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Last active March 20, 2018 01:46
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<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="loop-container inner-boxes">
$args = apply_filters('udf_filter_query_args', array(
'post_type' => array('webinar', 'session-plan', 'research-review', 'post'),
'posts_per_page' => 6,
$loop = new WP_Query($args);
<?php while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); ?>
<?php get_template_part( '/templates/home', 'content-box' ); ?>
<?php endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?>
<div class="loop-container inner-boxes">
<?php echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more repeater="template_1" post_type="webinar, session-plan, research-review, post" offset="6" posts_per_page="4" pause="true" scroll="false" transition="none" transition_container="false" button_label="LOAD MORE CONTENT" button_loading_label="LOADING MORE CONTENT..." container_type="div" taxonomy="'.UDF()->getTaxName().'" taxonomy_terms="'.UDF()->getTermList().'"]'); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
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