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Created August 24, 2012 21:32
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# Integrates with
# Y U NO <text> - Generates the Y U NO GUY with the bottom caption
# of <text>
# I don't always <something> but when i do <text> - Generates The Most Interesting man in the World
# <text> ORLY? - Generates the ORLY? owl with the top caption of <text>
# <text> (SUCCESS|NAILED IT) - Generates success kid with the top caption of <text>
# <text> ALL the <things> - Generates ALL THE THINGS
# <text> TOO DAMN <high> - Generates THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH guy
# Good news everyone! <news> - Generates Professor Farnsworth
# khanify <text> - TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXT!
# Not sure if <text> or <text> - Generates Futurama Fry
# Yo dawg <text> so <text> - Generates Yo Dawg
# ALL YOUR <text> ARE BELONG TO US - Generates Zero Wing with the caption of <text>
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /Y U NO (.+)/i, (msg) ->
caption = msg.match[1] || ""
memeGenerator msg, 2, 166088, "Y U NO", caption, (url) ->
msg.send url
robot.respond /(I DON'?T ALWAYS .*) (BUT WHEN I DO,? .*)/i, (msg) ->
memeGenerator msg, 74, 2485, msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (url) ->
msg.send url
robot.respond /(.*)(O\s?RLY\??.*)/i, (msg) ->
memeGenerator msg, 920, 117049, msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (url) ->
msg.send url
robot.respond /(.*)(SUCCESS|NAILED IT.*)/i, (msg) ->
memeGenerator msg, 121, 1031, msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (url) ->
msg.send url
robot.respond /(.*) (ALL the .*)/i, (msg) ->
memeGenerator msg, 6013, 1121885, msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (url) ->
msg.send url
robot.respond /(.*) (\w+\sTOO DAMN .*)/i, (msg) ->
memeGenerator msg, 998, 203665, msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (url) ->
msg.send url
robot.respond /(GOOD NEWS EVERYONE[,.!]?) (.*)/i, (msg) ->
memeGenerator msg, 1591, 112464, msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (url) ->
msg.send url
robot.respond /khanify (.*)/i, (msg) ->
memeGenerator msg, 6443, 1123022, "", khanify(msg.match[1]), (url) ->
msg.send url
robot.respond /(NOT SURE IF .*) (OR .*)/i, (msg) ->
memeGenerator msg, 305, 84688, msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (url) ->
msg.send url
robot.respond /(YO DAWG .*) (SO .*)/i, (msg) ->
memeGenerator msg, 79, 108785, msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (url) ->
msg.send url
robot.respond /(ALL YOUR .*) (ARE BELONG TO US)/i, (msg) ->
memeGenerator msg, 349058, 2079825, msg.match[1], msg.match[2], (url) ->
msg.send url
memeGenerator = (msg, generatorID, imageID, text0, text1, callback) ->
username = process.env.HUBOT_MEMEGEN_USERNAME
password = process.env.HUBOT_MEMEGEN_PASSWORD
preferredDimensions = process.env.HUBOT_MEMEGEN_DIMENSIONS
unless username? and password?
msg.send "MemeGenerator account isn't setup. Sign up at"
msg.send "Then ensure the HUBOT_MEMEGEN_USERNAME and HUBOT_MEMEGEN_PASSWORD environment variables are set"
username: username,
password: password,
languageCode: 'en',
generatorID: generatorID,
imageID: imageID,
text0: text0,
text1: text1
.get() (err, res, body) ->
result = JSON.parse(body)['result']
if result? and result['instanceUrl']? and result['instanceImageUrl']? and result['instanceID']?
instanceID = result['instanceID']
instanceURL = result['instanceUrl']
img = result['instanceImageUrl']
msg.http(instanceURL).get() (err, res, body) ->
# Need to hit instanceURL so that image gets generated
if preferredDimensions?
callback "{preferredDimensions}/#{instanceID}.jpg"
callback "{instanceID}.jpg"
msg.reply "Sorry, I couldn't generate that image."
khanify = (msg) ->
msg = msg.toUpperCase()
vowels = [ 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U' ]
index = -1
for v in vowels when msg.lastIndexOf(v) > index
index = msg.lastIndexOf(v)
"#{msg.slice 0, index}#{Array(10).join msg.charAt(index)}#{msg.slice index}!!!!!"
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