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Last active March 14, 2019 13:28
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Polyvariadic joins in tagless final. Executable in a recent Scala REPL.
import scala.language.higherKinds
//Module signatures become traits/interfaces
trait Symantics {
type Ctx[A]
type Var[A]
type Repr[A]
type Shape[A]
def from[A](shape: Repr[Shape[A]]): Var[Repr[A]]
val cnil: Ctx[Unit]
def ccons[A,B](v: Var[A], ctx: Ctx[B]): Ctx[(A,B)]
def join[A,B](ctx: Ctx[A])(pattern: A => Repr[Shape[B]]): Repr[Shape[B]]
def yld[A](x: Repr[A]): Repr[Shape[A]]
def pair[A,B](fst: Repr[A], snd: Repr[B]): Repr[(A,B)]
//For testing, extend the language with a syntax to lift lists of values to shape representations
trait SymanticsPlus extends Symantics {
//note: A* means "variable number of A arguments"
def lift[A](xs: A*): Repr[Shape[A]]
//Expression functors become functions/methods with path-dependent types
def test(s: SymanticsPlus) //infers path-dependent type s.Repr[s.Shape[(Double, (Int, String))]]
= {
import s._
//Note: with more effort, the syntax for constructing contexts can be made prettier, in infix notation
val ctx = ccons(from(lift(1,2,3)), ccons(from(lift("one", "two")), ccons(from(lift(3.0,2.0,1.0)), cnil)))
//Notational convenience is similar to the OCaml version
join (ctx) { case (x,(y,(z,()))) =>
/* this wouldn't type check:
join (ctx) { case (x,(y,())) =>
//Example: sequential cartesian product over lists
object ListSymantics extends SymanticsPlus {
//GADT becomes class hierarchy
sealed abstract class Ctx[A]
//GADT constructors become case classes/objects
case object CNil extends Ctx[Unit]
case class CCons[A,B](hd: Var[A], tl: Ctx[B]) extends Ctx[(A,B)] //refinement controlled by extends clause
sealed abstract class Var[A]
case class Bind[A](shape: Repr[Shape[A]]) extends Var[Repr[A]]
override type Repr[A] = A
override type Shape[A] = List[A]
override def from[A](shape: Repr[Shape[A]]) = Bind(shape)
override val cnil = CNil
override def ccons[A, B](v: Var[A], ctx: Ctx[B]) = CCons(v,ctx)
override def lift[A](xs: A*) = List(xs:_*)
override def yld[A](x: Repr[A]) = List(x)
override def pair[A, B](fst: Repr[A], snd: Repr[B]) = (fst,snd)
/* This join implements the monadic sequential semantics */
override def join[A, B](ctx: Ctx[A])(pattern: A => Repr[Shape[B]]) = ctx match {
case CNil => pattern ()
case CCons(Bind(xs), tl) =>
xs.flatMap { x =>
join (tl) { tuple => pattern (x,tuple) }
/* prints res0: ListSymantics.Repr[ListSymantics.Shape[(Double, (Int, String))]] =
List((3.0,(1,one)), (2.0,(1,one)), (1.0,(1,one)), (3.0,(1,two)), (2.0,(1,two)),
(1.0,(1,two)), (3.0,(2,one)), (2.0,(2,one)), (1.0,(2,one)), (3.0,(2,two)),
(2.0,(2,two)), (1.0,(2,two)), (3.0,(3,one)), (2.0,(3,one)), (1.0,(3,one)),
(3.0,(3,two)), (2.0,(3,two)), (1.0,(3,two))) */
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