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Last active January 25, 2017 18:59
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Ubuntu 16.04 Setup Verification Steps
# Verification steps after default
[ -z `which vboxmanage` ] && echo "VirtualBox not installed correctly" && exit 1
[ -z `which vagrant` ] && echo "Vagrant not installed correctly" && exit 1
[ -z `which ansible` ] && echo "Ansible not installed correctly" && exit 1
[ -z `which docker` ] && echo "Docker not installed correctly" && exit 1
vboxmanage --version
vagrant --version
ansible --version
docker --version
# Test that vagrant is working
cd /tmp
rm -f VagrantFile
vagrant init minimal/xenial64
vagrant up
vagrant ssh -c 'uname -a'
# Connect via ssh directly
vagrant ssh-config > config.ssh
ssh -F config.ssh default -c 'uname -a'
vagrant halt
# Test that Docker is working
sudo service docker start
sudo docker run hello-world
# Test Docker + MySQL is working
# SEE:
sudo docker create --name mysql57 -v /opt/mysql datacharmer/mysql-minimal-5.7
sudo docker run -ti --volumes-from mysql57 --name my57 datacharmer/my-ubuntu bash
# Test that MySQL Sandbox is working
make_sandbox 5.6.35 -- --no_confirm
cd $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_6_35
./use -e "SELECT VERSION()"
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