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Last active December 19, 2017 18:02
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drush cheatsheet
#run database updates
drush updatedb
## Force a specific update to run
drush eval "module_load_install('tripal_elasticsearch'); tripal_elasticsearch_update_7201();"
drush dre [modulename] #disable, uninstall, re-install, enable module
# Connect from bash
sudo su - postgres
#Now that you're connected list and connect
\c [db name]
#Copy the results of a query and export like so
COPY ( select uniquename from chado.feature WHERE type_id = 422) TO '/var/www/html/sites/default/files/host/Fexcelsior_list.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv, HEADER true);
pg_dump -U [db username] -d [database] > [backup output]
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