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Last active September 5, 2022 20:36
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WordPress function to convert address to Lat/Long
function brrad_geocode($street_address,$city,$state){
$street_address = str_replace(" ", "+", $street_address); //google doesn't like spaces in urls, but who does?
$city = str_replace(" ", "+", $city);
$state = str_replace(" ", "+", $state);
$url = "$street_address,+$city,+$state&sensor=false";
$google_api_response = wp_remote_get( $url );
$results = json_decode( $google_api_response['body'] ); //grab our results from Google
$results = (array) $results; //cast them to an array
$status = $results["status"]; //easily use our status
$location_all_fields = (array) $results["results"][0];
$location_geometry = (array) $location_all_fields["geometry"];
$location_lat_long = (array) $location_geometry["location"];
echo "<!-- GEOCODE RESPONSE " ;
var_dump( $location_lat_long );
echo " -->";
if( $status == 'OK'){
$latitude = $location_lat_long["lat"];
$longitude = $location_lat_long["lng"];
$latitude = '';
$longitude = '';
$return = array(
'latitude' => $latitude,
'longitude' => $longitude
return $return;
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oh man thanks for this

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ghost commented May 22, 2014

This is really useful. Thanks so much.

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WOW tnx!!

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