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Created February 16, 2012 22:13
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Save bradclawsie/1848262 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
atomic counter with potential for reduced persistence
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.STM
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
oneSecond = 1000000
writerThread :: TChan Int -> IO ()
writerThread chan = do
atomically $ writeTChan chan 1
threadDelay oneSecond
atomically $ writeTChan chan 2
threadDelay oneSecond
atomically $ writeTChan chan 3
threadDelay oneSecond
readerThread :: TChan Int -> IO ()
readerThread chan = do
newInt <- atomically $ readTChan chan
mt <- atomically $ isEmptyTChan chan
putStrLn $ "read new value: " ++ show newInt
when mt (putStrLn "(now empty)")
readerThread chan
-- this demonstrates how to read an use an atomic counter and then write
-- to the db. the "when mt" part above is when i would write to the db, you
-- can ignore the previous vals since you would just write over them anyway
main = do
chan <- atomically $ newTChan
forkIO $ readerThread chan
-- forkIO $ writerThread chan
c <- atomically $ newTVar (1 :: Int)
v1 <- atomically $ do
t <- readTVar c
writeTVar c (t+1)
writeTChan chan t
return t
putStrLn $ "new val: " ++ show v1
v2 <- atomically $ do
t <- readTVar c
writeTVar c (t+1)
writeTChan chan t
writeTChan chan 8
return t
putStrLn $ "new val: " ++ show v2
threadDelay $ 4 * oneSecond
v3 <- atomically $ do
t <- readTVar c
writeTVar c (t+1)
writeTChan chan t
writeTChan chan 8
return t
putStrLn $ "new val: " ++ show v3
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