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Created February 24, 2009 16:29
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Urkle - An awkward IRCd
(use '(clojure.contrib str-utils seq-utils duck-streams server-socket))
(use '(clojure.contrib stacktrace))
(declare *name*)
(def *users* (ref {}))
(def *channels* (ref {}))
;Replies and Errors. See e.g."
(def replies
{:rpl_welcome 1
:rpl_yourhost 2
:rpl_created 3
:rpl_myinfo 4
:rpl_protocol 5
:rpl_liststart 321
:rpl_list 322
:rpl_listend 323
:err_unkowncommand 421
(def server-name "")
(defn nick [name & args]
"Set/change nick name"
(dosync (commute *users* conj {(keyword name) *out*}))
(defn join [channel]
"Join a channel or create it"
(if (contains? @*channels* (keyword channel))
(commute *channels* update-in [(keyword channel)] conj (keyword *name*))
(commute *channels* conj {(keyword channel) [(keyword *name*)]}))))
(defn ping [arg & _]
(str-join " " [(str ":" server-name) "PONG" arg (str ":" *name*)]))
(defn reply
"Send a reply like:
001 bracki :Your welcome!"
([reply msg]
(str-join " " [(str ":" server-name) (format "%03d" (reply replies)) (str ":" msg)]))
([reply recipient msg]
(str-join " " [(str ":" server-name) (format "%03d" (reply replies)) recipient (str ":" msg)])))
(defn privmsg [recipient & msg]
(if (.startsWith recipient "#")
(doseq [user ((keyword recipient) @*channels*)]
(binding [*out* (user @*users*)]
(str-join " " [(str ":" *name*) "PRIVMSG" recipient (str-join " " msg)]))))
(binding [*out* ((keyword recipient) @*users*)]
(str-join " " [(str ":" *name*) "PRIVMSG" recipient (str-join " " msg)])))))
(defn user[_ & _]
(reply :rpl_welcome *name* "This is Urkle IRC. The awkward ircd written in Clojure."))
(reply :rpl_yourhost *name* "Your host is running super alpha stuff.")))
(defn list_[]
"LIST all known channels."
(println (reply :rpl_liststart (str *name* " " "Channel") "Users Topic"))
(when (not (empty? @*channels*))
(doseq [channel @*channels*]
(println (reply :rpl_list (str *name* " " (name (key channel)) " " (count (val channel))) ""))))
(println (reply :rpl_listend *name* "End of /LIST")))
(def commands {"NICK" nick,
"USER" user,
"JOIN" join,
"LIST" list_,
"PING" ping,
"PRIVMSG" privmsg,
(defn execute
"Execute commands"
(let [[command & args] (re-split #"\s+" input)]
(apply (commands command) args)
(catch NullPointerException _
(println (reply :err_unkowncommand command "Unknown Command."))))))
(defn- urkle-handle-client [in out]
(binding [*in* (reader in)
*out* (writer out)]
(binding [*name* (execute (read-line))]
(loop [input (read-line)]
(when input
(execute input)
(recur (read-line)))))))
(defonce server (create-server 3333 urkle-handle-client))
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