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Last active January 23, 2021 18:26
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Genesis Page Template displaying posts by year. Inspired by Alex Sexton's blog archives: and built using code modified from Joe Mar Aparecio:
* Custom Blog Loop for Bradonomics.
* Template Name: Bradonomics Blog
//* Remove standard post content output
remove_action( 'genesis_loop', 'genesis_do_loop' );
//* Add Page Title and Content
add_action( 'genesis_loop', 'genesis_standard_loop', 5 );
//* Add custom archive output
add_action( 'genesis_loop', 'bradonomics_blog_template' );
function bradonomics_blog_template() {
$post_items = new WP_Query( array(
'post_type'=> 'post',
'showposts' => '-1',
'order' => 'DESC',
'orderby' => 'date'
$set_year = '';
while( $post_items->have_posts()) : $post_items->the_post();
if( $set_year == '' ){
$set_year = get_the_date(Y);
echo '<div class="wrap"><div class="group-year"><p>' . get_the_date(Y) . '</p>';
if( $set_year != get_the_date(Y) ){
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="group-year"><p>' .get_the_date(Y) . '</p>';
$set_year = get_the_date(Y);
echo '<article>';
echo '<h3><a href="'.get_the_permalink().'">'.get_the_title().'</a></h3>';
echo '<time><span class="month">' . get_the_date(M) . '</span> <span class="day">' . get_the_date(j) . '</span> <span class="year">' . get_the_date(Y) . '</span></time>';
echo '</article>';
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