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Last active October 29, 2019 18:53
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# Server is defined in stage file deploy/staging.rb
# server '', user: 'staginguser', roles: %i(app db web)
# Expect `say_hello` task to output:
# echo 'hello from "staginguser"'
# What `say_hello` task actually outputs:
# echo 'hello from nil'
task :say_hello do
on roles(:app) do
execute "echo 'hello from #{fetch(:user).inspect}'"
# By inspecting the output of `Capistrano::Configuration.env`, we can see
# that the server user is in the servers collection under configuration, but
# this variable is not exposed in the variables available through `fetch`.
namespace :dump do
task :env do
pp Capistrano::Configuration.env
task :servers do
pp Capistrano::Configuration.env.servers
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