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Last active December 20, 2015 19:08
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PHP example of AAF Rapid Connect in Laravel framework
use JWT\Authentication\JWT;
Route::get('/', function()
return View::make('root');
Route::get('/welcome', function()
$jwt = Session::get('jwt');
$jws = Session::get('jws');
$attributes = $jwt->{''};
return View::make('welcome', array('jws' => $jws, 'jwt' => $jwt, 'attributes' => $attributes));
Route::get('/logout', function()
return Redirect::to('');
Route::post('/auth/jwt', function()
$jws = Input::get('assertion');
$jwt = JWT::decode($jws, 'SECRET');
# In a complete app we'd also store and validate the jti value to ensure there is no replay attack
$now = strtotime("now");
if( $jwt->iss == '' &&
$jwt->aud == '' && $now > $jwt->nbf && $now < $jwt->exp) {
Session::put('jws', $jws);
Session::put('jwt', $jwt);
return Redirect::to('');
} else {
App::abort(403,"JWS was invalid");
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