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Created February 3, 2012 00:40
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Create synthetic data cube for testing astrodendro
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import pyfits
import math
import random
random.seed(5678) # consistent random seed
ri = random.randint
def export_data(data, desc, filename):
hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data)
header = hdu.header
header.update('OBJECT', "Synthetic Data")
header.update('LINENAME', desc)
print("Exporting {desc} to {f}".format(desc=desc, f=filename))
# Set up desired data cube here
base_shape = (100,100,500) # Size of the data cube
#spheres - list of tuples of (x,y,z,radius,peak,min)
spheres = [
( 50, 50, 50, 48,3,3), # Sphere 0
#random fuzzy spheres get added inside this big sphere
# Add some strong random spheres inside main sphere:
for _ in range(0,20):
x,y,z = 50,50,50
radius = ri(1,40)
spheres.append(( (x+ri(-radius,radius)), (y+ri(-radius,radius)), (z+ri(-radius,radius)), radius, 1.5,0))
# Add some weak random spheres inside sphere 7 at 75,75,75:
for _ in range(0,20):
x,y,z = 75,75,75
radius = ri(1,20)
spheres.append(( (x+ri(-radius,radius)), (y+ri(-radius,radius)), (z+ri(-radius,radius)), radius, 1,0))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Creating base data cube")
base = np.ndarray(shape=base_shape,dtype=float, order='F')
prog = -1 # for progress marker
# Iterate over the array:
it = np.nditer(base, flags=['multi_index'], op_flags=['writeonly'])
while not it.finished:
prog_now = it.iterindex*100//it.itersize
if prog_now > prog:
prog = prog_now
if prog %10 == 0:
print "{0}%".format(prog)
coords = it.multi_index
val = 0 # Initial state of this pixel:
# Go through all the spheres that this pixel might touch:
for (x,y,z,radius,peak,edgeval) in spheres:
if abs(coords[0]-x) > radius or abs(coords[2]-z) > radius:
continue # Simple faster check on X and Z to speed up computation
dist = math.sqrt( (coords[0]-x)**2.0 + (coords[1]-y)**2.0 + (coords[2]-z)**2.0 )
if dist < radius:
val += peak - (peak-edgeval)*(dist/radius)
it[0] = val
export_data(base, "base", "base.fits")
print("All done.")
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