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Last active April 18, 2020 16:09
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package dora
import (
// prepareQuery validates the query root, sets the query on the client struct, and parses the query.
func (c *Client) prepareQuery(query string, rootNodeType ast.RootNodeType) error {
if err := validateQueryRoot(query, c.program.Type); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.parseQuery(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Client) setQuery(query []rune) {
c.query = query
// parseQuery is pretty straight forward. Scan the query into tokens, set the the tokns
// to the `parsedQuery` field on the client.
func (c *Client) parseQuery() error {
tokens, err := scanQueryTokens(c.query)
if err != nil {
return err
c.parsedQuery = tokens
return nil
// Object is a simple constant used throughout executeQuery for checking conditions
const Object = "object"
// Array is a simple constant used throughout executeQuery for checking conditions
const Array = "array"
// executeQuery is called after the JSON and the query are parsed into their respective
// tokens. We then iterate over the query tokens, and traverse our tree attempting to
// find the result the user is looking for.
func (c *Client) executeQuery() error {
rootVal := *c.program.RootValue
obj, _ := rootVal.(ast.Object)
arr, ok := rootVal.(ast.Array)
currentType := Object
if ok {
currentType = Array
parsedQueryLen := len(c.parsedQuery)
for i := 0; i < parsedQueryLen; i++ {
// If i == parsedQueryLen-1, we are on the final iteration
if i == parsedQueryLen-1 {
c.setFinalValue(currentType, i, obj, arr)
// If the query token we're on is asking for an object
if c.parsedQuery[i].accessType == ObjectAccess {
if currentType != Object {
return fmt.Errorf("TODO: error")
var found bool
for _, v := range obj.Children {
if v.Key.Value == c.parsedQuery[i].keyReq {
found = true
o, astObj := v.Value.(ast.Object)
a, astArr := v.Value.(ast.Array)
if astObj {
obj = o
currentType = Object
if astArr {
arr = a
currentType = Array
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("Sorry, could not find a key with that value. Key: %s", c.parsedQuery[i].keyReq)
} else { // If the query token we're on is asking for an array
if currentType != Array {
return fmt.Errorf("TODO: error")
qt := c.parsedQuery[i]
val := arr.Children[qt.indexReq]
switch v := val.(type) {
case ast.Object:
obj = v
currentType = Object
case ast.Array:
arr = v
currentType = Array
case ast.Literal:
// If we're on the final value, return it
if i == parsedQueryLen-1 {
} else {
fmt.Println("TODO: error?")
return nil
// setFinalValue is called when we are on the final queryToken. It handles narrowing down what
// needs to be returned and sets the result to the Client
func (c *Client) setFinalValue(currentType string, index int, obj ast.Object, arr ast.Array) {
if currentType == Object {
r := c.parsedQuery[index].keyReq
for _, v := range obj.Children {
if r == v.Key.Value {
ind := c.parsedQuery[index].indexReq
// setResultFromValue switches on an ast.Value type and assigns the appropriate result to the client
func (c *Client) setResultFromValue(value ast.Value) {
switch val := value.(type) {
case ast.Literal:
case ast.Object:
c.result = string(c.input[val.Start:val.End])
case ast.Array:
c.result = string(c.input[val.Start:val.End])
// setResultFromLiteral is very similar to setResultFromValue, except it we know the value we're switching over
// must be a Literal, meaning the assigned result will either be a string, number, boolean, or null
func (c *Client) setResultFromLiteral(value ast.Value) {
switch lit := value.(type) {
case string:
c.result = lit
case int:
c.result = strconv.Itoa(lit)
case bool:
c.result = fmt.Sprintf("%v", lit)
case nil:
c.result = "null"
// validateQueryRoot handles some very simple validation around the root of the query
func validateQueryRoot(query string, rootNodeType ast.RootNodeType) error {
if query[0] != '$' {
return ErrNoDollarSignRoot
// The query root after the `$` must be a `.` if the rootNodeType is an object
validObjQueryRoot := query[1] == '.'
if rootNodeType == ast.ObjectRoot && !validObjQueryRoot {
return ErrWrongObjectRootSelector
// The query root after the `$` must be a `[` if the rootNodeType is an array
validArrayQueryRoot := query[1] == '['
if rootNodeType == ast.ArrayRoot && !validArrayQueryRoot {
return ErrWrongArrayRootSelector
return nil
// ErrNoDollarSignRoot is used for telling the user the very first character must be a `$`
var ErrNoDollarSignRoot = errors.New(
"Incorrect syntax, query must start with `$` representing the root object or array",
// ErrWrongObjectRootSelector is used for telling the user their JSON root is an object and the selector found was not a `.`
var ErrWrongObjectRootSelector = errors.New(
"Incorrect syntax. Your root JSON type is an object. Therefore, path queries must" +
"begin by selecting a `key` from your root object. Ex: `$.keyOnRootObject` or `$[\"keyOnRootObject\"]`",
// ErrWrongArrayRootSelector is used for telling the user their JSON root is an array and the selector found was not a `[`
var ErrWrongArrayRootSelector = errors.New(
"Incorrect syntax. Your root JSON type is an array. Therefore, path queries must" +
"begin by selecting an item by index on the root array. Ex: `$[0]` or `$[1]`",
func errSelectorSytax(operator string) error {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Error parsing query, expected either a `.` for selections on an object or a `[` for selections on an array. Got: %s",
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