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Last active December 15, 2017 16:07
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Segfaulting Multicore OCaml example
module Segfault = struct
module Nondet = struct
effect Fork : bool
let fork () = perform Fork
let rec forkEach f = function
| [] -> ()
| x::xs ->
(* if branches are swapped, then no segfault occurs *)
if (fork ()) then (f x) else (forkEach f xs)
(** Explores alternatives in BFS *)
let run worlds action =
let scheduleNext () =
begin match !worlds with
| [] -> ()
| w::ws -> worlds := ws; w ()
end in
begin match action () with
| x -> scheduleNext ()
| effect Fork k ->
let k2 = Obj.clone_continuation k in
let choices = [(fun () -> continue k true); (fun () -> continue k2 false)] in
worlds := !worlds @ choices;
scheduleNext ()
let handle action = run (ref []) action
let randArray n =
Array.init n (fun i -> 1073741823)
effect Yield: int -> unit
let yield v = perform (Yield v)
let boom () =
let unyield action () =
try action () with
effect (Yield _) _ -> ()
let state = ref [] in
let stateful action () =
try action () with
| effect (Yield i) k ->
state := i :: !state;
(* Important: each yield invocation does not return. *)
Nondet.forkEach yield !state;
(* Exactly one of the forked computations will return here. *)
continue k ()
let count = 10000 in (* for count < 10000, no segfault *)
let a1 = randArray count in
let iter () = Array.iter yield a1 in
Nondet.handle (unyield (stateful iter))
let _ = boom ()
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