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Last active August 15, 2022 19:11
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playing with python's `collections.Counter`
Use a Counter to find the most common words in "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by
L. Frank Baum.
Available in (mostly) plain text at:
Note: This code also counts the words in the header, so it's not a *realistic*
applicaton, but more of a demonstration of python's Counter.
Running this code should give you something like this:
$ python
The Top 10 words
the: 2808
and: 1630
to: 1143
of: 869
a: 819
I: 597
was: 502
you: 486
in: 476
he: 408
import re
from collections import Counter
from html.parser import HTMLParser
import requests
class PreParser(HTMLParser):
This is an HTML parser that captures the text within
<pre></pre> tags. See more in the html.parser docs:
capture = False
result = None # <--- we'll store some text here.
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == "pre":
self.capture = True
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag == "pre":
self.capture = False
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.capture:
self.result = data
def main(n=10):
# Create a parser to parse the HTML document.
parser = PreParser()
# Now fetch some content & do a little cleanup
url = ""
resp = requests.get(url)
if resp.status_code != 200:
print(f"Failed to fetch document: {resp.status_code}\n{resp.txt}")
# Do some content cleaning...
content = re.sub("\s+", " ", parser.result)
content = re.sub("[^A-Za-z ]+", "", content)
words = content.split()
print(f"Found {len(words):,} words!")
# Start counting
word_count = Counter(words)
# The Top-N words
print("The Top {0} words".format(n))
for word, count in word_count.most_common(n):
print("{0}: {1}".format(word, count))
if __name__ == "__main__":
This python file is exported from a Jupyter Notebook used
during the MEMpy presentation on 2022-08-15.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# # collections.Counter
# It's good stuff!
# Super-powerful utilities that do _very common_ operations.
# In[1]:
from collections import Counter
# ## what is `Counter`?
# - It's like a dictionary (keys & values)
# - Keys -> The things you want to count
# - Values -> The number of times the key appears in a _collection_ of stuff.
# In[2]:
# Before using Counter
c = {}
if "widgets" in c:
c["widgets"] += 1
c["widgets"] = 1
# OR, if you KNOW all of your keys...
c = {
"widgets": 0,
c["widgets"] += 1
# Counter lets you start counting without knowing keys in advance
c = Counter()
c["widgets"] += 1
# # Counter behavior
# - Most of the dict methods are available.
# - `.keys()` & `.values()`
# - `in` operations
# In[3]:
# In[4]:
# In[5]:
# Update will create new keys or adjust
# counts for existing keys
c.update({"foo": 1})
# In[6]:
c.update({"foo": 1}) # calling it a 2nd time ...
# In[7]:
# you can create a Counger based on keyword arguments
scores = Counter(grizzlies=134, warriors=95)
# ## Where things start to get interesting
# You can create a Counter object from _any_ iterable!
# In[8]:
c = Counter(["moe", "larry", "larry", "curly", "curly"])
# In[9]:
# you can also go "backwards" ... get a "list" of elements based on their counts
# ## most common occurances?
# One of the best use-cases for a Counter!
# In[10]:
# Most common letters in a string?
word = "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
# ## What are the 10 most common words in "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"?
# In[11]:
import requests
import re
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from collections import Counter
# blergh, write a little HTML parser:
class Parser(HTMLParser):
capture = False
result = None # <--- we'll store some text here.
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == "pre":
self.capture = True
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag == "pre":
self.capture = False
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.capture:
self.result = data
parser = Parser()
# In[12]:
# Now fetch some content & do a little cleanup
url = ""
resp = requests.get(url)
content = re.sub("\s+", " ", parser.result)
content = re.sub("[^A-Za-z ]+", "", content)
words = content.split()
print(f"{len(words):,} words!")
# In[13]:
# Start counting
word_count = Counter(words)
# ## ok that's neat, but....
# How can this help me build that RPG/MMO I've always wanted to build?
# # Answer: Let's go shopping!
# In[14]:
# Set up your purse!
purse = Counter(gold=1000, silver=500, copper=100)
# In[15]:
# Create some items in the shop
shield = {"gold": 25}
sword = {"gold": 100, "silver": 50}
tunic = {"silver": 10, "copper": 50}
# In[16]:
# Let's make some purchases
# In[17]:
# Buy the sword.
# In[18]:
# Get the tunic too
# In[19]:
# Buy a castle!
castle = {"gold": 50_000, "silver": 10_000, "copper": 350}
purse # whoops
# In[20]:
# New in 3.10 # -> Should sum all the values.
# In[ ]:
# or ...
debt = sum(purse.values())
print(f"We owe {debt:,}!")
# In[ ]:
purse.clear() # reset!
# ## Resources
# - Python Collections:
# - HTML Parser:
# - The 2013 version of this talk:
# - Sample Code:
# ### Other collections goodies!
# - ChainMap
# - deque
# - namedtuple
# - defaultdict
# - OrderedDict
# - UserDict, UserList, UserString
# # Thank you!
# Questions?
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Thank you for sharing this code.
Can you update the download links? It seems like broken.

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