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Created December 29, 2015 16:02
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Save bradchesney79/9c27f7e7de899468e7ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
node-sass output from meandering use
brad@E530 should prefix all the commands I ran.
I don't know enough about sass, node-sass, or gulp-sass to know if the output to the stderr of:
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ npm test > testResults.txt
is inportant or not. But, I wanted to mention it. (The stderr messages are posted between the command and the tail of the document created below.)
<<abridged yet unformatted barf of stdout>>
brad@E530:~/Desktop$ git clone --recursive
Cloning into 'node-sass'...
remote: Counting objects: 18478, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Total 18478 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 18458
Receiving objects: 100% (18478/18478), 21.01 MiB | 975.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10684/10684), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Submodule 'libsass' (git:// registered for path 'src/libsass'
Submodule 'test/sass-spec' ( registered for path 'test/fixtures/spec'
Cloning into 'src/libsass'...
remote: Counting objects: 13790, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (21/21), done.
remote: Total 13790 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 13769
Receiving objects: 100% (13790/13790), 8.79 MiB | 2.54 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (8114/8114), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Submodule path 'src/libsass': checked out 'f47645c2ebb98c9e0c970f59820b239ab417dda3'
Cloning into 'test/fixtures/spec'...
remote: Counting objects: 15802, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (51/51), done.
remote: Total 15802 (delta 27), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 15735
Receiving objects: 100% (15802/15802), 2.03 MiB | 1016.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4589/4589), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Submodule path 'test/fixtures/spec': checked out 'b089cff39e623de5c6d3c88ad021220df5c67657'
brad@E530:~/Desktop$ cd node-sass
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git submodule update --init --recursive
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git checkout -b forTravisCI
Switched to a new branch 'forTravisCI'
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ vi package.json
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git status
On branch forTravisCI
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: package.json
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git add .
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git commit -m"Bumped gaze dependency to next minor version"
[forTravisCI aa24d56] Bumped gaze dependency to next minor version
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git push origin forTravisCI
Counting objects: 22, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 328 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
* [new branch] forTravisCI -> forTravisCI
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git checkout master
Previous HEAD position was aa24d56... Bumped gaze dependency to next minor version
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git pull origin forTravisCI
* branch forTravisCI -> FETCH_HEAD
Updating 877db52..aa24d56
package.json | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git push origin master
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
877db52..aa24d56 master -> master
(TravisCI fails for all node versions-- except v0.10)
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ nvm install v0.10.41
######################################################################## 100.0%
Now using node v0.10.41
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ nvm alias default 0.10.41
default -> 0.10.41 (-> v0.10.41)
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ git submodule update --init --recursive
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ npm install
npm WARN deprecated This version of npm lacks support for important features,
npm WARN deprecated such as scoped packages, offered by the primary npm
npm WARN deprecated registry. Consider upgrading to at least npm@2, if not the
npm WARN deprecated latest stable version. To upgrade to npm@2, run:
npm WARN deprecated
npm WARN deprecated npm -g install npm@latest-2
npm WARN deprecated
npm WARN deprecated To upgrade to the latest stable version, run:
npm WARN deprecated
npm WARN deprecated npm -g install npm@latest
npm WARN deprecated
npm WARN deprecated (Depending on how Node.js was installed on your system, you
npm WARN deprecated may need to prefix the preceding commands with `sudo`, or if
npm WARN deprecated on Windows, run them from an Administrator prompt.)
npm WARN deprecated
npm WARN deprecated If you're running the version of npm bundled with
npm WARN deprecated Node.js 0.10 LTS, be aware that the next version of 0.10 LTS
npm WARN deprecated will be bundled with a version of npm@2, which has some small
npm WARN deprecated backwards-incompatible changes made to `npm run-script` and
npm WARN deprecated semver behavior.
npm WARN engine escodegen@1.7.1: wanted: {"node":">=0.12.0"} (current: {"node":"0.10.41","npm":"1.4.29"})
> spawn-sync@1.0.13 postinstall /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/node_modules/cross-spawn/node_modules/spawn-sync
> node postinstall
Installing native dependencies (this may take up to a minute)
> gaze@0.6.4 install /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/node_modules/gaze
> node-gyp rebuild
make: Entering directory `/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/node_modules/gaze/build'
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
CXX(target) Release/
../src/ In member function ‘bool HandleMap::Erase(WatcherHandle)’:
../src/ warning: ‘void NanDispose(v8::Persistent<S>&) [with T = v8::Value]’ is deprecated (declared at ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:612) [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
NanDispose(iter->second); // Deprecated, use NanDisposePersistent when v0.12 lands
../src/ In member function ‘void HandleMap::Clear()’:
../src/ warning: ‘void NanDispose(v8::Persistent<S>&) [with T = v8::Value]’ is deprecated (declared at ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:612) [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
NanDispose(iter->second); // Deprecated, use NanDisposePersistent when v0.12 lands
CXX(target) Release/
SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/
SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/ Finished
COPY Release/pathwatcher.node
make: Leaving directory `/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/node_modules/gaze/build'
> node-sass@3.4.2 install /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass
> node scripts/install.js
Binary downloaded and installed at /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-11/binding.node
> node-sass@3.4.2 postinstall /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass
> node scripts/build.js
` /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-11/binding.node ` exists.
testing binary.
Binary is fine; exiting.
get-stdin@4.0.1 node_modules/get-stdin
mocha-lcov-reporter@0.0.2 node_modules/mocha-lcov-reporter
async-foreach@0.1.3 node_modules/async-foreach
nan@2.1.0 node_modules/nan
mkdirp@0.5.1 node_modules/mkdirp
└── minimist@0.0.8
chalk@1.1.1 node_modules/chalk
├── escape-string-regexp@1.0.4
├── supports-color@2.0.0
├── ansi-styles@2.1.0
├── has-ansi@2.0.0 (ansi-regex@2.0.0)
└── strip-ansi@3.0.0 (ansi-regex@2.0.0)
glob@5.0.15 node_modules/glob
├── path-is-absolute@1.0.0
├── inherits@2.0.1
├── once@1.3.3 (wrappy@1.0.1)
├── inflight@1.0.4 (wrappy@1.0.1)
└── minimatch@3.0.0 (brace-expansion@1.1.2)
npmconf@2.1.2 node_modules/npmconf
├── ini@1.3.4
├── uid-number@0.0.5
├── inherits@2.0.1
├── semver@4.3.6
├── osenv@0.1.3 (os-tmpdir@1.0.1, os-homedir@1.0.1)
├── nopt@3.0.6 (abbrev@1.0.7)
├── config-chain@1.1.9 (proto-list@1.2.4)
└── once@1.3.3 (wrappy@1.0.1)
rimraf@2.5.0 node_modules/rimraf
└── glob@6.0.3 (path-is-absolute@1.0.0, inherits@2.0.1, once@1.3.3, inflight@1.0.4, minimatch@3.0.0)
sass-graph@2.0.1 node_modules/sass-graph
├── lodash@3.10.1
└── yargs@3.31.0 (camelcase@2.0.1, window-size@0.1.4, y18n@3.2.0, decamelize@1.1.2, cliui@3.1.0, os-locale@1.4.0, string-width@1.0.1)
mocha@2.3.4 node_modules/mocha
├── escape-string-regexp@1.0.2
├── supports-color@1.2.0
├── growl@1.8.1
├── commander@2.3.0
├── diff@1.4.0
├── mkdirp@0.5.0 (minimist@0.0.8)
├── debug@2.2.0 (ms@0.7.1)
├── glob@3.2.3 (graceful-fs@2.0.3, inherits@2.0.1, minimatch@0.2.14)
└── jade@0.26.3 (commander@0.6.1, mkdirp@0.3.0)
meow@3.6.0 node_modules/meow
├── trim-newlines@1.0.0
├── object-assign@4.0.1
├── minimist@1.2.0
├── camelcase-keys@2.0.0 (map-obj@1.0.1, camelcase@2.0.1)
├── loud-rejection@1.2.0 (signal-exit@2.1.2)
├── normalize-package-data@2.3.5 (hosted-git-info@2.1.4, semver@5.1.0, is-builtin-module@1.0.0, validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1)
├── redent@1.0.0 (strip-indent@1.0.1, indent-string@2.1.0)
└── read-pkg-up@1.0.1 (find-up@1.1.0, read-pkg@1.1.0)
request@2.67.0 node_modules/request
├── is-typedarray@1.0.0
├── aws-sign2@0.6.0
├── forever-agent@0.6.1
├── caseless@0.11.0
├── stringstream@0.0.5
├── oauth-sign@0.8.0
├── tunnel-agent@0.4.2
├── isstream@0.1.2
├── json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
├── extend@3.0.0
├── node-uuid@1.4.7
├── qs@5.2.0
├── tough-cookie@2.2.1
├── combined-stream@1.0.5 (delayed-stream@1.0.0)
├── mime-types@2.1.8 (mime-db@1.20.0)
├── form-data@1.0.0-rc3 (async@1.5.0)
├── bl@1.0.0 (readable-stream@2.0.5)
├── hawk@3.1.2 (cryptiles@2.0.5, sntp@1.0.9, boom@2.10.1, hoek@2.16.3)
├── http-signature@1.1.0 (assert-plus@0.1.5, jsprim@1.2.2, sshpk@1.7.1)
└── har-validator@2.0.3 (pinkie-promise@2.0.0, commander@2.9.0, is-my-json-valid@2.12.3)
node-gyp@3.2.1 node_modules/node-gyp
├── graceful-fs@4.1.2
├── osenv@0.1.3 (os-tmpdir@1.0.1, os-homedir@1.0.1)
├── nopt@3.0.6 (abbrev@1.0.7)
├── fstream@1.0.8 (inherits@2.0.1)
├── which@1.2.1 (is-absolute@0.1.7)
├── semver@5.1.0
├── minimatch@1.0.0 (sigmund@1.0.1, lru-cache@2.7.3)
├── path-array@1.0.0 (array-index@0.1.1)
├── glob@4.5.3 (inherits@2.0.1, inflight@1.0.4, once@1.3.3, minimatch@2.0.10)
├── tar@2.2.1 (inherits@2.0.1, block-stream@0.0.8)
└── npmlog@1.2.1 (ansi@0.3.0, are-we-there-yet@1.0.5, gauge@1.2.2)
coveralls@2.11.6 node_modules/coveralls
├── lcov-parse@0.0.6
├── minimist@1.2.0
├── log-driver@1.2.4
└── js-yaml@3.0.1 (argparse@0.1.16, esprima@1.0.4)
jshint@2.9.1-rc2 node_modules/jshint
├── strip-json-comments@1.0.4
├── exit@0.1.2
├── console-browserify@1.1.0 (date-now@0.1.4)
├── shelljs@0.3.0
├── minimatch@2.0.10 (brace-expansion@1.1.2)
├── cli@0.6.6 (glob@3.2.11)
├── htmlparser2@3.8.3 (domelementtype@1.3.0, entities@1.0.0, domhandler@2.3.0, readable-stream@1.1.13, domutils@1.5.1)
└── lodash@3.7.0
istanbul@0.3.22 node_modules/istanbul
├── abbrev@1.0.7
├── nopt@3.0.6
├── wordwrap@1.0.0
├── async@1.5.0
├── esprima@2.5.0
├── supports-color@3.1.2 (has-flag@1.0.0)
├── once@1.3.3 (wrappy@1.0.1)
├── which@1.2.1 (is-absolute@0.1.7)
├── resolve@1.1.6
├── fileset@0.2.1 (minimatch@2.0.10)
├── escodegen@1.7.1 (estraverse@1.9.3, esutils@2.0.2, optionator@0.5.0, source-map@0.2.0, esprima@1.2.5)
├── js-yaml@3.4.6 (inherit@2.2.2, esprima@2.7.1, argparse@1.0.3)
└── handlebars@4.0.5 (source-map@0.4.4, optimist@0.6.1, uglify-js@2.6.1)
cross-spawn@2.1.0 node_modules/cross-spawn
├── cross-spawn-async@2.1.1 (lru-cache@3.2.0, which@1.2.1)
└── spawn-sync@1.0.13 (os-shim@0.1.3, concat-stream@1.5.1)
gaze@0.6.4 node_modules/gaze
├── bindings@1.2.1
├── absolute-path@0.0.0
├── nextback@0.1.0
├── graceful-fs@2.0.3
├── nan@0.8.0
└── globule@0.2.0 (minimatch@0.2.14, glob@3.2.11, lodash@2.4.2)
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ rm /home/brad/.nvm/v0.10.41/bin/npm
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ sudo npm -g install npm@latest
/usr/local/bin/npm -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
└── npm@3.5.2
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/npm /home/brad/.nvm/v0.10.41/bin/npm
brad@E530:~/Desktop/node-sass$ npm test > testResults.txt
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing red, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 8 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/colors/basic/input.scss
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 24, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 6 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass/unquote/input.scss
WARNING: Mixin bar takes 3 arguments but 5 were passed.
on line 35 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass/var-args/input.scss
This will be an error in future versions of Sass.
WARNING: Mixin bar takes 3 arguments but 4 were passed.
on line 37 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass/var-args/input.scss
This will be an error in future versions of Sass.
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing null, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 7 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1106/input.scss
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing null, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 13 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1106/input.scss
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing null, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 17 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1124/input.scss
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing null, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 19 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1124/input.scss
/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1240/input.scss:5 DEBUG: 1
/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1240/input.scss:6 DEBUG: 2, 3
/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1240/input.scss:7 DEBUG: 1 2, 3
/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1240/input.scss:8 DEBUG: 1 2, 3
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing "(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)", "(min-resolution: 192dpi)", a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 6 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1258/input.scss
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 3, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 2 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1291/input.scss
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing -3, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 2 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1291/input.scss
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 5, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 7 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1291/input.scss
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing -5, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
on line 7 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1291/input.scss
/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1331/input.scss:3 DEBUG: (foo: 1px, null: 2px, false: 3px, true: 4px)
/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1331/input.scss:4 DEBUG: 1px
/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1331/input.scss:5 DEBUG: 2px
/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1331/input.scss:6 DEBUG: 3px
/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1331/input.scss:7 DEBUG: 4px
/home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_1336/input.scss:1 DEBUG: null
DEPRECATION WARNING on line 5 of /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass/test/fixtures/spec/spec/libsass-closed-issues/issue_674/input.scss:
Naming a function "url" is disallowed and will be an error in future versions of Sass.
This name conflicts with an existing CSS function with special parse rules.
WARNING: Don't crash the ambulance, whatever you do
on line 2 of fixtures/spec/spec/misc/warn-directive/input.scss
tail -n3000 testResults.txt
> node-sass@3.4.2 pretest /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass
> jshint bin lib scripts test
> node-sass@3.4.2 test /home/brad/Desktop/node-sass
> mocha test
.render(options, callback)
✓ should compile sass to css with file
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile set to absolute url
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile set to relative url
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile and sourceMap set to relative url
✓ should compile generate map with sourceMapRoot pass-through option
✓ should compile sass to css with data
✓ should NOT compile empty data string
✓ should NOT compile without parameters
✓ should compile sass to css using indented syntax
✓ should throw error status 1 for bad input
✓ should compile with include paths
✓ should render with precision option
✓ should contain all included files in stats when data is passed
✓ should render with indentWidth and indentType options
✓ should render with linefeed option
✓ should still call the next importer with the resolved prev path when the previous importer returned both a file and contents property - issue #1219
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and fires callback with file and contents
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and fires callback with file and contents
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and returns file and contents
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and returns file and contents
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and fires callback with file
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and fires callback with file
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and returns file
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and returns file
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns sass.NULL
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns null for backwards compatibility
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns undefined for backwards compatibility
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns false for backwards compatibility
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and fires callback with contents
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and fires callback with contents
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and returns contents
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and returns contents
✓ should accept arrays of importers and return respect the order
✓ should be able to see its options in this.options
✓ should be able to access a persistent options object
✓ should copy all options properties
✓ should reflect user-defined error when returned as callback
✓ should reflect user-defined error with return
✓ should throw exception when importer returns an invalid value
✓ should call custom defined nullary function
✓ should call custom function with multiple args
✓ should work with custom functions that return data asynchronously (53ms)
✓ should let custom functions call setter methods on wrapped sass values (number)
✓ should properly convert strings when calling custom functions
✓ should let custom functions call setter methods on wrapped sass values (string)
✓ should properly convert colors when calling custom functions
✓ should properly convert boolean when calling custom functions
✓ should let custom functions call setter methods on wrapped sass values (boolean)
✓ should properly convert lists when calling custom functions
✓ should properly convert maps when calling custom functions
✓ should properly convert null when calling custom functions
✓ should be possible to carry sass values across different renders
✓ should let us register custom functions without signatures
✓ should fail when returning anything other than a sass value from a custom function
✓ should properly bubble up standard JS errors thrown by custom functions
✓ should properly bubble up unknown errors thrown by custom functions
✓ should properly bubble up errors from sass value constructors
✓ should properly bubble up errors from sass value setters
✓ should fail when trying to set a bare number as the List item
✓ should fail when trying to set a bare Object as the List item
✓ should fail when trying to set a bare Object as the Map key
✓ should fail when trying to set a bare Object as the Map value
✓ should always map null, true and false to the same (immutable) object
should properly bubble up errors from sass color constructor
✓ four booleans
✓ two arguments
✓ single string argument
.render({stats: {}})
✓ should provide a start timestamp
✓ should provide an end timestamp
✓ should provide a duration
✓ should contain the given entry file
✓ should contain an array of all included files
✓ should contain array with the entry if there are no import statements
✓ should state `data` as entry file
✓ should contain an empty array as includedFiles
✓ should compile sass to css with file
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile set to absolute url
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile set to relative url
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile and sourceMap set to relative url
✓ should compile generate map with sourceMapRoot pass-through option
✓ should compile sass to css with data
✓ should compile sass to css using indented syntax
✓ should NOT compile empty data string
✓ should NOT compile without any input
✓ should throw error for bad input
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and returns file and contents
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and returns file and contents
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and returns file
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and returns file
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and returns contents
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and returns contents
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns sass.NULL
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns null for backwards compatibility
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns undefined for backwards compatibility
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns false for backwards compatibility
✓ should accept arrays of importers and return respect the order
✓ should be able to see its options in this.options
✓ should throw user-defined error
✓ should throw exception when importer returns an invalid value
✓ should call custom function in sync mode
✓ should return a list of selectors after calling the headings custom function
✓ should let custom function invoke sass types constructors without the `new` keyword
✓ should let us register custom functions without signatures
✓ should fail when returning anything other than a sass value from a custom function
✓ should properly bubble up standard JS errors thrown by custom functions
✓ should properly bubble up unknown errors thrown by custom functions
✓ should properly bubble up errors from sass value getters/setters/constructors
.renderSync({stats: {}})
✓ should provide a start timestamp
✓ should provide an end timestamp
✓ should provide a duration
✓ should contain the given entry file
✓ should contain an array of all included files
✓ should contain array with the entry if there are no import statements
✓ should state `data` as entry file
✓ should contain an empty array as includedFiles
✓ should return a correct version info
node-sass < in.scss
✓ should read data from stdin (214ms)
✓ should compile sass using the --indented-syntax option (212ms)
✓ should compile with the --quiet option (218ms)
✓ should compile with the --output-style option (216ms)
✓ should compile with the --source-comments option (215ms)
✓ should render with indentWidth and indentType options (223ms)
✓ should render with linefeed option (220ms)
node-sass in.scss
✓ should compile a scss file (221ms)
✓ should compile a scss file to custom destination (217ms)
✓ should compile with the --include-path option (205ms)
✓ should compile silently using the --quiet option (214ms)
✓ should still report errors with the --quiet option (224ms)
✓ should not exit with the --watch option (106ms)
- should emit `warn` on file change when using --watch option
- should emit nothing on file change when using --watch and --quiet options
- should render all watched files
- should watch the full scss dep tree for a single file (scss)
- should watch the full sass dep tree for a single file (sass)
node-sass --output directory
- should watch whole directory
- should compile all changed files in watched directory
node-sass in.scss --output out.css
✓ should compile a scss file to build.css (255ms)
✓ should compile with the --source-map option (316ms)
✓ should omit sourceMappingURL if --omit-source-map-url flag is used (223ms)
✓ should compile with the --source-root option (232ms)
✓ should compile with the --source-map-embed option and no outfile (221ms)
node-sass sass/ --output css/
✓ should create the output directory (249ms)
✓ should compile all files in the folder (246ms)
✓ should compile with --source-map set to directory (241ms)
✓ should skip files with an underscore (242ms)
✓ should ignore nested files if --recursive false (239ms)
✓ should error if no output directory is provided (222ms)
✓ should error if output directory is not a directory (222ms)
node-sass in.scss --output path/to/file/out.css
✓ should create the output directory (227ms)
node-sass --follow --output output-dir input-dir
✓ should compile with the --follow option (234ms)
✓ should override imports and fire callback with file and contents (221ms)
✓ should override imports and fire callback with file (220ms)
✓ should override imports and fire callback with data (222ms)
✓ should override imports and return file and contents (221ms)
✓ should override imports and return file (221ms)
✓ should override imports and return data (217ms)
✓ should accept arrays of importers and return respect the order (242ms)
✓ should return error for invalid importer file path (216ms)
✓ should reflect user-defined Error (211ms)
✓ should let custom functions call setter methods on wrapped sass values (number) (230ms)
✓ should properly convert strings when calling custom functions (225ms)
✓ fail with options not an object
✓ data context with not provided
✓ data context with both and options.file not provided
✓ file context with both and options.file not provided
✓ file context with options.file not provided, given
✓ fail with options.result not provided
✓ fail with options.result not an object
✓ fail with options.result.stats not provided
✓ fail with options.result.stats not an object
✓ options.indentWidth not provided
✓ empty data string
✓ empty file string
runtime parameters
configuration precedence should be respected
✓ command line argument
✓ environment variable
✓ npm config variable
✓ package.json
✓ command line argument
✓ environment variable
✓ npm config variable
✓ package.json
✓ command line argument
✓ environment variable
✓ npm config variable
✓ package.json
library detection
✓ should throw error when libsass binary is missing.
test/sass-spec directory
✓ should be a cloned into place
✓ 00_empty
✓ 01_simple_css
✓ 02_simple_nesting
✓ 03_simple_variable
✓ 04_basic_variables
✓ 05_empty_levels
✓ 06_nesting_and_comments
✓ 07_nested_simple_selector_groups
✓ 08_selector_combinators
✓ 09_selector_groups_and_combinators
✓ 10_classes_and_ids
✓ 11_attribute_selectors
✓ 13_back_references
✓ 14_imports
✓ 15_arithmetic_and_lists
✓ 16_hex_arithmetic
✓ 17_basic_mixins
✓ 18_mixin_scope
✓ 19_full_mixin_craziness
✓ 20_scoped_variables
✓ 21_one_builtin_function
✓ 22_colors_with_alpha
✓ 23_basic_value_interpolation
✓ 24_namespace_properties
✓ 25_basic_string_interpolation
✓ 26_selector_interpolation
✓ 27_media_queries
✓ 28_url
✓ 29_if
✓ 30_if_in_function
✓ 31_if_in_mixin
✓ 32_percentages
✓ 33_ambiguous_imports
✓ 35_varargs_false
✓ 36_extra_commas_in_selectors
✓ 37_url_expressions
✓ 38_expressions_in_at_directives
✓ 39_dash_match_attribute_selector
✓ 40_pseudo_class_identifier_starting_with_n
✓ 41_slashy_urls
✓ 42_css_imports
✓ 43_str_length
✓ 44_bem_selectors
✓ 45_str_insert
✓ 46_str_index
✓ 48_case_conversion
✓ 49_interpolants_in_css_imports
✓ 50_wrapped_pseudo_selectors
✓ 51_trailing_commas_in_list
✓ 52_interchangeable_hyphens_underscores
✓ 53_escaped_quotes
✓ 54_adjacent_identifiers_with_hyphens
✓ 55_variable_exists
✓ 56_global_variable_exists
✓ 57_function_exists
✓ 58_mixin_exists
✓ 59_if_expression
✓ 60_call
✓ adjust-color
✓ adjust-hue
✓ basic
✓ change-color
✓ complement
✓ desaturate
✓ fade-in
✓ fade-out
✓ saturate
✓ saturation
✓ scale-color
✓ bizarrely_formatted_comments
✓ blockless_directive_without_semicolon
✓ closing_line_comment_end_with_compact_output
✓ directive_with_lots_of_whitespace
✓ empty_block_directive
✓ ms_long_filter_syntax
✓ multiple_comments
✓ 001_test_basic
✓ 002_test_basic
✓ 003_test_basic
✓ 004_test_basic
✓ 005_test_multiple_targets
✓ 006_test_multiple_extendees
✓ 007_test_multiple_extends_with_single_extender_and_single_target
✓ 008_test_multiple_extends_with_single_extender_and_single_target
✓ 009_test_multiple_extends_with_multiple_extenders_and_single_target
✓ 010_test_multiple_extends_with_multiple_extenders_and_single_target
✓ 011_test_chained_extends
✓ 012_test_dynamic_extendee
✓ 013_test_dynamic_extendee
✓ 014_test_nested_target
✓ 015_test_target_with_child
✓ 016_test_class_unification
✓ 017_test_class_unification
✓ 018_test_id_unification
✓ 019_test_id_unification
✓ 020_test_universal_unification_with_simple_target
✓ 021_test_universal_unification_with_simple_target
✓ 022_test_universal_unification_with_simple_target
✓ 023_test_universal_unification_with_simple_target
✓ 024_test_universal_unification_with_simple_target
✓ 025_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 026_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 027_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 028_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 029_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 030_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 031_test_universal_unification_with_namespaced_universal_target
✓ 032_test_universal_unification_with_namespaced_universal_target
✓ 033_test_universal_unification_with_namespaced_universal_target
✓ 034_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 035_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 036_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 037_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 038_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 039_test_universal_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 040_test_universal_unification_with_namespaced_element_target
✓ 041_test_universal_unification_with_namespaced_element_target
✓ 042_test_universal_unification_with_namespaced_element_target
✓ 043_test_element_unification_with_simple_target
✓ 044_test_element_unification_with_simple_target
✓ 045_test_element_unification_with_simple_target
✓ 046_test_element_unification_with_simple_target
✓ 047_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 048_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 049_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 050_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 051_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 052_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_universal_target
✓ 053_test_element_unification_with_namespaced_universal_target
✓ 054_test_element_unification_with_namespaced_universal_target
✓ 055_test_element_unification_with_namespaced_universal_target
✓ 056_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 057_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 058_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 059_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 060_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 061_test_element_unification_with_namespaceless_element_target
✓ 062_test_element_unification_with_namespaced_element_target
✓ 063_test_element_unification_with_namespaced_element_target
✓ 064_test_element_unification_with_namespaced_element_target
✓ 065_test_attribute_unification
✓ 066_test_attribute_unification
✓ 067_test_attribute_unification
✓ 068_test_attribute_unification
✓ 069_test_attribute_unification
✓ 070_test_pseudo_unification
✓ 071_test_pseudo_unification
✓ 072_test_pseudo_unification
✓ 073_test_pseudo_unification
✓ 074_test_pseudo_unification
✓ 075_test_pseudo_unification
✓ 076_test_pseudo_unification
✓ 077_test_pseudo_unification
✓ 078_test_pseudoelement_remains_at_end_of_selector
✓ 079_test_pseudoelement_remains_at_end_of_selector
✓ 080_test_pseudoclass_remains_at_end_of_selector
✓ 081_test_pseudoclass_remains_at_end_of_selector
✓ 082_test_not_remains_at_end_of_selector
✓ 083_test_pseudoelement_goes_lefter_than_pseudoclass
✓ 084_test_pseudoelement_goes_lefter_than_pseudoclass
✓ 085_test_pseudoelement_goes_lefter_than_not
✓ 086.1_test_pseudoelement_goes_lefter_than_not
✓ 086_test_pseudoelement_goes_lefter_than_not
✓ 087_test_negation_unification
✓ 088_test_negation_unification
✓ 089_test_negation_unification
✓ 090_test_comma_extendee
✓ 091_test_redundant_selector_elimination
✓ 092_test_long_extendee
✓ 093_test_long_extendee_matches_supersets
✓ 094_test_long_extendee_runs_unification
✓ 095_test_long_extender
✓ 096_test_long_extender_runs_unification
✓ 097_test_nested_extender
✓ 098_test_nested_extender_runs_unification
✓ 099_test_nested_extender_alternates_parents
✓ 100_test_nested_extender_unifies_identical_parents
✓ 101_test_nested_extender_unifies_common_substring
✓ 102_test_nested_extender_unifies_common_subseq
✓ 103_test_nested_extender_chooses_first_subseq
✓ 105_test_nested_extender_counts_extended_superselectors
✓ 106_test_nested_extender_with_child_selector
✓ 107_test_nested_extender_finds_common_selectors_around_child_selector
✓ 108_test_nested_extender_finds_common_selectors_around_child_selector
✓ 109_test_nested_extender_doesnt_find_common_selectors_around_adjacent_sibling_selector
✓ 110_test_nested_extender_doesnt_find_common_selectors_around_adjacent_sibling_selector
✓ 111_test_nested_extender_doesnt_find_common_selectors_around_adjacent_sibling_selector
✓ 112_test_nested_extender_doesnt_find_common_selectors_around_sibling_selector
✓ 113_test_nested_extender_doesnt_find_common_selectors_around_sibling_selector
✓ 114_test_nested_extender_doesnt_find_common_selectors_around_sibling_selector
✓ 115_test_nested_extender_doesnt_find_common_selectors_around_reference_selector
✓ 116_test_nested_extender_doesnt_find_common_selectors_around_reference_selector
✓ 117_test_nested_extender_doesnt_find_common_selectors_around_reference_selector
✓ 118_test_nested_extender_with_early_child_selectors_doesnt_subseq_them
✓ 119_test_nested_extender_with_early_child_selectors_doesnt_subseq_them
✓ 120_test_nested_extender_with_child_selector_unifies
✓ 121_test_nested_extender_with_child_selector_unifies
✓ 122_test_nested_extender_with_child_selector_unifies
✓ 123_test_nested_extender_with_early_child_selector
✓ 124_test_nested_extender_with_early_child_selector
✓ 125_test_nested_extender_with_early_child_selector
✓ 126_test_nested_extender_with_early_child_selector
✓ 127_test_nested_extender_with_early_child_selector
✓ 128_test_nested_extender_with_sibling_selector
✓ 129_test_nested_extender_with_hacky_selector
✓ 130_test_nested_extender_with_hacky_selector
✓ 131_test_nested_extender_merges_with_same_selector
✓ 132_test_nested_extender_with_child_selector_merges_with_same_selector
✓ 133_test_combinator_unification_for_hacky_combinators
✓ 134_test_combinator_unification_for_hacky_combinators
✓ 135_test_combinator_unification_for_hacky_combinators
✓ 136_test_combinator_unification_for_hacky_combinators
✓ 137_test_combinator_unification_for_hacky_combinators
✓ 138_test_combinator_unification_for_hacky_combinators
✓ 139_test_combinator_unification_for_hacky_combinators
✓ 140_test_combinator_unification_double_tilde
✓ 141_test_combinator_unification_double_tilde
✓ 142_test_combinator_unification_double_tilde
✓ 143_test_combinator_unification_double_tilde
✓ 144_test_combinator_unification_tilde_plus
✓ 145_test_combinator_unification_tilde_plus
✓ 146_test_combinator_unification_tilde_plus
✓ 147_test_combinator_unification_tilde_plus
✓ 148_test_combinator_unification_tilde_plus
✓ 149_test_combinator_unification_tilde_plus
✓ 150_test_combinator_unification_tilde_plus
✓ 151_test_combinator_unification_tilde_plus
✓ 152_test_combinator_unification_angle_sibling
✓ 153_test_combinator_unification_angle_sibling
✓ 154_test_combinator_unification_angle_sibling
✓ 155_test_combinator_unification_angle_sibling
✓ 156_test_combinator_unification_double_angle
✓ 157_test_combinator_unification_double_angle
✓ 158_test_combinator_unification_double_angle
✓ 159_test_combinator_unification_double_angle
✓ 160_test_combinator_unification_double_plus
✓ 161_test_combinator_unification_double_plus
✓ 162_test_combinator_unification_double_plus
✓ 163_test_combinator_unification_double_plus
✓ 164_test_combinator_unification_angle_space
✓ 165_test_combinator_unification_angle_space
✓ 166_test_combinator_unification_angle_space
✓ 167_test_combinator_unification_angle_space
✓ 168_test_combinator_unification_angle_space
✓ 169_test_combinator_unification_angle_space
✓ 170_test_combinator_unification_plus_space
✓ 171_test_combinator_unification_plus_space
✓ 172_test_combinator_unification_plus_space
✓ 173_test_combinator_unification_plus_space
✓ 174_test_combinator_unification_plus_space
✓ 175_test_combinator_unification_plus_space
✓ 176_test_combinator_unification_nested
✓ 177_test_combinator_unification_nested
✓ 178_test_combinator_unification_with_newlines
✓ 179_test_extend_self_loop
✓ 182_test_nested_extend_loop
✓ 183_test_multiple_extender_merges_with_superset_selector
✓ 184_test_control_flow_if
✓ 185_test_control_flow_for
✓ 186_test_control_flow_while
✓ 187_test_basic_placeholder_selector
✓ 188_test_unused_placeholder_selector
✓ 189_test_placeholder_descendant_selector
✓ 190_test_semi_placeholder_selector
✓ 191_test_placeholder_selector_with_multiple_extenders
✓ 192_test_placeholder_interpolation
✓ 193_test_media_in_placeholder_selector
✓ 194_test_extend_within_media
✓ 195_test_extend_within_unknown_directive
✓ 196_test_extend_within_nested_directives
✓ 197_test_extend_within_disparate_media
✓ 198_test_extend_within_disparate_unknown_directive
✓ 199_test_extend_within_disparate_nested_directives
✓ 206_test_extend_succeeds_when_one_extension_fails_but_others_dont
✓ 207_test_optional_extend_succeeds_when_extendee_doesnt_exist
✓ 208_test_optional_extend_succeeds_when_extension_fails
✓ 209_test_pseudo_element_superselector
✓ 210_test_pseudo_element_superselector
✓ 211_test_pseudo_element_superselector
✓ 212_test_pseudo_element_superselector
✓ 213_test_pseudo_element_superselector
✓ 214_test_pseudo_element_superselector
✓ 215_test_multiple_source_redundancy_elimination
✓ 216_test_nested_sibling_extend
✓ 217_test_parent_and_sibling_extend
✓ 218_test_nested_extend_specificity
✓ 219_test_nested_double_extend_optimization
✓ 220_test_extend_in_double_nested_media_query
✓ 221_test_partially_failed_extend
✓ 222_test_newline_near_combinator
✓ 223_test_duplicated_selector_with_newlines
✓ 224_test_nested_selector_with_child_selector_hack_extendee
✓ 225_test_nested_selector_with_child_selector_hack_extender
✓ 226_test_nested_selector_with_child_selector_hack_extender_and_extendee
✓ 227_test_nested_selector_with_child_selector_hack_extender_and_sibling_selector_extendee
✓ 228_test_nested_selector_with_child_selector_hack_extender_and_extendee_and_newline
✓ 229_test_extended_parent_and_child_redundancy_elimination
✓ 230_test_extend_redundancy_elimination_when_it_would_reduce_specificity
✓ 231_test_extend_redundancy_elimination_when_it_would_preserve_specificity
✓ 232_test_extend_redundancy_elimination_never_eliminates_base_selector
✓ 233_test_extend_cross_branch_redundancy_elimination
✓ 234_test_extend_cross_branch_redundancy_elimination
✓ 235_extend_with_universal_selector
✓ does_not_move_page_block_in_media
✓ issue_146
✓ arg-eval
✓ at-stuff
✓ bool
✓ bourbon
✓ calc
✓ charset
✓ color-names
✓ conversions
✓ css-import
✓ css_nth_selectors
✓ css_unicode
✓ div
✓ env
✓ eq
✓ filter-functions
✓ http_import
✓ image-url
✓ import
✓ inh
✓ inheritance
✓ interpolated-function-call
✓ interpolated-urls
✓ keyframes
✓ length
✓ list-evaluation
✓ lists
✓ media
✓ media-hoisting
✓ mixin
✓ mixins-and-media-queries
✓ multi-blocks
✓ placeholder-mediaquery
✓ placeholder-nested
✓ rel
✓ scale
✓ selector_interpolation_in_string
✓ selectors
✓ test
✓ unary-ops
✓ unitless
✓ units
✓ unquote
✓ url
✓ var-args
✓ variables_in_media
✓ 47_str_slice
✓ issue_1007
✓ issue_1016
✓ issue_1025
✓ issue_1029
✓ issue_1030
✓ issue_1036
✓ issue_1043
✓ issue_1060
✓ issue_1061
✓ issue_1063
✓ issue_1074
✓ issue_1075
✓ issue_1080
✓ issue_1081
✓ issue_1082
✓ issue_1087
✓ issue_1091
✓ issue_1092
✓ issue_1098
✓ issue_1102
✓ issue_1103
✓ issue_1106
✓ issue_1107
✓ issue_1115
✓ issue_1121
✓ issue_1124
✓ issue_1127
✓ issue_113
✓ issue_1130
✓ issue_1132
✓ issue_1153
✓ issue_1162
✓ issue_1163
✓ issue_1167
✓ issue_1168
✓ issue_1169
✓ issue_1171
✓ issue_1178
✓ issue_1188
✓ issue_1192
✓ issue_1206
✓ issue_1207
✓ issue_1208
✓ issue_1214
✓ issue_1215
✓ issue_1218
✓ issue_1224
✓ issue_1230
✓ issue_1231
✓ issue_1240
✓ issue_1248
✓ issue_1251
✓ issue_1253
✓ issue_1255
✓ issue_1257
✓ issue_1258
✓ issue_1259
✓ issue_1260
✓ issue_1263
✓ issue_1269
✓ issue_1271
✓ issue_1273
✓ issue_1277
✓ issue_1279
✓ issue_1281
✓ issue_1283
✓ issue_1285
✓ issue_1291
✓ issue_1297
✓ issue_1298
✓ issue_1301
✓ issue_1303
✓ issue_1304
✓ issue_1305
✓ issue_1323
✓ issue_1331
✓ issue_1332
✓ issue_1336
✓ issue_1355
✓ issue_137
✓ issue_1370
✓ issue_1376
✓ issue_1393
✓ issue_1394
✓ issue_1396
✓ issue_1398
✓ issue_1399
✓ issue_1404
✓ issue_1405
✓ issue_1413
✓ issue_1422
✓ issue_1425
✓ issue_143
✓ issue_1434
✓ issue_1437
✓ issue_1438
✓ issue_1440
✓ issue_1448
✓ issue_1459
✓ issue_1482
✓ issue_1484
✓ issue_1486
✓ issue_1487
✓ issue_1488
✓ issue_151
✓ issue_152
✓ issue_1535
✓ issue_1557
✓ issue_1566
✓ issue_1567
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✓ issue_1715
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✓ issue_712
✓ issue_733
✓ issue_736
✓ issue_738
✓ issue_740
✓ issue_748
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✓ issue_763
✓ issue_783
✓ issue_784
✓ issue_803
✓ issue_813
✓ issue_815
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✓ issue_823
✓ issue_828
✓ issue_829
✓ issue_857
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✓ issue_864
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✓ issue_877
✓ issue_883
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✓ issue_894
✓ issue_930
✓ issue_931
✓ issue_941
✓ issue_942
✓ issue_943
✓ issue_945
✓ issue_947
✓ issue_948
✓ issue_950
✓ issue_976
✓ issue_978
✓ issue_980
✓ issue_988
✓ issue_992
✓ issue_1259
✓ issue_1295
✓ issue_1298
✓ issue_1305
✓ issue_1328
✓ issue_1332
✓ issue_1333
✓ map-get
✓ map-has-key
✓ map-keys
✓ map-merge
✓ map-remove
✓ map-values
✓ JMA-pseudo-test
✓ directive_interpolation
✓ empty_content
✓ error-directive
✓ import_with_interpolation
✓ lang-bug
✓ media_interpolation
✓ mixin_content
✓ namespace_properties_with_script_value
✓ negative_numbers
✓ selector_interpolation_before_element_name
✓ selector_only_interpolation
✓ trailing_comma_in_selector
✓ unicode_variables
✓ warn-directive
✓ abs
✓ ceil
✓ floor
✓ max
✓ min
✓ percentage
✓ random
✓ round
✓ imported
✓ clash
✓ each
✓ for
✓ function
✓ if
✓ mixin
✓ nested
✓ root
✓ ruleset
✓ while
✓ almost_ambiguous_nested_rules_and_declarations
✓ alpha
✓ append
✓ arglist
✓ backrefs-in-selector-groups
✓ backslash
✓ basic_function
✓ basic_mixins
✓ basic_prop_name_interpolation
✓ basic_selector_interpolation
✓ blimp
✓ block_comment_in_script
✓ cfunc
✓ classes-and-ids
✓ color_output
✓ comment_after_if_directive
✓ comparable
✓ composed-args
✓ concat
✓ cons-up
✓ css_basic_scss
✓ css_block_directive_with_semicolon
✓ css_cdo_and_cdc_ignored_at_toplevel
✓ css_crazy_comments
✓ css_empty_declarations
✓ css_empty_rule
✓ css_import_directive
✓ css_invisible_comments
✓ css_property_comments
✓ css_rule_comments
✓ css_selector_comments
✓ css_selector_hacks
✓ css_spaceless_combo_selectors
✓ css_unary_ops
✓ default-args
✓ default-parameters
✓ default-vars-in-default-params
✓ directives-in-propsets
✓ each
✓ each_directive
✓ each_in_functions
✓ for
✓ for_directive
✓ for_in_functions
✓ function-names
✓ function_args
✓ functions
✓ functions-and-mixins
✓ guard_assign
✓ hey1
✓ hey2
✓ huge (477ms)
✓ hyphen-interpolated
✓ ie-backslash
✓ ie-functions
✓ ie-hex-str
✓ if
✓ if-in-mixin
✓ if-in-propset
✓ if_directive
✓ imp
✓ important
✓ important-in-arglist
✓ index
✓ interpolated-selectors
✓ interpolated-strings
✓ interpolation
✓ interpolation_with_bracket_on_next_line
✓ keyword_args_in_functions
✓ lang
✓ line_comment_in_script
✓ long-selector
✓ media-with-interpolation
✓ media2
✓ mix
✓ mixin-content
✓ mixin-content-selectors
✓ mixin-content-with-no-block
✓ mixin_with_keyword_args
✓ mixins_with_args
✓ mixins_with_empty_args
✓ multiline-var
✓ multiline_var
✓ namespace_properties
✓ namespace_properties_with_value
✓ negation
✓ nested-extend
✓ nested_namespace_properties
✓ nested_rules
✓ nested_rules_with_declarations
✓ nested_rules_with_fancy_selectors
✓ newlines_in_selectors
✓ no_namespace_properties_without_space
✓ null
✓ numbers
✓ one_line_comments
✓ parent_selectors
✓ passing_all_as_keyword_args_in_opposite_order
✓ passing_required_args_as_a_keyword_arg
✓ percentages
✓ placeholder
✓ placeholder-with-media
✓ precision
✓ prop_name_interpolation_after_hyphen
✓ prop_name_only_interpolation
✓ property_interpolation_at_dashes
✓ quotes-in-interpolated-strings
✓ retina-image
✓ sass_script
✓ selector_interpolation_at_attr_beginning
✓ selector_interpolation_at_class_begininng
✓ selector_interpolation_at_id_begininng
✓ selector_interpolation_at_pseudo_begininng
✓ selector_interpolation_in_pseudoclass
✓ several_namespace_properties
✓ simple-inheritance
✓ simple-lists
✓ star_plus_and_parent
✓ strings
✓ url_import
✓ variables
✓ vars
✓ weird-selectors
✓ weird_added_space
✓ while
✓ while_directive
✓ while_in_functions
✓ 001_test_one_line_comments
✓ 002_test_one_line_comments
✓ 003_test_variables
✓ 004_test_variables
✓ 005_test_unicode_variables
✓ 006_test_guard_assign
✓ 007_test_guard_assign
✓ 008_test_sass_script
✓ 009_test_for_directive
✓ 010_test_for_directive
✓ 011_test_if_directive
✓ 012_test_if_directive
✓ 013_test_if_directive
✓ 014_test_comment_after_if_directive
✓ 015_test_comment_after_if_directive
✓ 017_test_each_directive
✓ 019_test_css_import_directive
✓ 020_test_css_import_directive
✓ 021_test_css_import_directive
✓ 022_test_css_import_directive
✓ 023_test_css_import_directive
✓ 024_test_media_import
✓ 025_test_dynamic_media_import
✓ 027_test_protocol_relative_import
✓ 028_test_import_with_interpolation
✓ 029_test_url_import
✓ 030_test_block_comment_in_script
✓ 031_test_line_comment_in_script
✓ 032_test_nested_rules
✓ 033_test_nested_rules
✓ 034_test_nested_rules
✓ 035_test_nested_rules_with_declarations
✓ 036_test_nested_rules_with_declarations
✓ 037_test_nested_rules_with_declarations
✓ 038_test_nested_rules_with_fancy_selectors
✓ 039_test_almost_ambiguous_nested_rules_and_declarations
✓ 040_test_newlines_in_selectors
✓ 041_test_newlines_in_selectors
✓ 042_test_newlines_in_selectors
✓ 043_test_newlines_in_selectors
✓ 044_test_trailing_comma_in_selector
✓ 045_test_parent_selectors
✓ 047_test_unknown_directive_bubbling
✓ 048_test_namespace_properties
✓ 049_test_several_namespace_properties
✓ 050_test_nested_namespace_properties
✓ 051_test_namespace_properties_with_value
✓ 052_test_namespace_properties_with_script_value
✓ 053_test_no_namespace_properties_without_space
✓ 054_test_basic_mixins
✓ 055_test_basic_mixins
✓ 056_test_basic_mixins
✓ 057_test_mixins_with_empty_args
✓ 058_test_mixins_with_empty_args
✓ 059_test_mixins_with_empty_args
✓ 060_test_mixins_with_args
✓ 061_test_mixins_with_args
✓ 062_test_basic_function
✓ 063_test_function_args
✓ 064_test_mixin_var_args
✓ 065_test_mixin_empty_var_args
✓ 066_test_mixin_var_args_act_like_list
✓ 067_test_mixin_splat_args
✓ 068_test_mixin_splat_expression
✓ 069_test_mixin_splat_args_with_var_args
✓ 070_test_mixin_splat_args_with_var_args_and_normal_args
✓ 071_test_mixin_splat_args_with_var_args_preserves_separator
✓ 072_test_mixin_var_and_splat_args_pass_through_keywords
✓ 078_test_mixin_list_of_pairs_splat_treated_as_list
✓ 083_test_function_var_args
✓ 084_test_function_empty_var_args
✓ 085_test_function_var_args_act_like_list
✓ 086_test_function_splat_args
✓ 087_test_function_splat_expression
✓ 088_test_function_splat_args_with_var_args
✓ 089_test_function_splat_args_with_var_args_and_normal_args
✓ 090_test_function_splat_args_with_var_args_preserves_separator
✓ 091_test_function_var_and_splat_args_pass_through_keywords
✓ 098_test_function_list_of_pairs_splat_treated_as_list
✓ 103_test_function_var_args_passed_to_native
✓ 104_test_basic_selector_interpolation
✓ 105_test_basic_selector_interpolation
✓ 106_test_basic_selector_interpolation
✓ 107_test_selector_only_interpolation
✓ 108_test_selector_interpolation_before_element_name
✓ 109_test_selector_interpolation_in_string
✓ 110_test_selector_interpolation_in_pseudoclass
✓ 111_test_selector_interpolation_at_class_begininng
✓ 112_test_selector_interpolation_at_id_begininng
✓ 113_test_selector_interpolation_at_pseudo_begininng
✓ 114_test_selector_interpolation_at_attr_beginning
✓ 115_test_selector_interpolation_at_attr_end
✓ 116_test_selector_interpolation_at_dashes
✓ 117_test_selector_interpolation_in_reference_combinator
✓ 119_test_basic_prop_name_interpolation
✓ 120_test_basic_prop_name_interpolation
✓ 121_test_prop_name_only_interpolation
✓ 122_test_directive_interpolation
✓ 123_test_media_interpolation
✓ 124_test_script_in_media
✓ 125_test_script_in_media
✓ 126_test_media_interpolation_with_reparse
✓ 129_test_supports_bubbling
✓ 130_test_random_directive_interpolation
✓ 131_test_nested_mixin_def
✓ 132_test_nested_mixin_shadow
✓ 133_test_nested_function_def
✓ 134_test_nested_function_shadow
✓ 171_test_loud_comment_in_compressed_mode
✓ 172_test_parsing_decimals_followed_by_comments_doesnt_take_forever
✓ 173_test_parsing_many_numbers_doesnt_take_forever
✓ 174_test_import_comments_in_imports
✓ 175_test_reference_combinator_with_parent_ref
✓ 176_test_newline_selector_rendered_multiple_times
✓ 177_test_prop_name_interpolation_after_hyphen
✓ 178_test_star_plus_and_parent
✓ 179_test_weird_added_space
✓ 180_test_interpolation_with_bracket_on_next_line
✓ 181_test_interpolation
✓ 182_test_mixin_with_keyword_args
✓ 183_test_passing_required_args_as_a_keyword_arg
✓ 184_test_passing_all_as_keyword_args_in_opposite_order
✓ 185_test_keyword_args_in_functions
✓ 186_test_newlines_removed_from_selectors_when_compressed
✓ 187_test_multiline_var
✓ 188_test_mixin_content
✓ 189_test_empty_content
✓ 190_test_options_passed_to_script
✓ 191_test_color_translation_functions
✓ 191_test_extend_in_media_in_rule
✓ append
✓ extend
✓ nest
✓ parse
✓ replace
1093 passing (12s)
7 pending
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