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Created December 19, 2017 23:19
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(ns sumofcubes.core)
(def TWO (BigDecimal. 2))
(def SQRT_DIG (BigDecimal. 150))
(def SQRT_PRE (.pow BigDecimal/TEN (.intValue SQRT_DIG)))
(def PRECISION (.divide BigDecimal/ONE SQRT_PRE))
(def eight (BigDecimal. 8))
(def neg-one (BigDecimal. -1))
(def one BigDecimal/ONE)
(def half (BigDecimal. 0.5))
(defn big-sqrt [c]
(if (neg? c) Double/NaN
(loop [xn BigDecimal/ONE]
(let [fx (-> xn
(.pow TWO)
(.add (.negate c)))
fpx (.multiply xn TWO)]
(let [xn1 (-> fx
(.divide fpx
(.multiply TWO)
(.add (.negate xn)))
current-precision (.abs (.subtract (.pow xn1 2) c))]
(if (neg? (.compareTo current-precision PRECISION)) xn1 (recur xn1)))))))
(defn sum-of-cubes [n]
(-> n
(.multiply n)
(.multiply (.add n BigInteger/ONE))
(.multiply (.add n BigInteger/ONE))
(.divide (BigInteger. "4"))))
(defn calc-a [m]
(let [step1 (-> m
(.multiply eight)
(.multiply neg-one)
(.add one))]
(if (neg? step1) Double/NaN
(-> step1
(.multiply neg-one)
(.subtract one)
(.multiply half)))))
(defn calc-b [m]
(let [step1 (-> m
(.multiply eight)
(.multiply neg-one)
(.add one))]
(if (neg? step1)
(-> step1
(.subtract one)
(.multiply half)))))
(defn calc-c [m]
(let [step1 (-> m
(.multiply eight)
(.add one))]
(if (neg? step1)
(-> step1
(.multiply neg-one)
(.subtract one)
(.multiply half)))))
(defn calc-d [m]
(let [step1 (-> m
(.multiply eight)
(.add one))]
(if (neg? step1)
(-> step1
(.subtract one)
(.multiply half)))))
(defn find-nb [m]
(let [big-m (if (= (type m) BigDecimal) m (BigDecimal. (str m)))
a (calc-a big-m)
b (calc-b big-m)
c (calc-c big-m)
d (calc-d big-m)
candidate (apply max (remove #(= Double (type %)) [a b c d]))]
(if (.equals (sum-of-cubes (.toBigInteger candidate)) (.toBigInteger big-m)) (bigint candidate) -1)))
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