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Last active December 6, 2023 07:51
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Bash script to increase build number and optionally marketing version of Xcode targets using Apple's `agvtool`
# Script to bump the build number and optionally the marketing version found
# in *.info files.
# Usage: [ARG]
# Without ARG, just increment the build number. When ARG is present, it indicates
# which part of the marketing version to increment:
# 0 | ma[jor] -- increment the first number, and zero out the other two
# 1 | mi[nor] -- increment the second number, and zero out the third
# 2 | p[atch] -- increment the last number
set -eu #x
# Update the build number for all targets
agvtool bump -all > /dev/null 2>&1
# Fetch the new build number and the current 'marketing' version
BUILD="$(agvtool vers -terse)"
MVERS="$(agvtool mvers -terse1)"
echo "-- BUILD: ${BUILD} VERS: ${MVERS}"
# No arguments, all done
[[ -z "${1:-}" ]] && exit 0
# Argument given for marketing version update -- accept either index (0-2) or
# words 'ma[jor]', 'mi[nor]', 'p[atch]'
declare -i INDEX
case "${1}" in
0|ma*) INDEX=0 ;; # bump major version
1|mi*) INDEX=1 ;; # bump minor version
2|p*) INDEX=2 ;; # bump patch version
# Split the current version into three parts
set -o noglob
IFS="." ARR=(${MVERS})
# Zero out parts after the one being bumped
let INDEX+=1
((INDEX < 3))
# Apply new version
echo "-- ${MVERS} --> ${NVERS}"
agvtool new-marketing-version "${NVERS}" > /dev/null 2>&1
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