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Last active December 29, 2015 00:39
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JSON is too verbose for hypermedia APIs. HON (Hypermedia Object Notation) preserves the readability and implicit data structure of JSON while with the addition of line attributes for URL and pagination metadata. From
name: "Todo List",
items(href: '/lists/1203/items', next_href: "/lists/1203/items?page=2"): [
item(href: '/items/1'): {
description: "Pick up pizza",
status: "completed"
item(href: '/items/12'): {
description: "Eat pizza",
status: "non_started"
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I would limit the key attributes ({key(attributes): value}) to hrefs that help HON client load and navigate datasets from the service.

  list(href: '/lists/1'): {
    name: "Todo List",
    items(href: '/lists/1203/items', next_href: "/lists/1203/items?page=2"): [
      item(href: '/items/1'): {
        blog_href: "",
        avatar_href: "",
        description: "Pick up pizza",
        status: "completed"
      item(href: '/items/12'): {
        blog_href: "",
        avatar_href: "",
        description: "Eat pizza",
        status: "non_started"

I'm trying to avoid nasty metadata structures that are emerging in JSON hypermedia standards that would make this look like:

  href: '/lists/1',
  name: "Todo List",
  items: {
    href: '/lists/1203/items',
    links: {
      next: "/lists/1203/items?page=2"
    collection: [
        href: '/items/1',
        description: "Pick up pizza",
        status: "completed",
        blog_href: "",
        avatar_href: ""
        href: '/items/12',
        description: "Eat pizza",
        status: "non_started",
        blog_href: "",
        avatar_href: ""

When words like "collection" emerge within a data structure like JSON I feel like we're doing it wrong. I've also seen a number of JSON hypermedia standards preface keys with an _ to denote meta data (e.g. _href) which also feels like an anti-pattern.

Interesting, look what happens when my first example is implemented as Haml XML:

!!! xml
%list{href: '/lists/1'}
  %name Todo List
  %items{href: '/lists/1203/items'}
    %link{rel: "next", href: "/lists/1203/items?page=2"}
    %item{href: '/items/1'}
      %link{rel: "blog", href: ""}
      %link{rel: "avatar", href: ""}
      %description Pick up pizza
      %status completed
    %item{href: '/items/12'}
      %link{rel: "blog", href: ""}
      %link{rel: "avatar", href: ""}
      %description Eat pizza
      %status non_started

I notice a few problems:

  1. I need to think more about how a hypermedia client would figure out that the <items/> attribute contains a collection of <item/>'s
  2. The %link elements feel too generic and contrived for this example. They would make more sense if the links were attachments like %link{rel="attachment" href="pizza_receipt.pdf"}.

Interesting how the development community at large might be blowing up JSON into the complex monstrosity that XML was in the early 2000's.

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