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Created June 13, 2018 13:58
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// Any quick tests that we want to run `yarn try`
import { performance } from 'perf_hooks';
import createState from './src/index';
const state = createState({
config: { mid: 'my-module' },
// Hooks allow simple hooking into the lifecycle of the state
hooks: {
// Before action is dispatched, may return an action with new properties
before: [action =>'DISPATCHING: ', action)],
// Whenever the state changes, gets previous and next as well as an object
// with only the changed values.
change: [(action, prevState, changedValues) => console.log('State Changed: ', changedValues)],
// After the dispatch has occurred.
after: [() => console.groupEnd()],
// Any error that occurs within the realm of the dispatch
error: [e => console.error('Error: ', e)],
// Create a State Component to add to our module
config: { cid: 'my-first-component' },
// initial state to merge into module (no collisions allowed)
state: {
data: {
value: 1,
// selectors are used to capture common data structures and values
// of our state to be used
selectors: {
value: {
value: 'data.value',
num: 'data.value',
another: 'data.value',
// actions to dispatch when called.
actions: {
// state.actions.sweet(1, 2) --> state.dispatch({ type: 'SWEET', paramOne: 1, paramTwo: 2 })
sweet: ['paramOne', 'paramTwo'],
reducers: {
SWEET: (action, draftState) => {
// data is immutable - we are actually mutating a proxy (@see immer) = + action.paramOne + action.paramTwo;
const connected = state.connect(
selectors => ({
value: selectors.value,
another: selectors.value,
actions => ({
sweet: actions.sweet,
updates => {
console.log('Updates! ', updates);
let start;
// State Components can be split up - they will be merged and validated with errors thrown if there are
// any conflicts.
config: { cid: 'my-first-component-async', loadsOnAction: 'SWEET' },
scope: () => import('./testimport'),
actions: {
// --> { type: 'SWEET_ASYNC', paramOne: arguments[0], paramTwo: arguments[1] }
sweetAsync: ['paramOne', 'paramTwo'],
routes: {
sweetAsync: 'handleSweetAsync',
effects: {
async handleSweetAsync(action) {
// not technically asynchronous in this case
await this.actions.sweet(action.paramOne, action.paramTwo, { test: 'this' });
// before all the values can be expected to be included within our state, we call
// resolve() to await the resolution
.then(() => {
start =;
return state.actions.sweet(1, 2);
// actions always return promise but will resolve synchronously
// if there are no sagas involved with the dispatch
.then(changedValues =>
// state is { data: { value: 12 } }
// in this case changedValues is the same as the state
console.log('Selected Value: ','value'), '\nChanged Values: ', changedValues))
.then(() => state.actions.sweetAsync(4, 5))
.then(changedValues => {
// state is { data: { value: 45 } }
// in this case changedValues is the same as the state
console.log('Selected Value: ','value.value'), '\nChanged Values: ', changedValues);
console.log( - start);
.catch(e => {
console.error('Fail: ', e);
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