;
timing_type : setup_rising ;
fall_constraint(scalar) { values("0.4"); }
rise_constraint(scalar) { values("0.4"); }
pin (RN) {
direction : input ;
capacitance : 0.005 ;
timing () {
related_pin : "CK" ;
when : "D" ;
sdf_cond : "ENABLE2_D === 1'b1" ;
timing_type : recovery_rising ;
rise_constraint(scalar) { values("1.3"); }
timing () {
related_pin : "CK" ;
when : "D" ;
sdf_cond : "ENABLE2_D === 1'b1" ;
timing_type : removal_rising ;
rise_constraint(scalar) { values("1.3"); }
timing () {
related_pin : "RN" ;
timing_type : min_pulse_width ;
fall_constraint(scalar) { values("1.0"); }
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
## import pandas as pd
## import tabulate
import math
import re
import sys
import os
import os.path
x = [];
y = [];
sigma = 0.5;
mu = 1;
for i in range(1,21):
factor = 3* sigma / mu;
x.append( i );
y.append( factor / math.sqrt(i) );
# plot data
marker = None; # default choice
# scatter plot
label = f'AOCV';
p = plt.scatter( x, y, label=label, marker=marker );
color = p.get_facecolor()[0]; # get the last scatter color
# regression line (derived from last scatter point)
i = -1; # index of a scatter point to use
k = x[i] * y[i] / np.sqrt(x[i]);
xr = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 50);
plt.plot(xr, k/np.sqrt(xr), ls='-', color=color, label='fit theor.');
## # regression line (curve fit: independent variables)
## popt,pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(lambda t,a: a/np.sqrt(t), x, y);
## xr = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 50);
## plt.plot(xr, popt[0]/np.sqrt(xr), ls=':', color=color, label='fit indep.');
## # regression line (curve fit: correlated variables)
## popt,pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(lambda t,a,b,c: np.sqrt(a+b*t)/t, x, y);
## xr = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 50);
## plt.plot(xr, np.sqrt(popt[0] + popt[1]*xr)/xr, ls='--', color=color, label='fit correl.');
# add axis labels
plt.xlabel('stage count', fontsize='small');
plt.ylabel('$3\sigma$/$\mu$', fontsize='small');
# display legend
ax = plt.gca();
legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=False, fontsize='small');
fplot = os.path.join('.', f'aocv');
fplot += '.png';
print("Plotting %s ..." % fplot, file=sys.stderr);
plt.savefig(fplot, bbox_inches='tight');
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