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Created October 31, 2018 16:20
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type _ trep = ..
type _ trep +=
| TInt: int trep
| TString: string trep
| TFloat: float trep
| TList: 'a trep -> 'a list trep
| TFun: ('a trep * 'b trep) -> ('a -> 'b) trep
(* Emulating type classes *)
module ShowClass = struct
type _ key = ..
effect Show: ('a key * 'a) -> string
effect Resolve: 'a trep -> 'a key
let resolve trep =
perform (Resolve trep)
let show trep s =
perform (Show (perform (Resolve trep),s))
module IntShow = struct
type _ ShowClass.key += Key : int ShowClass.key
let handler action =
try action () with
| effect (ShowClass.Resolve TInt) c ->
continue c Key
| effect (ShowClass.Show (Key, x)) c ->
continue c (Printf.sprintf "%d" x)
module ListShow = struct
(* The formation of key constructors reflects type class constraints *)
type _ ShowClass.key += Key : 'a ShowClass.key -> 'a list ShowClass.key
let rec format k xs = match xs with
| [] -> ""
| x :: [] -> perform (ShowClass.Show (k, x))
| x :: xs -> Printf.sprintf "%s;%s" (perform (ShowClass.Show (k, x))) (format k xs)
let handler action =
try action () with
| effect (ShowClass.Resolve (TList trep)) c ->
continue c (Key (ShowClass.resolve trep))
| effect (ShowClass.Show (Key k, xs)) c ->
continue c (Printf.sprintf "[%s]" (format k xs))
let context action = IntShow.handler (fun () -> ListShow.handler action)
let demo () = (TList TInt) [1;2;3]
let _ = context demo
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