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Last active December 7, 2023 15:44
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Recursively find and install dependencies in subdirectories
const path = require('path');
const { promises: fs } = require('fs');
const cp = require('child_process');
Recursively iterates and finds subdirectories which have a `package.json` file and does a dependency installation based
on the given configuration.
- can be setup to use yarn or npm
- can be setup to determine the command to use based on lock files so that if you set it to use yarn but a directory only
has a package-lock.json it will use npm for that directory (defaults to true).
- configure logging
- runs installations in parallel using cp.spawn
- can do dry runs to let you see what it would do first
- can be run as a function or auto run using env vars
- when run as a function, optionally provide array of directories to check
- returns a promise that resolves when completed
- allows setting max depth to look if needed
- knows to stop recursing if it finds a folder with yarn workspaces (configurable)
- allows skipping directories using a comma separated env var or by passing the config an array of strings to match
against or a function which receives the file name, file path, and the fs.Dirent obj and expects a boolean result.
// if you want to have it automatically run based upon
// process.cwd()
const AUTO_RUN = Boolean(process.env.RI_AUTO_RUN);
* Creates a config object from environment variables which can then be
* overriden if executing via its exported function (config as second arg)
const getConfig = (config = {}) => ({
// we want to use yarn by default but RI_USE_YARN=false will
// use npm instead
useYarn: process.env.RI_USE_YARN !== 'false',
// should we handle yarn workspaces? if this is true (default)
// then we will stop recursing if a package.json has the "workspaces"
// property and we will allow `yarn` to do its thing.
yarnWorkspaces: process.env.RI_YARN_WORKSPACES !== 'false',
// if truthy, will run extra checks to see if there is a package-lock.json
// or yarn.lock file in a given directory and use that installer if so.
detectLockFiles: process.env.RI_DETECT_LOCK_FILES !== 'false',
// what kind of logging should be done on the spawned processes?
// if this exists and it is not errors it will log everything
// otherwise it will only log stderr and spawn errors
log: process.env.RI_LOG || 'errors',
// max depth to recurse?
maxDepth: process.env.RI_MAX_DEPTH || Infinity,
// do not install at the root directory?
ignoreRoot: Boolean(process.env.RI_IGNORE_ROOT),
// an array (or comma separated string for env var) of directories
// to skip while recursing. if array, can pass functions which
// return a boolean after receiving the dir path and fs.Dirent args
// @see
skipDirectories: process.env.RI_SKIP_DIRS
? process.env.RI_SKIP_DIRS.split(',').map(str => str.trim())
: undefined,
// just run through and log the actions that would be taken?
dry: Boolean(process.env.RI_DRY_RUN),
function handleSpawnedProcess(dir, log, proc) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
proc.on('error', error => {
[RI] | [ERROR] | Failed to Spawn Process
- Path: ${dir}
- Reason: ${error.message}
if (log) {
proc.stderr.on('data', data => {
console.error(`[RI] | [${dir}] | ${data}`);
if (log && log !== 'errors') {
proc.stdout.on('data', data => {
console.log(`[RI] | [${dir}] | ${data}`);
proc.on('close', code => {
if (log && log !== 'errors') {
[RI] | [COMPLETE] | Spawned Process Closed
- Path: ${dir}
- Code: ${code}
if (code === 0) {
} else {
reject(new Error(`[RI] | [ERROR] | [${dir}] | Failed to install with exit code ${code}`));
async function recurseDirectory(rootDir, config) {
const {
} = config;
const installPromises = [];
function install(cmd, folder, relativeDir) {
const proc = cp.spawn(cmd, ['install'], {
cwd: folder,
env: process.env
installPromises.push(handleSpawnedProcess(relativeDir, log, proc));
function shouldSkipFile(filePath, file) {
if (!file.isDirectory() || === 'node_modules') {
return true;
if (!skipDirectories) {
return false;
return skipDirectories.some(check =>
typeof check === 'function' ? check(filePath, file) : check ===
async function getInstallCommand(folder) {
let cmd = useYarn ? 'yarn' : 'npm';
if (detectLockFiles) {
const [hasYarnLock, hasPackageLock] = await Promise.all([
.readFile(path.join(folder, 'yarn.lock'))
.then(() => true)
.catch(() => false),
.readFile(path.join(folder, 'package-lock.json'))
.then(() => true)
.catch(() => false)
if (cmd === 'yarn' && !hasYarnLock && hasPackageLock) {
cmd = 'npm';
} else if (cmd === 'npm' && !hasPackageLock && hasYarnLock) {
cmd = 'yarn';
return cmd;
async function installRecursively(folder, depth = 0) {
if (dry || (log && log !== 'errors')) {
console.log('[RI] | Check Directory --> ', folder);
let pkg;
if (folder !== rootDir || !ignoreRoot) {
try {
// Check if package.json exists, if it doesnt this will error and move on
pkg = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.join(folder, 'package.json')));
// get the command that we should use. if lock checking is enabled it will
// also determine what installer to use based on the available lock files
const cmd = await getInstallCommand(folder);
const relativeDir = `${path.basename(rootDir)} -> ./${path.relative(
if (dry || (log && log !== 'errors')) {
`[RI] | Performing (${cmd} install) at path "${relativeDir}"`
if (!dry) {
install(cmd, folder, relativeDir);
} catch {
// do nothing when error caught as it simply indicates package.json likely doesnt
// exist.
if (
depth >= maxDepth ||
(pkg && useYarn && yarnWorkspaces && pkg.workspaces)
) {
// if we have reached maxDepth or if our package.json in the current directory
// contains yarn workspaces then we use yarn for installing then this is the last
// directory we will attempt to install.
const files = await fs.readdir(folder, { withFileTypes: true });
return Promise.all( => {
const filePath = path.join(folder,;
return shouldSkipFile(filePath, file)
? undefined
: installRecursively(filePath, depth + 1);
await installRecursively(rootDir);
await Promise.all(installPromises);
async function startRecursiveInstall(directories, _config) {
const config = getConfig(_config);
const promise = Array.isArray(directories)
? Promise.all( => recurseDirectory(rootDir, config)))
: recurseDirectory(directories, config);
await promise;
if (AUTO_RUN) {
module.exports = startRecursiveInstall;
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