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Created May 8, 2018 08:17
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99 bottles of beer in dc (unix)
dc(1), or desktop calculator, is a unix program. It is one of the oldest, predating even the C programming language.
dc is slightly easier than brainfuck
This version of 99 bottles is pretty rudimentary and lacks proper punctuation
100sg # register g: (int) 100
[ bottle(s) of beer]sh # register h: (str) " bottle(s) of beer"
[ on the wall ]si # register i: (str) " on the wall "
[ take one down pass it around ]sj # register j: (str) " take one down pass it around "
[ lgn # load g and print without newline -> "99"
lhn # h -> " bottle(s) of beer"
lin # i -> " on the wall "
lgn # g -> "99"
lhn # h -> " bottle(s) of beer"
ljn # j -> " take one down..."
lg1-n # g - 1 -> "98"
lhn # h -> " bottle(s) of beer"
lip # i -> " on the wall "
]sf # register f: (str) macro
[ lg1-sg # load g, sub 1, save g
lfx # load f, execute
lg0<a # load g, push 0 to stack, if 0 < g, execute macro a
]dsax # register a: (str) macro; d = dupe, since s pops the top of stack. 'd sa x' is equivalent to 'sa la x'
[(good luck drinking -1 bottles of beer tho)]p # print the string between []
100sg[ bottle(s) of beer]sh[ on the wall ]si[ take one down pass it around ]sj[lgnlhnlinlgnlhnljnlg1-nlhnlip]sf[lg1-sglfxlg0<a]dsax[(good luck drinking -1 bottles of beer tho)]p
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